
Our online library contains some publications, thanks to which programming will have no secrets from you. The books included here will introduce you to such languages as HTML, JavaScript, Python and CSS. Due to them, you will also learn how to create effective algorithms, design mobile applications or take care of the correct information architecture on websites.


Google App Engine. Tworzenie wydajnych aplikacji w Javie

Adriaan de Jonge

Od projektu do wdrożenia! Google App Engine to idealny przykład usługi PaaS (ang. Platform as a Service). W tym modelu płaci się wyłącznie za wykorzystane zasoby dostawcy. Pozwala to na budowanie niezwykle elastycznych rozwiązań informatycznych. Jednak największą zaletą z perspektywy użytkownika tego rozwiązania jest brak konieczności utrzymywania własnej infrastruktury. Niezależnie od sytuacji, będziesz zawsze przygotowany na obsłużenie dowolnie dużego ruchu, a to naprawdę się opłaca! Dzięki tej książce błyskawicznie rozpoczniesz przygodę z platformą Google App Engine. Autor pokaże Ci, jak szybko tworzyć złożone i wydajne aplikacje w chmurze Google. Zaprezentuje przełomowe techniki, pozwalające na skonstruowanie aplikacji, które są w stanie odpowiedzieć na żądanie w ciągu dwóch sekund przy tzw. zimnym uruchomieniu i w ciągu co najwyżej setek milisekund podczas normalnego działania w pozostałej części sesji. W trakcie lektury dowiesz się, jak uniknąć najczęstszych błędów, które dramatycznie pogarszają wydajność i skalowalność aplikacji w chmurze, oraz poznasz najświeższe technologie do tworzenia interfejsów użytkownika. Proces powstawania aplikacji omówiony został od podstaw - od projektowania i modelowania danych, przez bezpieczeństwo i testowanie, aż po wdrożenie. Po lekturze tej książki: swobodnie zainstalujesz aplikację na platformie Google App Engine skorzystasz z dodatkowych możliwości platformy będziesz przechowywać dane w Datastore’ach stworzysz w pełni bezpieczne rozwiązanie zagwarantujesz Twojej aplikacji najlepszą infrastrukturę! Zagwarantuj najlepszą wydajność Twojej aplikacji w każdych warunkach!


Google Cloud AI Services Quick Start Guide. Build intelligent applications with Google Cloud AI services

Arvind Ravulavaru

Cognitive services are the new way of adding intelligence to applications and services. Now we can use Artificial Intelligence as a service that can be consumed by any application or other service, to add smartness and make the end result more practical and useful.Google Cloud AI enables you to consume Artificial Intelligence within your applications, from a REST API.  Text, video and speech analysis are among the powerful machine learning features that can be used. This book is the easiest way to get started with the Google Cloud AI services suite and open up the world of smarter applications.This book will help you build a Smart Exchange, a forum application that will let you upload videos, images and perform text to speech conversions and translation services. You will use the power of Google Cloud AI Services to make our simple forum application smart by validating the images, videos, and text provided by users to Google Cloud AI Services and make sure the content which is uploaded follows the forum standards, without a human curator involvement.You will learn how to work with the Vision API, Video Intelligence API, Speech Recognition API, Cloud Language Process, and Cloud Translation API services to make your application smarter.By the end of this book, you will have a strong understanding of working with Google Cloud AI Services, and be well on the way to building smarter applications.


Google Cloud Associate Cloud Engineer Certification and Implementation Guide. Master the deployment, management, and monitoring of Google Cloud solutions

Agnieszka Koziorowska, Wojciech Marusiak

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is a leading cloud provider, helping companies and users worldwide to solve the most challenging business issues. This book will teach cloud engineers working with GCP how to implement, configure, and secure cloud environment, and help students gain confidence in utilizing various GCP services.The book begins by introducing you to Google Cloud and the ACE exam, including various resources that can help you pass. The next set of chapters will help you explore the various compute options in Google Cloud, such as Google Kubernetes Engine and Google Compute Engine. As you advance, you'll gain a clear understanding of the essence of the cloud, including networking and storage, as well as the data analytics products that Google Cloud provides. The chapters also cover key topics such as monitoring, logging, diagnostics, and price estimation along with the most crucial of subjects, security, with a particular focus on identity and access management. Finally, you'll be given the chance to test your newfound knowledge with the help of two mock exams.By the end of this book, you’ll have learned the difference between various Google Cloud Platform services, along with specific use cases, and be able to implement these services with the GCP console and command-line utilities.


Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect. Wprowadzenie do platformy i materiały egzaminacyjne. Wydanie II

Soumen Chatterjee

Chmura obliczeniowa jest rozwiązaniem niezawodnym i zapewniającym wysoki poziom bezpieczeństwa systemu. Nowoczesne rozwiązania tego rodzaju charakteryzują się dużą elastycznością i skalowalnością, pozwalają na budowę i rozbudowę aplikacji, monitorowanie ich pracy oraz zarządzanie nimi, jak również bazami danych i innymi usługami w sposób globalny. Spośród chmur obliczeniowych jedne z najciekawszych i najbardziej innowacyjnych rozwiązań oferuje Google. Aby jednak optymalnie wykorzystać potencjał chmury Google, trzeba dysponować odpowiednią wiedzą i umiejętnościami. Certyfikat Google nadawany profesjonalistom gwarantuje odpowiedni poziom kompetencji. Ta książka pomoże Ci w uzyskaniu certyfikatu profesjonalisty Google (GCP) w specjalności architekta chmury Google. Znajdziesz tu wszystkie niezbędne materiały, dzięki którym przygotujesz się do egzaminu. Swoją wiedzę będziesz mógł skontrolować za pomocą stu przykładowych pytań sprawdzających. Jeśli nie planujesz zdobycia GCP, zyskasz głęboką wiedzę dotyczącą platformy Google Cloud. Nauczysz się projektować rozwiązania chmurowe, wdrażać je i zarządzać nimi w sposób zapewniający wysoką niezawodność i bezpieczeństwo systemu. Znajdziesz tu również informacje dotyczące maszyn wirtualnych, przechowywania, transferu i migracji danych, a także narzędzi niezbędnych do zarządzania internetem rzeczy (IoT), uczenia maszynowego i budowania aplikacji do specyficznych zastosowań biznesowych. W tej książce między innymi: wprowadzenie do platformy Google Cloud projektowanie i wdrażanie architektury rozwiązań chmurowych zarządzanie bezpieczeństwem i tożsamością w chmurze Google analiza i optymalizacja procesów technicznych i biznesowych przyszłość platformy Google Cloud Chmura Google: nowy paradygmat architektury najlepszych systemów IT!


Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Developer Exam Guide. Modernize your applications using cloud-native services and best practices

Sebastian Moreno

Google Cloud Platform is one of the three major cloud providers in the industry, exhibiting great leadership in application modernization and data management. This book provides a comprehensive introduction for those who are new to cloud development and shows you how to use the tools to create cloud-native applications by integrating the technologies used by Google.The book starts by taking you through the basic programming concepts and security fundamentals necessary for developing in Google Cloud. You'll then discover best practices for developing and deploying applications in the cloud using different components offered by Google Cloud Platform such as Cloud Functions, Google App Engine, Cloud Run, and other GCP technologies. As you advance, you'll learn the basics of cloud storage and choosing the best options for storing different kinds of data as well as understand what site reliability engineers do. In the last part, you'll work on a sample case study of Hip Local, a community application designed to facilitate communication between people nearby, created by the Google Cloud team.By the end of this guide, you'll have learned how to design, develop, and deploy an end-to-end application on the Google Cloud Platform.


Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Network Engineer Guide. Design, implement, manage, and secure a network architecture in Google Cloud

Maurizio Ipsale, Mirko Gilioli

Google Cloud, the public cloud platform from Google, has a variety of networking options, which are instrumental in managing a networking architecture. This book will give you hands-on experience of implementing and securing networks in Google Cloud Platform (GCP).You will understand the basics of Google Cloud infrastructure and learn to design, plan, and prototype a network on GCP. After implementing a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), you will configure network services and implement hybrid connectivity. Later, the book focuses on security, which forms an important aspect of a network. You will also get to grips with network security and learn to manage and monitor network operations in GCP. Finally, you will learn to optimize network resources and delve into advanced networking. The book also helps you to reinforce your knowledge with the help of mock tests featuring exam-like questions.By the end of this book, you will have gained a complete understanding of networking in Google Cloud and learned everything you need to pass the certification exam.


Google Cloud Digital Leader Certification Guide. A comprehensive study guide to Google Cloud concepts and technologies

Bruno Beraldo Rodrigues

To thrive in today's world, leaders and technologists must understand how technology shapes businesses. As organizations shift from self-hosted to cloud-native solutions, embracing serverless systems, strategizing data use, and defining monetization becomes imperative. The Google Cloud Digital Leader Certification Guide lays a solid foundation of industry knowledge, focused on the Google Cloud platform and the innovative ways in which customers leverage its technologies.The book starts by helping you grasp the essence of digital transformation within the Google Cloud context. You’ll then cover core components of the platform, such as infrastructure and application modernization, data innovation, and best practices for environment management and security. With a series of practice exam questions included, this book ensures that you build comprehensive knowledge and prepare to certify as a Google Cloud Digital Leader. Going beyond the exam essentials, you’ll also explore how companies are modernizing infrastructure, data ecosystems, and teams in order to capitalize on new market opportunities through platform expertise, best practices, and real-world scenarios.By the end of this book, you'll have learned everything you need to pass the Google Cloud Digital Leader certification exam and have a reference guide for future requirements.


Google Cloud for DevOps Engineers. A practical guide to SRE and achieving Google's Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer certification

Sandeep Madamanchi

DevOps is a set of practices that help remove barriers between developers and system administrators, and is implemented by Google through site reliability engineering (SRE).With the help of this book, you'll explore the evolution of DevOps and SRE, before delving into SRE technical practices such as SLA, SLO, SLI, and error budgets that are critical to building reliable software faster and balance new feature deployment with system reliability. You'll then explore SRE cultural practices such as incident management and being on-call, and learn the building blocks to form SRE teams. The second part of the book focuses on Google Cloud services to implement DevOps via continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD). You'll learn how to add source code via Cloud Source Repositories, build code to create deployment artifacts via Cloud Build, and push it to Container Registry. Moving on, you'll understand the need for container orchestration via Kubernetes, comprehend Kubernetes essentials, apply via Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), and secure the GKE cluster. Finally, you'll explore Cloud Operations to monitor, alert, debug, trace, and profile deployed applications.By the end of this SRE book, you'll be well-versed with the key concepts necessary for gaining Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer certification with the help of mock tests.


Google Cloud Platform Administration. Design highly available, scalable, and secure cloud solutions on GCP

Ranjit Singh Thakurratan

On-premise data centers are costly to manage. If you need a data center but don’t want to deal with a physical one, Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is the solution. With GCP, you can build, test, and deploy applications on Google’s infrastructure. Google Cloud Platform Administration begins with GCP fundamentals, with the help of which you will deploy your first app and gain an understanding of Google Cloud architecture and services. Furthermore, you will learn how to manage Compute, networking, and storage resources. As you make your way through the book, you will learn how to track and manage GCP’s usage, monitoring, and billing access control. You will also be able to manage your GCP's access and permissions. In the concluding chapters, you will explore a list of different developer tools for managing and interacting with the GCP platform. By the end of this book, you will have learned how to effectively deploy workloads on GCP.


Google Cloud Platform Cookbook. Implement, deploy, maintain, and migrate applications on Google Cloud Platform

Legorie Rajan PS

Google Cloud Platform is a cloud computing platform that offers products and services to host applications using state-of-the art infrastructure and technology. You can build and host applications and websites, store data, and analyze data on Google's scalable infrastructure. This book follows a recipe-based approach, giving you hands-on experience to make the most of Google Cloud services.This book starts with practical recipes that explain how to utilize Google Cloud's common services. Then, you'll see how to make full use of Google Cloud components such as networking, security, management, and developer tools. Next, we'll deep dive into implementing core Google Cloud services into your organization, with practical recipes on App Engine, Compute Engine, Cloud Functions, virtual networks, and Cloud Storage. Later, we'll provide recipes on implementing authentication and security, Cloud APIs, command-line management, deployment management, and the Cloud SDK. Finally, we'll cover administration and troubleshooting tasks on applications with Compute services and we'll show how to monitor your organization's efficiency with best practices.By the end of this book, you'll have an overall understanding and hands-on implementation of Google Cloud services in your organization with ease.


Google Cloud Platform for Architects. Design and manage powerful cloud solutions

Vitthal Srinivasan, Janani Ravi, Judy Raj

Using a public cloud platform was considered risky a decade ago, and unconventional even just a few years ago. Today, however, use of the public cloud is completely mainstream - the norm, rather than the exception. Several leading technology firms, including Google, have built sophisticated cloud platforms, and are locked in a fierce competition for market share.The main goal of this book is to enable you to get the best out of the GCP, and to use it with confidence and competence. You will learn why cloud architectures take the forms that they do, and this will help you become a skilled high-level cloud architect. You will also learn how individual cloud services are configured and used, so that you are never intimidated at having to build it yourself. You will also learn the right way and the right situation in which to use the important GCP services.By the end of this book, you will be able to make the most out of Google Cloud Platform design.


Google Cloud Platform for Developers. Build highly scalable cloud solutions with the power of Google Cloud Platform

Ted Hunter, Steven Porter

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) provides autoscaling compute power and distributed in-memory cache, task queues, and datastores to write, build, and deploy Cloud-hosted applications.With Google Cloud Platform for Developers, you will be able to develop and deploy scalable applications from scratch and make them globally available in almost any language. This book will guide you in designing, deploying, and managing applications running on Google Cloud. You’ll start with App Engine and move on to work with Container Engine, compute engine, and cloud functions. You’ll learn how to integrate your new applications with the various data solutions on GCP, including Cloud SQL, Bigtable, and Cloud Storage. This book will teach you how to streamline your workflow with tools such as Source Repositories, Container Builder, and StackDriver. Along the way, you’ll see how to deploy and debug services with IntelliJ, implement continuous delivery pipelines, and configure robust monitoring and alerting for your production systems.By the end of this book, you’ll be well-versed with all the development tools of Google Cloud Platform, and you’ll develop, deploy, and manage highly scalable and reliable applications.


Google Gemini for Python. Coding with Bard: Mastering Python with Google's AI Tools

Mercury Learning and Information, Oswald Campesato

This book bridges Python 3 programming and Generative AI, equipping readers with the skills to navigate both domains confidently. It starts with Python basics, covering data types, number formatting, text manipulation, loops, functions, data structures, NumPy, Pandas, conditional logic, and reserved words. You'll also learn about handling user input, managing exceptions, and working with command-line arguments.The journey continues into Generative AI, distinguishing it from Conversational AI. It introduces popular platforms and models, including Bard (now called Gemini) and its competitors, providing insights into their capabilities, strengths, weaknesses, and applications. The final chapters show how to generate various Python 3 code samples using Gemini.Understanding these concepts is crucial for modern programming and AI applications. This book transitions readers from basic Python programming to advanced AI techniques, blending theoretical knowledge with practical skills. Companion files with source code and figures enhance the learning experience, making this an essential resource for mastering Python 3 and Generative AI.


Google Maps JavaScript API Cookbook. This book will help you use the amazing resource that is Google Maps to your own ends. From showing maps on mobiles to creating GIS applications, this lively, recipe-packed guide is all you need

Alper Dincer, Balkan Uraz

Day by day, the use of location data is becoming more and more popular, and Google is one of the main game changers in this area. The Google Maps JavaScript API is one of the most functional and robust mapping APIs used among Geo developers. With Google Maps, you can build location-based apps, maps for mobile apps, visualize geospatial data, and customize your own maps.Google Maps JavaScript API Cookbook is a practical, hands-on guide that provides you with a number of clear, step-by-step recipes that will help you to unleash the capabilities of the Google Maps JavaScript API in conjunction with open source or commercial GIS servers and services through a number of practical examples of real world scenarios.This book begins by covering the essentials of including simple maps for Web and mobile, adding vector and raster layers, styling your own base maps, creating your own controls and responding to events, and including your own events.You will learn how to integrate open source or commercial GIS servers and services including ArcGIS Server, GeoServer, CartoDB, Fusion Tables, and Google Maps Engine with the Google Maps JavaScript API. You will also extend the Google Maps JavaScript API to push its capabilities to the limit with additional libraries and services including geometry, AdSense, geocoding, directions, and StreetView.This book covers everything you need to know about creating a web map or GIS applications using the Google Maps JavaScript API on multiple platforms.


Gradle Effective Implementation Guide. A must-read for Java developers, this book will bring you bang up to date in the techniques of build automation using Gradle. A fully hands-on approach makes learning natural and entertaining

Hubert Klein Ikkink, Gradle GmbH

Gradle is the next generation in build automation. It uses convention-over-configuration to provide good defaults, but is also flexible enough to be usable in every situation you encounter in daily development. Build logic is described with a powerful DSL and empowers developers to create reusable and maintainable build logic.Gradle Effective Implementation Guide is a great introduction and reference for using Gradle. The Gradle build language is explained with hands on code and practical applications. You learn how to apply Gradle in your Java, Scala or Groovy projects, integrate with your favorite IDE and how to integrate with well-known continuous integration servers.Start with the foundations and work your way through hands on examples to build your knowledge of Gradle to skyscraper heights. You will quickly learn the basics of Gradle, how to write tasks, work with files and how to use write build scripts using the Groovy DSL. Then as you develop you will be shown how to use Gradle for Java projects. Compile, package, test and deploy your applications with ease. When you've mastered the simple, move on to the sublime and integrate your code with continuous integration servers and IDEs. By the end of the Gradle Effective Implementation Guide you will be able to use Gradle in your daily development. Writing tasks, applying plugins and creating build logic will be second nature.


Gradle Effective Implementations Guide. This comprehensive guide will get you up and running with build automation using Gradle. - Second Edition

Hubert Klein Ikkink

Gradle is a project automation tool that has a wide range of applications. The basic aim of Gradle is to automate a wide variety of tasks performed by software developers, including compiling computer source code to binary code, packaging binary codes, running tests, deploying applications to production systems, and creating documentation.The book will start with the fundamentals of Gradle and introduce you to the tools that will be used in further chapters. You will learn to create and work with Gradle scripts and then see how to use Gradle to build your Java Projects. While building Java application, you will find out about other important topics such as dependency management, publishing artifacts, and integrating the application with other JVM languages such as Scala and Groovy. By the end of this book, you will be able to use Gradle in your daily development. Writing tasks, applying plugins, and creating build logic will be your second nature.


Gradle Essentials. Master the fundamentals of Gradle using real-world projects with this quick and easy-to-read guide

Kunal Dabir, Abhinandan Maheshwari

Gradle is an advanced and modern build automation tool. It inherits the best elements of the past generation of build tools, but it also differs and innovates to bring terseness, elegance, simplicity, and the flexibility to build.Right from installing Gradle and writing your first build file to creating a fully-fledged multi-module project build, this book will guide you through its topics in a step-by-step fashion.You will get your hands dirty with a simple Java project built with Gradle and go on to build web applications that are run with Jetty or Tomcat. We take a unique approach towards explaining the DSL using the Gradle API, which makes the DSL more accessible and intuitive. All in all, this book is a concise guide to help you decipher the Gradle build files, covering the essential topics that are most useful in real-world projects. With every chapter, you will learn a new topic and be able to readily implement your build files.


Graph Data Science with Neo4j. Learn how to use Neo4j 5 with Graph Data Science library 2.0 and its Python driver for your project

Estelle Scifo

Neo4j, along with its Graph Data Science (GDS) library, is a complete solution to store, query, and analyze graph data. As graph databases are getting more popular among developers, data scientists are likely to face such databases in their career, making it an indispensable skill to work with graph algorithms for extracting context information and improving the overall model prediction performance.Data scientists working with Python will be able to put their knowledge to work with this practical guide to Neo4j and the GDS library that offers step-by-step explanations of essential concepts and practical instructions for implementing data science techniques on graph data using the latest Neo4j version 5 and its associated libraries. You’ll start by querying Neo4j with Cypher and learn how to characterize graph datasets. As you get the hang of running graph algorithms on graph data stored into Neo4j, you’ll understand the new and advanced capabilities of the GDS library that enable you to make predictions and write data science pipelines. Using the newly released GDSL Python driver, you’ll be able to integrate graph algorithms into your ML pipeline.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to take advantage of the relationships in your dataset to improve your current model and make other types of elaborate predictions.


Gray Hat C#. Język C# w kontroli i łamaniu zabezpieczeń

Brandon Perry

C# to nowoczesny język programowania, który został od podstaw zaprojektowany jako obiektowy. Ta dojrzała technologia jest często wybierana przez twórców oprogramowania, również tego służącego do pokonywania zabezpieczeń systemów. Dzięki temu, że platforma .NET jest oprogramowaniem open source, w C# można pisać kod, który bez problemu będzie działał w każdym systemie operacyjnym. Co prawda język ten jest prosty i łatwy do nauczenia się, jednak dopiero gruntowna znajomość C# umożliwia efektywne tworzenie narzędzi związanych z bezpieczeństwem, służących choćby do wyszukiwania luk w infrastrukturze czy prowadzenia testów penetracyjnych. Ta książka jest przeznaczona dla specjalistów ds. bezpieczeństwa, którzy chcą korzystać z języka C# do takich zadań jak fuzzowanie, skanowanie w poszukiwaniu luk zabezpieczeń i analiza złośliwego oprogramowania. Opisano tu zarówno podstawy języka C#, jak i jego dość zaawansowane funkcje. Przedstawiono szereg bibliotek dostępnych dla tego języka. Pokazano, jak pisać kod wyszukujący luki w zabezpieczeniach i jak tworzyć eksploity. Przedstawiono sposoby korzystania z takich narzędzi jak Nessus, sqlmap i Cuckoo Sandbox. Dzięki technikom zaprezentowanym w książce administrator bezpieczeństwa bez problemu zautomatyzuje nawet najbardziej żmudne codzienne zadania! W tej książce między innymi: Podstawowe i zaawansowane funkcjonalności języka C# Generowanie kodu ładunków, również wieloplatformowych Skanery, w tym OpenVAS, Nessus i Nexpose Automatyczna identyfikacja luk umożliwiających wstrzyknięcie kodu SQL Tworzenie w C# narzędzi do inżynierii wstecznej C#. Sprawdź swój system zabezpieczeń! Brandon Perry jest programistą i gorącym zwolennikiem idei open source. Odkąd pojawiło się środowisko Mono, pisze aplikacje w języku C#. Tworzy też moduły dla frameworka Metasploit, analizuje pliki binarne i zarządza ciekawymi projektami ( Fascynuje się badaniami nad bezpieczeństwem systemów informatycznych. Chętnie dzieli się swoją wiedzą, pisze książki i pomaga innym w tworzeniu solidniejszego oprogramowania.


Green Software Engineering. Exploring Green Technology for Sustainable IT Solutions

Santiago Fontanarrosa

Embark on a transformative journey toward sustainable software engineering, exploring the vital intersection of technology and environmental responsibility. Authored by Santiago Fontanarrosa, a Green Software Foundation member with 20+ years in software engineering, this book explores practical strategies and use cases to help you assess and mitigate digital product environmental impact.Through real-world examples and hands-on experiences, you’ll gain the skills you need to craft environmentally responsible solutions aligned with green software engineering principles. As you progress, you’ll assess and optimize software architecture for sustainability within a sustainable software delivery framework schema. Beyond technical insights, the book delves into ethical implications and societal impacts, fostering a deeper understanding of the broader implications of technology usage.As you approach the conclusion, you’ll have gained the ability to comprehend, measure, and craft energy-efficient digital solutions aligned with green software engineering principles.


Groovy 2 Cookbook. Java and Groovy go together like ham and eggs, and this book is a great opportunity to learn how to exploit Groovy 2 to the full. Packed with recipes, both intermediate and advanced, it's a great way to speed up and modernize your programming

Luciano Fiandesio, Andrey Adamovich, Andrey Adamovich And Luciano Fiandesio

Get up to speed with Groovy, a language for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) that integrates features of both object-oriented and functional programming. This book will show you the powerful features of Groovy 2 applied to real-world scenarios and how the dynamic nature of the language makes it very simple to tackle problems that would otherwise require hours or days of research and implementation.Groovy 2 Cookbook contains a vast number of recipes covering many facets of today's programming landscape. From language-specific topics such as closures and metaprogramming, to more advanced applications of Groovy flexibility such as DSL and testing techniques, this book gives you quick solutions to everyday problems.The recipes in this book start from the basics of installing Groovy and running your first scripts and continue with progressively more advanced examples that will help you to take advantage of the language's amazing features.Packed with hundreds of tried-and-true Groovy recipes, Groovy 2 Cookbook includes code segments covering many specialized APIs to work with files and collections, manipulate XML, work with REST services and JSON, create asynchronous tasks, and more. But Groovy does more than just ease traditional Java development: it brings modern programming features to the Java platform like closures, duck-typing, and metaprogramming.In this new book, you'll find code examples that you can use in your projects right away along with a discussion about how and why the solution works. Focusing on what's useful and tricky, Groovy 2 Cookbook offers a wealth of useful code for all Java and Groovy programmers, not just advanced practitioners.


gRPC Go for Professionals. Implement, test, and deploy production-grade microservices

Clément Jean

In recent years, the popularity of microservice architecture has surged, bringing forth a new set of requirements. Among these, efficient communication between the different services takes center stage, and that's where gRPC shines. This book will take you through creating gRPC servers and clients in an efficient, secure, and scalable way. However, communication is just one aspect of microservices, so this book goes beyond that to show you how to deploy your application on Kubernetes and configure other tools that are needed for making your application more resilient. With these tools at your disposal, you’ll be ready to get started with using gRPC in a microservice architecture.In gRPC Go for Professionals, you'll explore core concepts such as message transmission and the role of Protobuf in serialization and deserialization. Through a step-by-step implementation of a TODO list API, you’ll see the different features of gRPC in action. You’ll then learn different approaches for testing your services and debugging your API endpoints. Finally, you’ll get to grips with deploying the application services via Docker images and Kubernetes.