
Our online library contains some publications, thanks to which programming will have no secrets from you. The books included here will introduce you to such languages as HTML, JavaScript, Python and CSS. Due to them, you will also learn how to create effective algorithms, design mobile applications or take care of the correct information architecture on websites.

#AgileKtóryDziała. Pracuj zwinnie i skutecznie

Michał Dusiński, Tomasz Borowiec

AI - podejście pragmatyczne

Noah Gift

AI Blueprints. How to build and deploy AI business projects

Dr. Joshua Eckroth

AJAX i PHP. Tworzenie interaktywnych aplikacji internetowych. Wydanie II

Audra Hendrix, Cristian Darie, Bogdan Brinzarea-Iamandi

Ajax on Java

Steven Olson

Ajax on Rails

Scott Raymond

Ajax. Wzorce projektowe

Michael Mahemoff

Akka Cookbook. Recipes for concurrent, fast, and reactive applications

Piyush Mishra, Vivek Mishra, Héctor Veiga Ortiz

Alfresco One 5.x Developer's Guide. Click here to enter text. - Second Edition

Benjamin Chevallereau, Jeff Potts

Algorithmic Short Selling with Python. Refine your algorithmic trading edge, consistently generate investment ideas, and build a robust long/short product

Laurent Bernut, Michael Covel

Algorytmika dla studenta i technika programisty INF.04

Jerzy Kluczewski


Maciej Sysło

Algorytmy. Almanach

Stanley Selkow, George Heineman, Gary Pollice

Algorytmy. Ćwiczenia

Bogdan Buczek

Algorytmy Data Science. Siedmiodniowy przewodnik. Wydanie II

David Natingga

Algorytmy dla bystrzaków

John Paul Mueller, Luca Massaron