
Nasza biblioteka online zawiera szereg publikacji, dzięki którym programowanie nie będzie mieć przed Tobą żadnych tajemnic. Zawarte tu książki przybliżą Ci takie języki jak HTML, JavaScript, Python czy CSS. Dowiesz się dzięki nim także tego, jak tworzyć efektywne algorytmy, projektować aplikacje mobilne, czy dbać o poprawną architekturę informacji w serwisach internetowych.

Functional Programming with C#. Unlock coding brilliance with the power of functional magic

Alex Yagur

Functional Python Programming. Create succinct and expressive implementations with functional programming in Python

Steven F. Lott

Functional Python Programming. Discover the power of functional programming, generator functions, lazy evaluation, the built-in itertools library, and monads - Second Edition

Steven F. Lott

Functional Python Programming. Use a functional approach to write succinct, expressive, and efficient Python code - Third Edition

Steven F. Lott, Ricardo Bánffy

Fundamentals for Self-Taught Programmers. Embark on your software engineering journey without exhaustive courses and bulky tutorials

Jasmine Greenaway

FusionCharts Beginner's Guide: The Official Guide for FusionCharts Suite. Create interactive charts in JavaScript (HTML5) and Flash for your web and enterprise applications with this book and

Sanket Nadhani, Pallav Nadhani, Shamasis Bhattacharya

Game Audio Development with Unity 5.X. Design a blockbuster game soundtrack with Unity 5.X

Micheal Lanham

Game Development Patterns and Best Practices. Better games, less hassle

John P. Doran, Matt Casanova

Game Development Patterns with Unreal Engine 5. Build maintainable and scalable systems with C++ and Blueprint

Stuart Butler, Tom Oliver, Christopher J. Headleand

Game Development with Blender and Godot. Leverage the combined power of Blender and Godot for building a point-and-click adventure game

Kumsal Obuz

Game Development with Three.js. With Three.js you can create sophisticated 3D games that run in the web browser. This book is aimed at both the professional game designer and the enthusiast with a step by step approach including lots of tips and examples

Isaac Sukin

Game Development with Unity for .NET Developers. The ultimate guide to creating games with Unity and Microsoft Game Stack

Jiadong Chen, Ed Price

Game Physics Cookbook. Discover over 100 easy-to-follow recipes to help you implement efficient game physics and collision detection in your games

Gabor Szauer

Game Programming using Qt 5 Beginner's Guide. Create amazing games with Qt 5, C++, and Qt Quick - Second Edition

Pavel Vladimirovich Strakhov

Game Programming Using Qt: Beginner's Guide. A complete guide to designing and building fun games with Qt and Qt Quick 2 using associated toolsets

Lorenz Haas, Witold Wysota, Witold Wysota, Lorenz Haas

Game Testing. Mastering the Art of Quality Assurance in Game Development

Mercury Learning and Information, Robert Denton Bryant