
Nasza biblioteka online zawiera szereg publikacji, dzięki którym programowanie nie będzie mieć przed Tobą żadnych tajemnic. Zawarte tu książki przybliżą Ci takie języki jak HTML, JavaScript, Python czy CSS. Dowiesz się dzięki nim także tego, jak tworzyć efektywne algorytmy, projektować aplikacje mobilne, czy dbać o poprawną architekturę informacji w serwisach internetowych.

Designing Production-Grade and Large-Scale IoT Solutions. A comprehensive and practical guide to implementing end-to-end IoT solutions

Mohamed Abdelaziz

Designing Professional Websites with Odoo Website Builder. Create and customize state-of-the-art websites and e-commerce apps for your modern business needs

Sainu Nannat

Designing Purpose-Built Drones for Ardupilot Pixhawk 2.1. Build drones with Ardupilot

Ty Audronis

Developer Career Masterplan. Build your path to senior level and beyond with practical insights from industry experts

Heather VanCura, Bruno Souza, Ed Burns

Developing Blockchain Solutions in the Cloud. Design and develop blockchain-powered Web3 apps on AWS, Azure, and GCP

Stefano Tempesta, Michael John Pena

Developing High-Frequency Trading Systems. Learn how to implement high-frequency trading from scratch with C++ or Java basics

Sebastien Donadio, Sourav Ghosh, Romain Rossier

Developing IoT Projects with ESP32. Unlock the full Potential of ESP32 in IoT development to create production-grade smart devices - Second Edition

Vedat Ozan Oner

Developing Java Applications with Spring and Spring Boot. Practical Spring and Spring Boot solutions for building effective applications

Claudio Eduardo de Oliveira, Alex Antonov

Developing Kaggle Notebooks. Pave your way to becoming a Kaggle Notebooks Grandmaster

Gabriel Preda, D. Sculley, Anthony Goldbloom

Developing Middleware in Java EE 8. Build robust middleware solutions using the latest technologies and trends

Abdalla Mahmoud

Developing Mobile Web ArcGIS Applications. Learn to build your own engaging and immersive geographic applications with ArcGIS

Matt Sheehan, Matthew Sheehan

Developing Multi-Platform Apps with Visual Studio Code. Get up and running with VS Code by building multi-platform, cloud-native, and microservices-based apps

Ovais Mehboob Ahmed Khan, Khusro Habib, Chris Dias

Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure AZ-204 Exam Guide. A comprehensive guide to passing the AZ-204 exam - Second Edition

Paul Ivey, Alex Ivanov

DevOps Adoption Strategies: Principles, Processes, Tools, and Trends. Embracing DevOps through effective culture, people, and processes

Martyn Coupland

DevOps Bootcamp. The fastest way to learn DevOps

Mitesh Soni

DevOps: Continuous Delivery, Integration, and Deployment with DevOps. Dive into the core DevOps strategies

Sricharan Vadapalli

DevOps dla bystrzaków

Emily Freeman

DevOps for Databases. A practical guide to applying DevOps best practices to data-persistent technologies

David Jambor

DevOps for Networking. Bringing Network Automation into DevOps culture

Steven Armstrong

DevOps for Serverless Applications. Design, deploy, and monitor your serverless applications using DevOps practices

Shashikant Bangera

DevOps for Web Development. Click here to enter text

Mitesh Soni

DevOps Paradox. The truth about DevOps by the people on the front line

Viktor Farcic

DevOps Unleashed with Git and GitHub. Automate, collaborate, and innovate to enhance your DevOps workflow and development experience

Yuki Hattori, Isabel Drost-Fromm