
Nasza biblioteka online zawiera szereg publikacji, dzięki którym programowanie nie będzie mieć przed Tobą żadnych tajemnic. Zawarte tu książki przybliżą Ci takie języki jak HTML, JavaScript, Python czy CSS. Dowiesz się dzięki nim także tego, jak tworzyć efektywne algorytmy, projektować aplikacje mobilne, czy dbać o poprawną architekturę informacji w serwisach internetowych.

Feature Engineering for Modern Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn. Mastering data preparation and transformation for robust ML models

Cuantum Technologies LLC

Feature Engineering Made Easy. Identify unique features from your dataset in order to build powerful machine learning systems

Sinan Ozdemir, Divya Susarla

Final Cut Pro Efficient Editing. A step-by-step guide to smart video editing with FCP 10.6

Iain Anderson

Finanse i Python. Łagodne wprowadzenie do teorii finansów

Yves Hilpisch

Finite Element Analysis. An Introductory Guide to FEM Techniques and Applications

Mercury Learning and Information, Sarhan M. Musa

FinOps Handbook for Microsoft Azure. Empowering teams to optimize their Azure cloud spend with FinOps best practices

Maulik Soni

Firebase Cookbook. Over 70 recipes to help you create real-time web and mobile applications with Firebase

Houssem Yahiaoui

Flash i Wallaby. Projektowanie animacji zgodnych z HTML5

Ian L. McLean

Flask Blueprints. Dive into the world of the Flask microframework to develop an array of web applications

Joel Perras

Flask By Example. Unleash the full potential of the Flask web framework by creating simple yet powerful web applications

Gareth Dwyer

Flask Framework Cookbook. Enhance your Flask skills with advanced techniques and build dynamic, responsive web applications - Third Edition

Shalabh Aggarwal

Flask Framework Cookbook. Over 80 hands-on recipes to help you create small-to-large web applications using Flask

Flask Framework Cookbook. Over 80 proven recipes and techniques for Python web development with Flask - Second Edition

Shalabh Aggarwal

Flask. Tworzenie aplikacji internetowych w Pythonie. Wydanie II

Miguel Grinberg

Flowchart and Algorithm Basics. Learn the Art of Programming through this Guide to Selection, Looping, Arrays, and File Processing

Mercury Learning and Information, A. B. Chaudhuri

Flutter Cookbook. 100+ step-by-step recipes for building cross-platform, professional-grade apps with Flutter 3.10.x and Dart 3.x - Second Edition

Simone Alessandria

Flutter for Beginners. Cross-platform mobile development from Hello, World! to app release with Flutter 3.10+ and Dart 3.x - Third Edition

Thomas Bailey, Alessandro Biessek, Trevor Wills

Flutter i Dart. Receptury. Tworzenie chmurowych aplikacji full stack

Richard Rose

Flutter. Podstawy

Krzysztof Baranowski

Flux Architecture. Design and Build Modern JavaScript Web Applications

Adam Boduch Enterprise Architecture. Architect and deliver packaged applications that cater to enterprise business needs - Second Edition

Andrew Fawcett Enterprise Architecture. Blend industry best practices to architect and deliver packaged applications that cater to enterprise business needs

Andrew Fawcett

Forecasting Time Series Data with Facebook Prophet. Build, improve, and optimize time series forecasting models using the advanced forecasting tool

Greg Rafferty

FPGA Programming for Beginners. Bring your ideas to life by creating hardware designs and electronic circuits with SystemVerilog

Frank Bruno