
Nasza biblioteka online zawiera szereg publikacji, dzięki którym programowanie nie będzie mieć przed Tobą żadnych tajemnic. Zawarte tu książki przybliżą Ci takie języki jak HTML, JavaScript, Python czy CSS. Dowiesz się dzięki nim także tego, jak tworzyć efektywne algorytmy, projektować aplikacje mobilne, czy dbać o poprawną architekturę informacji w serwisach internetowych.

Mastering OpenLayers 3. Create powerful applications with the most robust open source web mapping library using this advanced guide

Gábor Farkas

Mastering OpenStack. Design, deploy, and manage a scalable OpenStack infrastructure

Omar Khedher

Mastering OpenStack. Design, deploy, and manage clouds in mid to large IT infrastructures - Second Edition

Omar Khedher, Chandan Dutta

Mastering OpenStack. Implement the latest techniques for designing and deploying an operational, production-ready private cloud - Third Edition

Omar Khedher

Mastering pandas. A complete guide to pandas, from installation to advanced data analysis techniques - Second Edition

Ashish Kumar

Mastering PhoneGap Mobile Application Development. Take your PhoneGap experience to the next level and create engaging real-world applications

Kerri Shotts, Kerri Shotts

Mastering PHP Design Patterns. Click here to enter text

Junade Ali

Mastering PostCSS for Web Design. Explore the power of PostCSS to write highly performing, modular, and modern CSS code for your web pages

Alex Libby

Mastering Predictive Analytics with R. Master the craft of predictive modeling by developing strategy, intuition, and a solid foundation in essential concepts

Rui Miguel Forte, Rui Miguel Forte

Mastering Predictive Analytics with scikit-learn and TensorFlow. Implement machine learning techniques to build advanced predictive models using Python

Alvaro Fuentes

Mastering Prometheus. Gain expert tips to monitoring your infrastructure, applications, and services

William Hegedus

Mastering Proxmox. Build virtualized environments using the Proxmox VE hypervisor - Third Edition

Wasim Ahmed

Mastering Proxmox. Master Proxmox VE to effectively implement server virtualization technology within your network

Wasim Ahmed

Mastering Puppet 5. Optimize enterprise-grade environment performance with Puppet

Ryan Russell-Yates, Jason Southgate

Mastering Puppet. Master Puppet for configuration management of your systems in an enterprise deployment - Second Edition

Thomas Uphill

Mastering PyCharm. Use PyCharm with fluid efficiency to write idiomatic python code

Nafiul Islam

Mastering Python Design Patterns. A guide to creating smart, efficient, and reusable software - Second Edition

Kamon Ayeva, Sakis Kasampalis

Mastering Python Design Patterns. Craft essential Python patterns by following core design principles - Third Edition

Kamon Ayeva, Sakis Kasampalis

Mastering Python Design Patterns. Start learning Python programming to a better standard by mastering the art of Python design patterns

Sakis Kasampalis

Mastering Python for Data Science. Explore the world of data science through Python and learn how to make sense of data

Samir Madhavan

Mastering Python for Finance. Implement advanced state-of-the-art financial statistical applications using Python - Second Edition

James Ma Weiming

Mastering Python for Finance. Understand, design, and implement state-of-the-art mathematical and statistical applications used in finance with Python

WEIMING MA, James Ma Weiming

Mastering Python for Networking and Security. Leverage Python scripts and libraries to overcome networking and security issues

José Manuel Ortega