
Nasza biblioteka online zawiera szereg publikacji, dzięki którym programowanie nie będzie mieć przed Tobą żadnych tajemnic. Zawarte tu książki przybliżą Ci takie języki jak HTML, JavaScript, Python czy CSS. Dowiesz się dzięki nim także tego, jak tworzyć efektywne algorytmy, projektować aplikacje mobilne, czy dbać o poprawną architekturę informacji w serwisach internetowych.

Mongoose for Application Development. Mongoose streamlines application development on the Node.js stack and this book is the ideal guide to both the concepts and practical application. From connecting to a database to re-usable plugins, it's all here

Simon Holmes

Monkey Game Development: Beginner's Guide. Create monetized 2d games deployable to almost any platform with this book and

Michael Hartlef

MonoGame. Podstawowe koncepcje grafiki 3D

Damian Kaniewski, Tomasz Dziubak, Jacek Matulewski

Multi-Cloud Administration Guide. Manage and Optimize Cloud Resources across Azure, AWS, GCP, and Alibaba Cloud

Mercury Learning and Information, Jeroen Mulder

Multi-Cloud Architecture and Governance. Leverage Azure, AWS, GCP, and VMware vSphere to build effective multi-cloud solutions

Jeroen Mulder

Multi-Cloud Handbook for Developers. Learn how to design and manage cloud-native applications in AWS, Azure, GCP, and more

Subash Natarajan, Jeveen Jacob

Multithreading in C# 5.0 Cookbook. Multithreaded programming can seem overwhelming but this book clarifies everything through its cookbook approach. Packed with practical tasks, it's the quick and easy way to start delving deep into the power of multithreading in C#

Evgenii Agafonov

Multithreading with C# Cookbook. Quick answers to common problems - Second Edition

Evgenii Agafonov

MVVM i XAML w Visual Studio 2015

Jacek Matulewski

MySQL. Darmowa baza danych. Ćwiczenia praktyczne. Wydanie II

Marcin Lis

MySQL for Python. Integrating MySQL and Python can bring a whole new level of productivity to your applications. This practical tutorial shows you how with examples and explanations that clarify even the most difficult concepts

Albert Lukaszewski

MySQL. Leksykon kieszonkowy. Wydanie II

George Reese

MySQL. Mechanizmy wewnętrzne bazy danych

Sasha Pachev

MySQL. Vademecum profesjonalisty. Wydanie V

Paul DuBois

Myśl w języku Java! Nauka programowania

Allen B. Downey, Chris Mayfield

Myśl w języku Java! Nauka programowania. Wydanie II

Allen B. Downey, Chris Mayfield

Myśl w języku Python! Nauka programowania. Wydanie II

Allen B. Downey

Myślenie obiektowe w programowaniu. Wydanie IV

Matt Weisfeld

Myślenie obiektowe w programowaniu. Wydanie V

Matt Weisfeld

Nagios Core Administration Cookbook. The ideal book for System Administrators who want to move their network monitoring to an advanced level. This book covers the powerful features and flexibility of Nagios Core, and its recipes can be applied to virtually any network

Tom Ryder

Najlepsze praktyki w Kubernetes. Jak budować udane aplikacje

Brendan Burns, Eddie Villalba, Dave Strebel, Lachlan Evenson

NativeScript for Angular Mobile Development. Creating dynamic mobile apps for iOS and Android

Nathan Walker, Nathanael J. Anderson

Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics. A practical guide to text analysis with Python, Gensim, spaCy, and Keras

Bhargav Srinivasa-Desikan

Natural Language Processing Fundamentals. Build intelligent applications that can interpret the human language to deliver impactful results

Sohom Ghosh, Dwight Gunning