Programowanie gier


Blueprints Visual Scripting for Unreal Engine 5. Unleash the true power of Blueprints to create impressive games and applications in UE5 - Third Edition

Marcos Romero, Brenden Sewell, Luis Cataldi

Unreal Engine's Blueprint visual scripting system enables designers to script their games and programmers to create base elements that can be extended by designers. With this book, you'll explore all the features of the Blueprint Editor, along with expert tips, shortcuts, and best practices.The book guides you through using variables, macros, and functions, and helps you learn about object-oriented programming (OOP). You'll discover the Gameplay Framework and advance to learning how Blueprint Communication allows one Blueprint to access information from another Blueprint. Later chapters focus on building a fully functional game step by step. You'll start with a basic first-person shooter (FPS) template, and each chapter will build on the prototype to create an increasingly complex and robust game experience. You'll then progress from creating basic shooting mechanics to more complex systems such as user interface elements and intelligent enemy behavior. The book demonstrates how to use arrays, maps, enums, and vector operations and introduces the elements needed for VR game development. In the final chapters, you’ll learn how to implement procedural generation and create a product configurator.By the end of this book, you'll have learned how to build a fully functional game and have the skills required to develop an entertaining experience for your audience.


Blueprints Visual Scripting for Unreal Engine. The faster way to build games using UE4 Blueprints - Second Edition

Marcos Romero, Brenden Sewell

Blueprints is the visual scripting system in Unreal Engine that enables programmers to create baseline systems and can be extended by designers.This book helps you explore all the features of the Blueprint Editor and guides you through using Variables, Macros, and Functions. You’ll also learn about object-oriented programming (OOP) and discover the Gameplay Framework. In addition to this, you’ll learn how Blueprint Communication allows one Blueprint to access information from another Blueprint. Later chapters will focus on building a fully functional game using a step-by-step approach. You’ll start with a basic first-person shooter (FPS) template, and each chapter will build on the prototype to create an increasingly complex and robust game experience. You’ll then progress from creating basic shooting mechanics to more complex systems, such as user interface elements and intelligent enemy behavior. The skills you will develop using Blueprints can also be employed in other gaming genres. In the concluding chapters, the book demonstrates how to use arrays, maps, enums, and vector operations. Finally, you’ll learn how to build a basic VR game.By the end of this book, you’ll have learned how to build a fully functional game and will have the skills required to develop an entertaining experience for your audience.


Building Games with Flutter. The ultimate guide to creating multiplatform games using the Flame engine in Flutter 3

Paul Teale

With its powerful tools and quick implementation capabilities, Flutter provides a new way to build scalable cross-platform apps. In this book, you'll learn how to build on your knowledge and use Flutter as the foundation for creating games.This game development book takes a hands-on approach to building a complete game from scratch. You'll see how to get started with the Flame library and build a simple animated example to test Flame. You'll then discover how to organize and load images and audio in your Flutter game. As you advance, you'll gain insights into the game loop and set it up for fast and efficient processing. The book also guides you in using Tiled to create maps, add sprites to the maps that the player can interact with, and see how to use tilemap collision to create paths for a player to walk on. Finally, you'll learn how to make enemies more intelligent with artificial intelligence (AI).By the end of the book, you'll have gained the confidence to build fun multiplatform games with Flutter.


C++ Game Development By Example. Learn to build games and graphics with SFML, OpenGL, and Vulkan using C++ programming

Siddharth Shekar

Although numerous languages are currently being used to develop games, C++ remains the standard for fabricating expert libraries and tool chains for game development. This book introduces you to the world of game development with C++.C++ Game Development By Example starts by touching upon the basic concepts of math, programming, and computer graphics and creating a simple side-scrolling action 2D game. You'll build a solid foundation by studying basic game concepts such as creating game loops, rendering 2D game scenes using SFML, 2D sprite creation and animation, and collision detection. The book will help you advance to creating a 3D physics puzzle game using modern OpenGL and the Bullet physics engine. You'll understand the graphics pipeline, which entails creating 3D objects using vertex and index buffers and rendering them to the scene using vertex and fragment shaders. Finally, you'll create a basic project using the Vulkan library that'll help you get to grips with creating swap chains, image views, render passes, and frame buffers for building high-performance graphics in your games.By the end of this book, you’ll be ready with 3 compelling projects created with SFML, the Vulkan API, and OpenGL, and you'll be able take your game and graphics programming skills to the next level.


Cinematic Photoreal Environments in Unreal Engine 5. Create captivating worlds and unleash the power of cinematic tools without coding

Giovanni Visai

As Unreal Engine 5 continues to conquer all industries thanks to its real-time technology, UE skills are becoming more sought after than ever. This three-part book covers all the processes behind the creation of a stunning environment in UE 5.Starting with the steps for installing the game engine and learning about its potential, you’ll quickly progress toward generating a variety of different upwards scaling outputs, each bigger than the previous one. After completing the first part and getting realistic shots of a single object, you’ll delve into the world of landscapes, procedural material and foliage, the Landmass plugin, and water tools by creating an environment using Megascan assets. At this point, you’ll know everything you need to create a fascinating and realistic environment. The final part of this book will teach you how to craft cinematic shots by working with cinematic tools, post processing, and framing tools, and by rendering a photorealistic shot in the last chapter.By the end of this Unreal Engine book, you'll be able to create outstanding and realistic environments using the powerful tools provided by UE as well as have an understanding of the importance of filming and composition in world building.


Code with me. Zostań game developerem

Krzysztof Pianta

Projektuj, programuj, promuj! Zostań twórcą gier komputerowych! Nie zaglądaj tu, nie warto! Stracisz tylko czas, na sto procent nie dowiesz się niczego ciekawego, znudzisz się i będziesz rozczarowany, bo... z pewnością nie chcesz dołączyć do prawdziwej elity programistów, zdobyć poszukiwanych na rynku umiejętności, nauczyć się czegoś naprawdę ekscytującego ani uzyskać wpływu na jedną z najdynamiczniej rozwijających się gałęzi przemysłu komputerowego, prawda? Jeśli jednak mocno pragniesz zostać twórcą gier komputerowych, dobrze trafiłeś! Ta książka powstała właśnie z myślą o tych, którzy chcą rozpocząć karierę profesjonalnego game developera. Bezboleśnie wprowadzi Cię w zagadnienia związane z tworzeniem gier sieciowych 2D w językach: HTML5, PHP i MySQL. Nauczysz się projektować oprogramowanie, dbać o jakość rozwiązania, opracowywać niezbędne materiały graficzne i dźwiękowe, a nawet promować i sprzedawać swoje dzieło. Niszczenie terenu jak w grach Worms i Soldat Scrollowanie obrazu (kamera 2D) Pseudooświetlenie (2D lighting) Manipulowanie pikselami (getImageData) i proste efekty, na przykład blur (rozmycie) Różne typy kolizji, perfekcyjna kolizja (pixel perfect collision) System cząsteczek (efekty 2D): efekt gwiezdny (starfield effect), deszcz, śnieg, deszcz 3D, mgła lub dym NW.js (node-webkit) Rysowanie prostych kształtów, obrazków i sprite'ów Własny loader plików Grawitacja Menu obsługiwane za pomocą klawiatury lub myszy Zrób pierwszy krok na drodze do profesjonalnej kariery!