Programowanie gier

Mastering Cocos2d Game Development. Master game development with Cocos2d to develop amazing mobile games for iOS

Alex Ogorek

Mastering CryENGINE. Raise your CryENGINE capabilities even higher with this superb guide. It will take you into a world of advanced features and amazing possibilities, teaching best practices and Lua scripting for sophisticated gameplay along the way

Michelle Martin

Mastering GitLab 12. Implement DevOps culture and repository management solutions

Joost Evertse

Mastering LibGDX Game Development. Leverage the power of LibGDX to create a fully functional, customizable RPG game for your own commercial title

Patrick Hoey

Mastering Oculus Rift Development. The next frontier of gaming and simulation

Jack Donovan

Mastering SFML Game Development. Inject new life and light into your old SFML projects by advancing to the next level

Raimondas Pupius

Mastering UI Development with Unity. An in-depth guide to developing engaging user interfaces with Unity 5, Unity 2017, and Unity 2018

Ashley Godbold

Mastering Unity 2017 Game Development with C#. Create professional games with solid gameplay features and professional-grade workflow - Second Edition

Alan Thorn