Game programming

Creating E-Learning Games with Unity. Develop your own 3D e-learning game using gamification, systems design, and gameplay programming techniques

David Horachek

Creative Greenfoot. Build engaging interactive applications, games, and simulations using Java and Greenfoot

Michael Haungs

Creative Motion Mastery with Adobe After Effects. Learn the ins and outs of motion graphics, post-production, rotoscoping, and VFX

Vishu Aggarwal

CryENGINE 3 Game Development: Beginner's Guide. Discover how to use the CryENGINE 3 free SDK, the next-generation, real-time game development tool with this book and

Sean Tracy, Paul Reindell, Sean P Tracy (USD)

CRYENGINE Game Development Blueprints. Perfect the art of creating CRYENGINE games through exciting, hands-on game development projects

Sam Howels, Richard G Marcoux, Riham Mohamed F Aly Aly Toulan, Samuel Howels, ...

Dotknij i przeciągnij. Projektowanie gier na ekrany dotykowe

Scott Rogers

Dynamic Story Scripting with the ink Scripting Language. Create dialogue and procedural storytelling systems for Unity projects

Daniel Cox