Основи інтернету

Internet. Kurs. Wydanie III

Maria Sokół

Internet od podstaw

Norbert Kwaśniak

Internet. Pierwsza pomoc. Wydanie II

Maria Sokół

Internet również dla seniora

Karol Zwierzchowski, Jakub Hewig, Marek Smyczek

Jak mądrze i bezpiecznie kupować w internecie?

Jagoda Kowalczyk, Artur Weber, Martyna Komorniczak, Andrzej Jabłoński

Jak pozostać anonimowym w sieci

Radosław Sokół

JavaScript Unlocked. Improve your code maintainability, performance, and security through practical expert insights and unlock the full potential of JavaScript

Dmitry Sheiko, John Pollock, Simon Timms

Joomla! 4 Masterclass. A practitioner’s guide to building rich and modern websites using the brand-new features of Joomla 4

Luca Marzo, Anja de Crom

Laptop również dla seniora

Paweł Stych, Arkadiusz Gaweł, Marek Smyczek

Laura Ipsum. Niezwykła wędrówka po Userlandii - przedziwnej krainie informatyki

Carlos Bueno

Learn React with TypeScript. A beginner's guide to reactive web development with React 18 and TypeScript - Second Edition

Carl Rippon

Learning Bing Maps API. Bing Maps are a great resource and very versatile when you know how. And this book will show you how, covering everything from embedding on a web page to customizing with your own styles and geo-data

Artan Sinani

Mastering Blockchain. A technical reference guide to the inner workings of blockchain, from cryptography to DeFi and NFTs - Fourth Edition

Imran Bashir

Network Architect's Handbook. An expert-led journey to building a successful career as a network architect

Alim H. Ali, Steven Parker, Russell Ware

Od zera do Eobywatela

Rafał Bury, Łukasz Galos

Od zera do e-obywatela z Windowsem 8

Rafał Bury

React 18 Design Patterns and Best Practices. Design, build, and deploy production-ready web applications with React by leveraging industry-best practices - Fourth Edition

Carlos Santana Roldán

RESS Essentials. If you're involved in Responsive Web Design, then you'll find this book on the fundamental features and techniques of RESS a very useful tool. It's the ideal introduction to a revolutionary new methodology

Jerzy Kurowski, Joanna Krenz-Kurowska, Jerzy Kurowski

Senior pracuje w sieci

Norbert Kwaśniak

Serwisy społecznościowe dla seniorów

Michał Makaruk

Tajemnice sieci

Adam Wierzbicki

The Essential Guide to Web3. Develop, deploy, and manage distributed applications on the Ethereum network

Vijay Krishnan

The Infinite Retina. Navigate Spatial Computing, Augmented and Mixed Reality, and the next tech revolution - Second Edition

Irena Cronin, Robert Scoble, Steve Wozniak