Основи інтернету

Od zera do e-obywatela z Windowsem 8

Rafał Bury

React 18 Design Patterns and Best Practices. Design, build, and deploy production-ready web applications with React by leveraging industry-best practices - Fourth Edition

Carlos Santana Roldán

RESS Essentials. If you're involved in Responsive Web Design, then you'll find this book on the fundamental features and techniques of RESS a very useful tool. It's the ideal introduction to a revolutionary new methodology

Jerzy Kurowski, Joanna Krenz-Kurowska, Jerzy Kurowski

Senior pracuje w sieci

Norbert Kwaśniak

Serwisy społecznościowe dla seniorów

Michał Makaruk

Tajemnice sieci

Adam Wierzbicki

The Essential Guide to Web3. Develop, deploy, and manage distributed applications on the Ethereum network

Vijay Krishnan

The Infinite Retina. Navigate Spatial Computing, Augmented and Mixed Reality, and the next tech revolution - Second Edition

Irena Cronin, Robert Scoble, Steve Wozniak