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Pragmatyczny programista. Od czeladnika do mistrza. Wydanie II

David Thomas, Andrew Hunt

Wydanie jubileuszowe z okazji 20. rocznicy pierwszej edycji Programiści dysponują coraz lepszym, szybszym i wszechstronniejszym sprzętem. Pojawiają się nowe języki programowania i nowe paradygmaty tworzenia architektury oprogramowania. Są jednak rzeczy, które w świecie programowania pozostają stałe i niezmienne. Wciąż proces stawania się programistą wymaga od adeptów tego rzemiosła sporego wysiłku. Akt kodowania to za mało. Trzeba zmienić sposób myślenia, nawyki, zachowania i oczekiwania. Konieczne jest świadome dążenie do stosowania dobrych praktyk. Jeśli pilnuje się jakości swojej pracy i nieustannie pamięta, co i po co się robi, można w końcu stać się pragmatycznym programistą. W drugim wydaniu tego kultowego przewodnika wskazówki techniczne harmonijnie łączą się z aspektami filozofii pragmatycznego programisty. Książka została zaktualizowana i gruntownie przejrzana, aby teraz, dwadzieścia lat po pierwszym wydaniu, ponownie pokazać, co to znaczy być nowoczesnym, pragmatycznym programistą. Poruszono tu tematy osobistej odpowiedzialności i rozwoju zawodowego, komunikacji i poznawania prawdziwych wymagań, nowoczesnych technik architektonicznych oraz coraz ważniejszych kwestii zachowania bezpieczeństwa i prywatności. Książka składa się z krótkich rozdziałów, które tworzą szeroki kontekst, dzięki czemu zyskasz wiedzę o najlepszych podejściach, unikniesz głównych pułapek, a co najważniejsze - rozwiniesz nawyki i postawy, które staną się fundamentem Twojego sukcesu zawodowego. Dowiedz się, jak: pisać kod dynamiczny, elastyczny i łatwy do dostosowywania unikać pułapek związanych z powielaniem wiedzy chronić oprogramowanie przed lukami w zabezpieczeniach budować zespoły pragmatycznych programistów skutecznie testować wziąć odpowiedzialność za swoją pracę i karierę Obaj autorzy uczestniczyli w tworzeniu oryginalnego Manifestu Agile i założeniu Agile Alliance. Współtworzyli też serię książek The Pragmatic Bookshelf. Dbaj o swoje rzemiosło i myśl o tym, co robisz!

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PrimeFaces Beginner's Guide. The perfect introduction to PrimeFaces, this tutorial will take you step by step through all the great features, ranging from form-creation to sophisticated navigation systems. All you need are some basic JSF and jQuery skills

K. Siva Prasad Reddy, Siva Prasad Reddy Katamreddy

PrimeFaces is a lightweight UI component framework for JSF based applications. PrimeFaces is very easy to use because it comes as a single JAR file and requires no mandatory XML configuration. It provides more than 100 UI Components and an in-built AJAX support. It also provides theme support for UI components with more than 30 themes out-of-the-box. With PrimeFaces, developers can create rich user interfaces very easily.PrimeFaces Beginners Guide is a practical, hands-on guide that provides you with clear step-by-step exercises,that will help you to learn and explore the features of PrimeFaces.PrimeFaces Beginners Guide starts by showing you how to install PrimeFaces, create sample forms, and perform validations and then looks at various commonly used PrimeFaces utility components. Next, you will look into various basic text input components like form controls, Calendar, AutoComplete, and Rich Text Editor. Then you will learn about advanced UI components such as DataTables, panels, menus,and charts. Throughout the chapters we will be building a sample web application using PrimeFaces progressively that will give you a hands-on experience on using PrimeFaces effectively.You will learn how to create complex layouts using accordion panels, tab views, sophisticated menu navigations, breadcrumbs and much more. You will also learn how to display data using DataTable with pagination, filters, and lazy loading, and how to export data to Excel or PDF features. You will learn how to represent data in various formats like trees, charts, and TagCloud. You will also learn how to build an application supporting multiple themes.With this PrimeFaces Beginner's Guide , you will learn how to use PrimeFaces easily and effectively.

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Procedural Content Generation for C++ Game Development. Get to know techniques and approaches to procedurally generate game content in C++ using Simple and Fast Multimedia Library

Dale Green

Procedural generation is a growing trend in game development. It allows developers to create games that are bigger and more dynamic, giving the games a higher level of replayability. Procedural generation isn’t just one technique, it’s a collection of techniques and approaches that are used together to create dynamic systems and objects. C++ is the industry-standard programming language to write computer games. It’s at the heart of most engines, and is incredibly powerful. SFML is an easy-to-use, cross-platform, and open-source multimedia library. Access to computer hardware is broken into succinct modules, making it a great choice if you want to develop cross-platform games with ease.Using C++ and SFML technologies, this book will guide you through the techniques and approaches used to generate content procedurally within game development. Throughout the course of this book, we’ll look at examples of these technologies, starting with setting up a roguelike project using the C++ template. We’ll then move on to using RNG with C++ data types and randomly scattering objects within a game map. We will create simple console examples to implement in a real game by creating unique and randomised game items, dynamic sprites, and effects, and procedurally generating game events. Then we will walk you through generating random game maps. At the end, we will have a retrospective look at the project. By the end of the book, not only will you have a solid understanding of procedural generation, but you’ll also have a working roguelike game that you will have extended using the examples provided.

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Processing 2: Creative Coding HOTSHOT. Learn Processing with exciting and engaging projects to make your computer talk, see, hear, express emotions, and even design physical objects

Nikolaus Gradwohl

Processing makes it convenient for developers, artists, and designers to create their own projects easily and efficiently. Processing offers you a platform for expressing your ideas and engaging audiences in new ways. This book teaches you everything you need to know to explore new frontiers in animation and interactivity with the help of Processing.Processing 2: Creative Coding Hotshot' will present you with nine exciting projects that will take you beyond the basics and show you how you can make your programs see, hear, and even feel! With these projects, you will also learn how to build your own hardware controllers and integrate devices such as a Kinect senor board in your Processing sketches.Processing is an exciting programming environment for programmers and visual artists alike that makes it easier to create interactive programs.Through nine complete projects, Processing 2: Creative Coding Hotshot' will help you explore the exciting possibilities that this open source language provides. The topics we will cover range from creating robot - actors performing Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, to generating objects for 3D printing, and you will learn how to run your processing sketches nearly anywhere from a desktop computer to a browser or a mobile device.

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Processing 2: Creative Programming Cookbook

Jan Vantomme, Processing

Processing is probably the best known creative coding environment that helps you bridge the gap between programming and art. It enables designers, artists, architects, students and many others to explore graphics programming and computational art in an easy way, thus helping you boost your creativity.Processing 2: Creative Programming Cookbook will guide you to explore and experience the open source Processing language and environment, helping you discover advanced features and exciting possibilities with this programming environment like never before. You'll learn the basics of 2D and 3D graphics programming, and then quickly move up to advanced topics such as audio and video visualization, computer vision, and much more with this comprehensive guide.Since its birth in 2001, Processing has grown a lot. What started out as a project by Ben Fry and Casey Reas has now become a widely used graphics programming language.Processing 2 has a lot of new and exciting features. This cookbook will guide you to explore the completely new and cool graphics engine and video library. Using the recipes in this cookbook, you will be able to build interactive art for desktop computers, Internet, and even Android devices! You don't even have to use a keyboard or mouse to interact with the art you make. The book's next-gen technologies will teach you how to design interactions with a webcam or a microphone! Isn't that amazing?Processing 2: Creative Programming Cookbook will guide you to explore the Processing language and environment using practical and useful recipes.

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Professional CSS3. Harness the power of CSS3 to design stunning, modern websites

Piotr Sikora

CSS is the preferred technology to design modern web pages. Although CSS is often perceived as a simple language, applying modern styles to web pages with CSS and maintaining the code for larger websites can be quite tricky.We will take you right from understanding CSS to designing high-quality web pages in CSS3. We'll quickly take you through CSS3's features, and show you how to resolve common issues so you can build your basic framework. Finally, you will learn about code architecture and CSS methodologies used in scalable apps and you'll explore the various new features of CSS3, such as FlexBox, to help you create the most modern layout methodologies. By the end of the book, you will be a master at creating pure CSS web pages and will know sophisticated web design techniques, giving you an edge over other web designers.

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Programming with CodeIgniter MVC. Build feature-rich web applications using the CodeIgniter MVC framework

Yehuda Zadik, Eliahou Orr

The CodeIgniter Model-View-Controller framework provides genius simplicity, flexibility, and efficient resource usage, boosting performance and reusability.Programming with CodeIgniter MVC reviews the unique features of CodeIgniter using simple, easy-to-follow, and practical examples.Programming with CodeIgniter MVC provides a simple step-by-step guide to efficiently utilizingthe CodeIgniter MVC framework for developing web applications. This book is packed with engaging examples to understand the usage of controllers, libraries, and (Codeigniter) CI Models. This book commences with a quick discussion of the CodeIgniter Integration with  external plugins such as Flickr API, Google Maps and more will be reviewed with clear usage examples. It will then cover CI naming convention rules, mandatory and optional configurations, and usage within a CI project. It will also cover user defined configurations.By the end of this book, you will not only understand user-defined libraries in a CI framework, but also their services, role, usage, and scope with the help of an example-based approach. The book also covers helpers, models, and views, as well as their usage.Using this book, youwill soonbe able to develop feature-rich web applications using the CodeIgniter MVC framework. Programming with CodeIgniter MVC is a one-stop solution to developing solutions with CodeIgniter MVC.

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Programowanie dla początkujących w 24 godziny. Wydanie IV

Greg Perry, Dean Miller

Warto nauczyć się programowania! Poza stworzeniem sobie możliwości znalezienia ciekawej i dobrze płatnej pracy czy pasjonującego hobby umiejętność programowania bywa niezwykle przydatna w rozwiązywaniu różnych problemów. Paleta języków programowania i narzędzi programistycznych jest niezwykle szeroka i praktycznie każdy znajdzie coś dla siebie. Zanim to jednak nastąpi, trzeba zdobyć trochę wiedzy i umiejętności. Ale bez obaw! W nauce programowania najtrudniejszy bywa pierwszy krok, jednak ta książka sprawi, że wykonasz go bez trudu i dumnie wkroczysz w świat kodowania! To kolejne wydanie lubianego samouczka, dzięki któremu w ramach 24 godzinnych lekcji przyswoisz solidne podstawy programowania. Zrozumiesz, jak działają programy, i nauczysz się reguł stosowanych przez profesjonalistów przy ich projektowaniu. Dowiesz się, jak wygląda świat programistów i na czym dokładnie polega programowanie w korporacjach. Znajdziesz tutaj także wprowadzenie do kilku najpopularniejszych języków programowania, co pozwoli na ich porównanie i ułatwi wybór języka do dalszej nauki. Każdy z 24 rozdziałów zawiera materiał, który można opanować w ciągu godziny. Naukę ułatwiają instrukcje krok po kroku, quizy, ćwiczenia i praktyczne przykłady. Dzięki tej książce zdobędziesz najlepsze podstawy, aby stać się dobrym programistą. Przygotujesz się też do świadomego kształtowania swojej dalszej ścieżki zawodowej! W książce między innymi: przygotowanie narzędzi do pracy - sprzęt i oprogramowanie podstawowe aspekty programowania i projektowania programów algorytmy, interaktywność, zmienne, funkcje debugowanie kodu programowanie obiektowe i korzystanie z baz danych planowanie kariery programisty Zacznij programować. Najlepiej od razu!