Techniki programowania

QGIS 2 Cookbook. Become a QGIS power user and master QGIS data management, visualization, and spatial analysis techniques

Víctor Olaya Ferrero, Alex Mandel, Víctor Olaya Ferrero, Anita Graser, ...

Qt5 C++ GUI Programming Cookbook. Design and build a functional, appealing, and user-friendly graphical user interface

Lee Zhi Eng

R Data Structures and Algorithms. Increase speed and performance of your applications with effi cient data structures and algorithms

PKS Prakash, Achyutuni Sri Krishna Rao

Raspberry Pi By Example. Start building amazing projects with the Raspberry Pi right out of the box

Chidananda Matada Shivan, Ashwin Pajankar, William Harrington, Bartek Zdanowski, ...

Raspberry Pi Robotic Blueprints. Utilize the powerful ingredients of Raspberry Pi to bring to life your amazing robots that can act, draw, and have fun with laser tags

Wolfram Donat, Richard Grimmett

React 18 Design Patterns and Best Practices. Design, build, and deploy production-ready web applications with React by leveraging industry-best practices - Fourth Edition

Carlos Santana Roldán

React Components. Explore the power of React components for cutting-edge web development

Christopher Pitt