Data analysis


Implementing Qlik Sense. Design, Develop, and Validate BI solutions for consultants

Kaushik Solanki, Ganapati Hegde

Qlik Sense is a leading platform for business intelligence (BI) solutions. Qlik Sense helps organizations in making informed decisions based on the data they have.This book will teach you how to effectively use Qlik for optimum customer satisfaction. You will undergo a metamorphosis from a developer to a consultant who is capable of building the most suitable BI solutions for your clients. The book will take you through several business cases – this will give you enough insight to understand the needs of the client clearly and build a BI solution that meets or exceeds their expectations. Starting from the pre-project activities, you will go to the actual execution of the project, the implementation, and even maintenance. This book will give you all the information you need - from the strategy to requirement gathering to implementing BI solutions using Qlik Sense. The book will empower you to take the right decisions in tricky and diffi cult situations while developing analytics and dashboards.


Implementing Splunk 7. Effective operational intelligence to transform machine-generated data into valuable business insight - Third Edition

James D. Miller

Splunk is the leading platform that fosters an efficient methodology and delivers ways to search, monitor, and analyze growing amounts of big data. This book will allow you to implement new services and utilize them to quickly and efficiently process machine-generated big data. We introduce you to all the new features, improvements, and offerings of Splunk 7. We cover the new modules of Splunk: Splunk Cloud and the Machine Learning Toolkit to ease data usage. Furthermore, you will learn to use search terms effectively with Boolean and grouping operators. You will learn not only how to modify your search to make your searches fast but also how to use wildcards efficiently. Later you will learn how to use stats to aggregate values, a chart to turn data, and a time chart to show values over time; you'll also work with fields and chart enhancements and learn how to create a data model with faster data model acceleration. Once this is done, you will learn about XML Dashboards, working with apps, building advanced dashboards, configuring and extending Splunk, advanced deployments, and more. Finally, we teach you how to use the Machine Learning Toolkit and best practices and tips to help you implement Splunk services effectively and efficiently. By the end of this book, you will have learned about the Splunk software as a whole and implemented Splunk services in your tasks at projects


Instant MapReduce Patterns - Hadoop Essentials How-to. Practical recipes to write your own MapReduce solution patterns for Hadoop programs

Liyanapathirannahelage H Perera

MapReduce is a technology that enables users to process large datasets and Hadoop is an implementation of MapReduce. We are beginning to see more and more data becoming available, and this hides many insights that might hold key to success or failure. However, MapReduce has the ability to analyze this data and write code to process it.Instant MapReduce Patterns – Hadoop Essentials How-to is a concise introduction to Hadoop and programming with MapReduce. It is aimed to get you started and give you an overall feel for programming with Hadoop so that you will have a well-grounded foundation to understand and solve all of your MapReduce problems as needed.Instant MapReduce Patterns – Hadoop Essentials How-to will start with the configuration of Hadoop before moving on to writing simple examples and discussing MapReduce programming patterns.We will start simply by installing Hadoop and writing a word count program. After which, we will deal with the seven styles of MapReduce programs: analytics, set operations, cross correlation, search, graph, Joins, and clustering. For each case, you will learn the pattern and create a representative example program. The book also provides you with additional pointers to further enhance your Hadoop skills.


Interactive Dashboards and Data Apps with Plotly and Dash. Harness the power of a fully fledged frontend web framework in Python – no JavaScript required

Elias Dabbas

Plotly's Dash framework is a life-saver for Python developers who want to develop complete data apps and interactive dashboards without JavaScript, but you'll need to have the right guide to make sure you’re getting the most of it. With the help of this book, you'll be able to explore the functionalities of Dash for visualizing data in different ways.Interactive Dashboards and Data Apps with Plotly and Dash will first give you an overview of the Dash ecosystem, its main packages, and the third-party packages crucial for structuring and building different parts of your apps. You'll learn how to create a basic Dash app and add different features to it.Next, you’ll integrate controls such as dropdowns, checkboxes, sliders, date pickers, and more in the app and then link them to charts and other outputs. Depending on the data you are visualizing, you'll also add several types of charts, including scatter plots, line plots, bar charts, histograms, and maps, as well as explore the options available for customizing them.By the end of this book, you'll have developed the skills you need to create and deploy an interactive dashboard, handle complexities and code refactoring, and understand the process of improving your application.


Introduction To Financial Modelling. Master Financial Modelling Techniques with Excel and Best Practices

MrExcel's Holy Macro! Books, Liam Bastick

This book serves as a comprehensive guide to financial modeling, equipping readers with the skills and knowledge to create accurate, reliable models for analysis and decision-making. Designed for professionals, students, and finance enthusiasts, it bridges theoretical principles with practical Excel-based techniques, ensuring a balanced and thorough understanding of the subject.Key Excel functions such as SUMPRODUCT, INDEX and MATCH, and LOOKUP are covered in depth, alongside essential tools like conditional formatting, data validation, and solver. The book emphasizes best practices in layout design, error checking, and model transparency, helping users build robust and easy-to-follow financial models. Practical methodologies for time-series analysis, control accounts, and financial statement theory are explored, making it a versatile resource.The step-by-step model-building example guides readers through structuring, linking, and finalizing financial statements, including revenue, expenditure, taxation, and cash flow. Ratio analysis and self-review techniques are also discussed to ensure model accuracy and integrity. This detailed yet accessible guide empowers readers to create professional financial models with confidence and clarity.


Introduction to R for Business Intelligence. Profit optimization using data mining, data analysis, and Business Intelligence

Jay Gendron

Explore the world of Business Intelligence through the eyes of an analyst working in a successful and growing company. Learn R through use cases supporting different functions within that company. This book provides data-driven and analytically focused approaches to help you answer questions in operations, marketing, and finance. In Part 1, you will learn about extracting data from different sources, cleaning that data, and exploring its structure. In Part 2, you will explore predictive models and cluster analysis for Business Intelligence and analyze financial times series. Finally, in Part 3, you will learn to communicate results with sharp visualizations and interactive, web-based dashboards.After completing the use cases, you will be able to work with business data in the R programming environment and realize how data science helps make informed decisions and develops business strategy. Along the way, you will find helpful tips about R and Business Intelligence.


Inżynieria danych w praktyce. Kluczowe koncepcje i najlepsze technologie

Joe Reis, Matt Housley

Ze względu na gwałtowny rozwój inżynierii danych, jaki nastąpił w ciągu ostatniej dekady, wielu inżynierów oprogramowania, badaczy i analityków danych zaczęło odczuwać potrzebę kompleksowego spojrzenia na tę praktykę. Dzięki tej praktycznej książce zawierającej opis najlepszych technologii dostępnych w ramach frameworka cyklu życia inżynierii danych, dowiesz się, jak planować i budować systemy, które mają zaspokoić potrzeby Twojej organizacji i klientów. Autorzy, Joe Reis i Matt Housley, przeprowadzą Cię przez cykl życia inżynierii danych i pokażą, jak połączyć różne technologie chmurowe, aby spełnić potrzeby konsumentów danych w dolnej części strumienia przetwarzania. Dzięki lekturze tej książki dowiesz się, jak zastosować koncepcje generowania, pozyskiwania, orkiestracji, przekształcania, przechowywania i zarządzania danymi - kluczowe w każdym środowisku danych, niezależnie od wykorzystywanej technologii. Dzięki książce: Uzyskasz zwięzły przegląd całego środowiska inżynierii danych. Nauczysz się oceniać problemy inżynierii danych i stosować kompleksowe frameworki najlepszych praktyk. Dowiesz się jak przebić się przez szum marketingowy i wybrać odpowiednie technologie, architekturę danych i procesy? Nauczysz się wykorzystywać cykl życia inżynierii danych do zaprojektowania i zbudowania solidnej architektury. Poznasz mechanizmy zarządzania danymi i bezpieczeństwa w całym cyklu życia inżynierii danych. "Świat danych ewoluuje już od jakiegoś czasu. Najpierw byli projektanci. Następnie administratorzy baz danych. Potem CIO. Następnie architekci danych. Ta książka sygnalizuje kolejny krok w ewolucji i dojrzałości branży. Jest to lektura obowiązkowa dla każdego, kto uczciwie podchodzi do swojego zawodu i kariery". Bill Inmon, twórca hurtowni danych "Inżynieria danych w praktyce" to świetne wprowadzenie do branży przenoszenia, przetwarzania i obsługi danych. Gorąco polecam ją każdemu, kto chce być na bieżąco z inżynierią danych lub analizą oraz wszystkim osobom zajmującym się danymi, którzy chcą uzupełnić luki w swojej wiedzy". Jordan Tigani, założyciel i dyrektor generalny firmy MotherDuck oraz inżynier-założyciel i współtwórca firmy BigQuery