Analiza danych

Building Blockchain Projects. Building decentralized Blockchain applications with Ethereum and Solidity

Narayan Prusty

Building Data Science Applications with FastAPI. Develop, manage, and deploy efficient machine learning applications with Python

François Voron

Building Data Streaming Applications with Apache Kafka. Design, develop and streamline applications using Apache Kafka, Storm, Heron and Spark

Chanchal Singh, Manish Kumar

Building Data-Driven Applications with Danfo.js. A practical guide to data analysis and machine learning using JavaScript

Rising Odegua, Stephen Oni

Building ETL Pipelines with Python. Create and deploy enterprise-ready ETL pipelines by employing modern methods

Brij Kishore Pandey, Emily Ro Schoof

Building Interactive Dashboards in Microsoft 365 Excel. Harness the new features and formulae in M365 Excel to create dynamic, automated dashboards

Michael Olafusi, Olanrewaju Oyinbooke

Building Machine Learning Systems with Python. Expand your Python knowledge and learn all about machine-learning libraries in this user-friendly manual. ML is the next big breakthrough in technology and this book will give you the head-start you need

Willi Richert, Luis Pedro Coelho

Building Web and Mobile ArcGIS Server Applications with JavaScript. Build exciting custom web and mobile GIS applications with the ArcGIS Server API for JavaScript - Second Edition

Eric Pimpler, Mark Lewin