Analiza danych

Learning D3.js Mapping. Build stunning maps and visualizations using D3.js

Thomas Newton, Oscar Villarreal

Learning Data Mining with Python. Use Python to manipulate data and build predictive models - Second Edition

Robert Layton

Learning Elastic Stack 6.0. A beginner’s guide to distributed search, analytics, and visualization using Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana

Pranav Shukla, Sharath Kumar M N

Learning Elasticsearch. Structured and unstructured data using distributed real-time search and analytics

Abhishek Andhavarapu

Learning Google BigQuery. A beginner's guide to mining massive datasets through interactive analysis

Thirukkumaran Haridass, Eric Brown

Learning Hadoop 2. Design and implement data processing, lifecycle management, and analytic workflows with the cutting-edge toolbox of Hadoop 2

Gerald Turkington, GABRIELE MODENA

Learning Highcharts 4. Design eye-catching and interactive JavaScript charts for your web page with Highcharts, one of the leading tools in web charting

Joe Kuan

Learning Hunk. A quick, practical guide to rapidly visualizing and analyzing your Hadoop data using Hunk

Dmitry Anoshin, Sergey Sheypak