Maschinelles Lernen

Introduction to Algorithms. A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners: Unlocking Computational Thinking

Cuantum Technologies LLC

Inżynieria danych na platformie AWS. Jak tworzyć kompletne potoki uczenia maszynowego

Chris Fregly, Antje Barth

Jak projektować systemy uczenia maszynowego. Iteracyjne tworzenie aplikacji gotowych do pracy

Chip Huyen

Jak sztuczna inteligencja zmieni twoje życie

Marek Tłuczek

Java Deep Learning Cookbook. Train neural networks for classification, NLP, and reinforcement learning using Deeplearning4j

Rahul Raj

Java Deep Learning Projects. Implement 10 real-world deep learning applications using Deeplearning4j and open source APIs

Md. Rezaul Karim

Keras 2.x Projects. 9 projects demonstrating faster experimentation of neural network and deep learning applications using Keras

Giuseppe Ciaburro

Keras Deep Learning Cookbook. Over 30 recipes for implementing deep neural networks in Python

Rajdeep Dua, Manpreet Singh Ghotra

Keras Reinforcement Learning Projects. 9 projects exploring popular reinforcement learning techniques to build self-learning agents

Giuseppe Ciaburro

Large Scale Machine Learning with Python. Click here to enter text

Bastiaan Sjardin, Alberto Boschetti, Luca Massaron

Learn Amazon SageMaker. A guide to building, training, and deploying machine learning models for developers and data scientists - Second Edition

Julien Simon

Learning Apache Mahout. Acquire practical skills in Big Data Analytics and explore data science with Apache Mahout

Chandramani Tiwary, Chandramani Tiwary

Learning Bayesian Models with R. Become an expert in Bayesian Machine Learning methods using R and apply them to solve real-world big data problems

Hari Manassery Koduvely

Learning Microsoft Cognitive Services. Click here to enter text

Leif Larsen

Learning Microsoft Cognitive Services. Leverage Machine Learning APIs to build smart applications - Second Edition

Leif Larsen

Learning Microsoft Cognitive Services. Use Cognitive Services APIs to add AI capabilities to your applications - Third Edition

Leif Larsen