Uczenie maszynowe

Hands-On Machine Learning with C++. Build, train, and deploy end-to-end machine learning and deep learning pipelines

Kirill Kolodiazhnyi

Hands-On Machine Learning with C++. Build, train, and deploy end-to-end machine learning and deep learning pipelines - Second Edition

Kirill Kolodiazhnyi

Hands-On Machine Learning with IBM Watson. Leverage IBM Watson to implement machine learning techniques and algorithms using Python

James D. Miller

Hands-on Machine Learning with JavaScript. Solve complex computational web problems using machine learning

Burak Kanber

Hands-On Machine Learning with Microsoft Excel 2019. Build complete data analysis flows, from data collection to visualization

Julio Cesar Rodriguez Martino

Hands-On Machine Learning with ML.NET. Getting started with Microsoft ML.NET to implement popular machine learning algorithms in C#

Jarred Capellman

Hands-On Machine Learning with scikit-learn and Scientific Python Toolkits. A practical guide to implementing supervised and unsupervised machine learning algorithms in Python

Tarek Amr

Hands-On Machine Learning with TensorFlow.js. A guide to building ML applications integrated with web technology using the TensorFlow.js library

Kai Sasaki