

Adventures of Buffalo Bill. From Boyhood to Manhood

Prentiss Ingraham

Adventures of Buffalo Bill from Boyhood to Manhood is one of the masterpieces by Colonel Prentiss Ingraham, who was a prolific American author of dime fiction. Deeds of daring, thrilling peril and romantic incidents in the early life of W.F. Cody, the Monarch of Bordermen. It is a depiction of life and the ups and downs that are major influencing factors. The novel honestly portrays how fate plays with mankind and the turmoil that follow them. Thought-provoking! The author of The Masked Spy and over twenty Buffalo Bill titles, Ingraham plausibly claimed in 1900 to have written over 600 novels. Known as the King of Dime Novels, Prentiss Ingraham is an author who will be forever remembered for the image he created of the American West.


Affair in Araby

Talbot Mundy

Hulbert Footner (1879 1944) was a Canadian writer of non-fiction and detective fiction. His first published works were travelogues of canoe trips on the Hudson River and in the Northwest Territory along the Peace River, Hay River and Fraser River. He also wrote a series of northwest adventures during the period 1911 through 1920. That is why the novel Jack Chanty is based on his canoe adventures in the great northwest. Also, Footner wrote several other adventure books set in the Canadian northwest after he had relocated to Maryland in 1913.


Afloat and Ashore, or, the Adventures of Miles Wallingford. A Sea Tale

James Fenimore Cooper

In the center of the book is the life of a young man, Miles, who lives in America. He wants to become a sailor like his father. This is an exciting adventure story of the life of a ship captain. Sea brotherhood, battles with pirates, friendship and betrayal, and finally, love that overcomes all obstacles.


Agaj-Han. Powieść historyczna

Zygmunt Krasiński

Agaj-Han. Powieść historyczna wydana w 1833 roku powieść Zygmunta Krasińskiego, jednego z trójcy wieszczów, największych poetów polskiego romantyzmu. Utwór opowiada o losach Maryny Mniszchówny, wywodzącej się z polskiej magnaterii ambitnej arystokratki. Za sprawą małżeństwa z Dymitrem Samozwańcem na kilkanaście dni, jako pierwsza w dziejach Rosji kobieta, została carycą. Rządy małżonków, zapowiadające radykalne reformy, zostały gwałtownie przerwane zamachem stanu.


Ailsa Paige

Robert W. Chambers

This book is one of the most popular novels by Robert William Chambers and has been translated into several other languages around the world. No history of the 3rd Zouave or 8th Lancers has ever been written except in this narrative; and historians and veterans alike would look in vain for any record of these two regimentsregiments that could have been, but never were.



Max Brand

This is a story of a wild horse who many said could not be caught or broken, and the man who set out to prove them wrong. Alcatraz is a wild horse and Brand alternates the narrative between the people struggling to hold onto a ranch and the horse as he breaks from a cruel master and learns to survive on the plains. This is one of the great Western novels. Max Brands style of writing is classic western, heroes and villains, good guys and bad guys, wide open country. Max Brand was the pen name of American author Frederick Schiller Faust. Brand was best known for writing Western novels, and many films have been adapted based on his stories.


Alexanders Bridge

Willa Cather

Bartley Alexander is a civil engineer and world famous bridge builder. He is going through a midlife crisis. While married to Winifred, Bartley rekindles a relationship with Hilda Burgoyne from London. This connection torments the moral principles of Bartley.


All for Adventure

Fenton Ash

Fenton Ash is the first and main pseudonym of UK civil engineer and author Francis Henry Atkins (1847-1927) who was a writer of pulp fiction, in particular science fiction aimed at younger readers. He wrote under the pseudonyms Frank Aubrey and Fenton Ash. All for Adventure fantasy adventure would suit anyone interested in old fantasy novels for children and young people.


All the Sad Young Men

F. Scott Fitzgerald

All the Sad Young Men is a collection of nine short stories by American writer F. Scott Fitzgerald. It includes two of his most famous the beautifully elegiac The Rich Boy and Winter Dreams which feature wealthy protagonists the old-money Anson Hunter and the self-made man Dexter Green who struggle to come to terms with lost love. As with his other collections, its release was timed to follow the completion of his most recent novel, which was The Great Gatsby.


Allan and the Ice-Gods. A Tale of Beginnings

H. Rider Haggard

Many people want to have a drug in their hands that can change our appearance. Our hero was in the hands of just such a drug. Quatermain takes the hallucinogenic drug taduki, after which he transforms into an incomprehensible creature. He falls in prehistoric times, in cave times. Such an adventure will be definitely interesting.


Allan Quatermain

H. Rider Haggard

Quatermain has lost his only son and is eager to return to the wilderness. He persuaded Captain John Good and the Zulu chief Umbopa to accompany him, they set off from the coast of East Africa, this time in search of a white race that lives north of Mount Kenya. They encounter a fierce battle with the Masai warriors, undergo a terrible underground journey and discover a lost civilization. As a result, a terrible underground journey takes place and reveal a lost civilization.


Allans Wife and Other Tales

H. Rider Haggard

Allans Wife and Other Tales talks about the times of Allan Quatermain in South Africa. After all, there happened the most terrible events in the life of the main character. He lost his father there. Ultimately, we will know the fate of his wife. This will be one of the most challenging travels of Allan Quatermain.


Almayers Folly. A Story of an Eastern River

Joseph Conrad

Almayer is a European by nature who never lived in Europe. He has to marry the adoptive Malay daughter of another European, who promises Almayer a rich life. But the European does not keep his word. The main character gets depressed. But the story revolves around the stupidity of Almayers life and the stupidity of Europeans, who believe that they are superior to others.


Alton of Somasco

Harold Bindloss

Harry Alton harms the natural environment. They are driven by the desire to make more money. He goes to drastic measures. The main character cuts down forests to turn this area into a profit center. Suddenly, he received the news that he inherited an estate in England. However, Alton does not wish to return there. After all, there is a selfish heir. In the end, the protagonist will begin to accuse and Alton will have to fight in a duel.


Amerikanische Wald- und Strombilder. Band III

Friedrich Gerstäcker

Friedrich Gerstäcker veröffentlichte eine Vielzahl von Erzählungen, Romanen und vor allem Berichte über seine verschiedenen Reisen, die ihn zu einem der meistgelesenen und bekanntesten Autoren Deutschlands machten. Als Sohn eines gefeierten Tenors wurde ihm die Reiselust quasi in die Wiege gelegt. So war er in Amerika unter anderem als Holzfäller, Viehtreiber, Heizer und Koch auf einem Mississippidampfer, Lehrer und vor allem als (Großwild-) Jäger unterwegs. Er durchstreifte Nord- und Südamerika, die Inselwelt des Stillen Ozeans, Australien. In mehreren Kurzgeschichten erzählt Gerstäcker von seinen Aufenthalten in Amerika. Seit dem Krieg mit den Seminolen (1818) hatten sich die Stämme der nordamerikanischen Indianer ziemlich still und ruhig verhalten und die Regierung selbst vermied natürlich Jedes, was wieder zu Reibungen und Streitigkeiten Anlaß geben konnte. Nichts desto weniger und trotz tausend verschiedenen Freundschaftsversicherungen und geschlossenen Bündnissen, drängte sie die armen Kinder der Wildniß immer weiter und weiter von den Gräbern ihrer Väter zurück, und nahm ihnen sogar, wenn ein paar trunkene Häuptlinge vielleicht ihre Zustimmung gegeben, wieder Strecken hinweg, in deren fortwährendem Besitz sie frühere Präsidenten bestätigt hatten.


An African Millionaire. Episodes in the Life of the Illustrious Colonel Clay

Grant Allen

Colonel Cuthbert Clay is a master of disguise and an ingenious con man who sets his sights on the South African Millionaire, Sir Charles Vandrift, a millionaire owner of diamond mines in Africa. Each chapter brings new cringing on the readers part as we realize before Charles does that he is about to be a victim anew. As his South African diamond fortune takes hit after hit from the quick-witted master of disguise, the author leaves even the reader guessing: who can you trust? Colonel Clay has a female sidekick, Madame Picardet, whose charms are not wasted on Charles, no matter what appearance she takes. He repeatedly falls for her distractions as Colonel Clay primes him for the next sting. Twelve clever, extremely readable and entertaining tales about the first important rogue in short crime fiction. A classic of crime and adventure, Grant Allens An African Millionaire is perfect for fans of books such as Arsene Lupin, Gentleman Thief.


An American Angler in Australia

Zane Grey

Australia recalls the images of the Great Barrier Reef, large white sharks, huge crocodiles and friendly people. Zane Gray was fishing and fishing everywhere, but he was often delighted with the Pacific Ocean, especially around Australia and New Zealand. Most of the fish caught by American fishermen in Australia are sharks (large white, tiger, even a few slopes!).


An American Girl in London

Sara Jeannette Duncan

Mamie Vick from Chicago, USA travels alone to London to do some sightseeing, with the full approval of her family. Mamie does all the typical American tourist stuff; she visits Madame Tussauds, London Zoo, Epsom Derby, boat races in Oxford. The protagonist is full of little unexpected insights and surprises.


An Antarctic Mystery

Jules Verne

There are no unusual birds, mysterious figures and other things in the same spirit. But there are Antarctic seas, such as they were known at the end of the 19th century. There are several people who have decided to challenge the cold and the elements and penetrate the unknown. Someone has a kindred feeling, someone friendship, someone curiosity, and someone and a thirst for profit. But they were all aboard the schooner Halbrain, which, under the command of Captain Len Gai, moves south through ice and storm.


An Impossible Ideal

Sara Jeannette Duncan

The action of the story takes place in the summer capital of the British Raj, is a narrative. The author questions the concepts of taste, distinction and pretension in a colonial context. The book keeps you in suspense until the very end.


An Outcast of the Islands

Joseph Conrad

This book is somewhere morally difficult to read. It describes the travails of women. Peter Willems, a Dutchman by birth, a poor boy, leaves his miserable, joyless home in order to seek a better, more prosperous future. The sea will be a salvation for the boy. on the ship, he will find his home and his comrades in life.


Andivius Hedulio. Adventures of a Roman Nobleman in the Days of the Empire

Edward Lucas White

Edward Lucas White has written a number of historical novels, including Andivius Hedulio. Amazing story of a Roman during the reign of Commodus. This is an exciting adventure! You will feel that you are in ancient Rome.


Ania z Wyspy

Lucy Maud Montgomery

Ania z Wyspy (Anne of the Island) to trzecia część z serii o Ani z Zielonego Wzgórza. W tym tomie Ania Shirley zaczyna naukę w Redmond College w Kingsport. Ciężko pracuje, by zdobyć upragniony tytuł magistra. W czasie wolnym od nauki spotyka się z nową przyjaciółką Filipą Gordon, ma też nowego adoratora, niejakiego Roya Gardnera. Nie zaniedbuje też starych znajomości. Kiedy dowiaduje się o chorobie Gilberta, uświadamia sobie, że go kocha


Apache Gold. A Story of the Strange Southwest

Joseph A. Altsheler

Apache Gold, A Story of the Strange Southwest is a rip-roaring tale of adventure set on the Arizona frontiers of the American Old West written by Joseph Alexander Altsheler (April 29, 1862 June 5, 1919). He was an American newspaper reporter, editor and author of popular juvenile historical fiction. An abiding classic of western literature, our hero in this tale is Charles Wayne, a young but strong and sharp lad who seeks adventure in the southwesterly desert frontier of Arizona. Charles has terrifying encounters with wild beasts and Indians when he searches for the lost treasure of the Spaniards. Joseph A. Altsheler describes the vast open frontier evocatively, placing the reader in a time when equal measures of freedom and danger were abundant. Throughout Mr. Waynes traversals, were reminded of how difficult it was to survive let alone thrive in the Old West. The beauty of the unforgiving land forms a vibrant backdrop to the scrapes and challenges our heroes must face.