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A Virginia Scout

Hugh Pendexter

Hugh Pendexter was an American author who also wrote under the pseudonyms H. P. and Faunce Rochester. The main character is hiding from a man who does not give him peace of mind. He came to one of the many wildlife homes. He had utilised this unique Shelter more than once when breaking his journey at the junction of the Monongahela and the Cheat.

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A Voyage of Consolation

Sara Jeannette Duncan

This story begins with the termination of the protagonists engagement to his daughter-in-law. narrator with a fiancee who does not approve of the change. The protagonist decides to travel to Europe, to Italy and France. Travel provides an opportunity for witty observation of people and places, and by the end, romance has re-entered the storytellers life.

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A Young Man in a Hurry and Other Short Stories

Robert W. Chambers

This novel is for lovers of romance novels. The author describes how a man meets a woman and their relationship develops. This romance will put you in a good mood as the love line will place you in pleasant memories.

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Jules Verne

The whaling schooner with an incomplete crew returns to America, after not very successful trades. On board is the owners wife with the child, their cousin Benedict, an analogue of Paganel and Jung Dick Send, fifteen turbulent years. Next comes the rescue of blacks from an abandoned flooded ship and a bloody scene of a whale hunt. This episode, although it did not greatly excite me as a child, having been forgotten, now seemed completely disgusting, especially the realization that the whalers had attacked a nursing mother with a kitten, who now also became doomed to die, but was already starving to death.

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Abenteuer in Sibirien

John Retcliffe

Sir John Retcliffe, der eigentlich Herrmann Ottomar Friedrich Goedsche heißt, war ein deutscher Schriftsteller, aber er war auch bei der Preußischen Geheimpolizeit tätig, arbeitete für Redaktionen, war Herausgeber und Kriegsberichterstatter. Sir John Retcliffes historisch-politische Romane sind im ureigensten Sinn mit Abenteuern angereicherte Tendenzromane, die das gesamte politische Geschehen seiner Zeit zum Inhalt haben. Abenteuer in Sibirien ist eine autonome Episode aus dem 13-bändigen Riesenroman Biarritz. Hier präsentiert der Autor einen historischen Abenteuerroman aus den Weiten der sibirischen Tundra.

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Above the Law

Max Brand

Frederick Schiller Faust (1892-1944) was an American author best known for his thoughtful Westerns under the pen name Max Brand. Prolific in many genres, he wrote historical novels, detective mysteries, pulp fiction stories and many more. In his first western tale, Above the Law... Max Brand, villain, the bandit Black Jim, has the books of Scott, Shakespeare, Poe, Byron, Malory at his bunk. Poetic passages are found in practically every Max story. Black Jim loses his heart when he discovers love and a new identity in the Old West. Brands first western story is a timeless tale of new identity and love in the Old West.

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Acres of Unrest

Max Brand

The Hale brothers, both successful ranchers, had a disagreement: Ross believed that with a fine education his son Peter would become even more successful than he was himself: Andy believed the opposite. Peter returns from college to his fathers ranch after an accident has left him physically crippled but not without ability or enterprise. Max Brand, was the pen name of Frederick Schiller Faust. He was a prolific American author best known for his classic western novels. Brand also created the famous character Dr. Kildare which became the basis of many films and television shows.

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Jack London

The novel Adventure in an acute, exciting form tells about the life of American and European settlers on the tropical islands of the Pacific Ocean. The main characters are no less pathos than villains who are so colorful in their villainy that they set their teeth together. Jack London, in the preface, writes that this book came out of the movie script. And truly, it is full of adventure, changing locations, colorful descriptions of snow-white beaches.