


E. Raj

"Pożerca", E.Raj - przygodowe fantasy z elementem steampunka i romansu, dla wszystkich, którzy lubią przewrotne elfki, mrukliwych orków, sarkazm i RPG-owy klimat wędrówki przez rozpadający się świat. Książka podchodzi z dystansem do tematu "bohaterstwa" w literaturze fantasy.


Półdiablę weneckie. Powieść od Adriatyku

Józef Ignacy Kraszewski

Półdiablę weneckie powieść Józefa Ignacego Kraszewskiego, z podtytułem Powieść od Adriatyku, napisana w Dreźnie w 1865. Głównymi bohaterami są: szlachcic polski, Konrad Lipnicki oraz jego węgrzynek (sługa) Maciek. Akcja toczy się w Polsce i we Włoszech, w Wenecji, dokąd Konrad udaje się w celu odszukania swoich korzeni rodzinnych. Zarówno Konrad, jak i Maciek we Włoszech odnajdują swoje wielkie miłości, obaj kochają nieszczęśliwie. Konrad pała uczuciem do pięknej córki kapitana statku, Cazity. Po ślubie zabiera młodą żonę do swojego dworu w Polsce, ponieważ nie wyobraża sobie mieszkania poza ojczyzną. Cazita bardzo źle czuje się w kraju męża, kaprysi, chudnie, a ostatecznie różnymi szantażami emocjonalnymi wymusza na nim powrót do Wenecji. We Włoszech wielka nostalgia doprowadza Konrada do śmierci. Młoda wdowa szybko pociesza się w ramionach bogatego patrycjusza Vittoriniego... (ółdiablę_weneckie)



James Fenimore Cooper

Precaution was written in the spirit of sentimental English novels on the theme of marriage. The author clearly holds the idea that the choice of a groom for her daughter is the moral duty of her parents. Initially, the novel was read aloud to several friends of the family, without revealing the authorship; the listeners decided that the author was a woman. Cooper was satisfied with this result, he turned to the publisher.


Prescott of Saskatchewan

Harold Bindloss

The story of the imitation of man. After all, everyone has a person to whom you want to strive. There is a murder and a chase in Western Canada a few days before the advent of cars or even telegraph lines in much of the country. Great attention to the landscape. The author does not regret the descriptions of landscapes.


Prester John

John Buchan

South Africa, 1900. After his father dies, nineteen-year-old David Crawfurd is sent off to South Africa to earn his living as a storekeeper in the back of beyond. A strange encounter on the journey suggests that dark deeds and treacherous intrigues are afoot all bound up with the mysterious primeval kingdom of Prester John. Laputa is a charismatic leader of an incipient native uprising, secretly preaching the incendiary creed of Africa for the Africans, and proclaiming himself heir to the mantle of Prester John, a legendary 15th-century Christian king of Ethiopia. We participate in many thrilling adventure chases in the wild country, deal with nasty villains, narrow escapes, impossible climbs up rock walks, a secret cave of massive proportions with a hidden switch to open a boulder door, stores of diamonds to fund the uprising, a valuable and ancient ruby necklace and the courageous love of a gigantic dog.


Preston Fight. Or, The Insurrection of 1715

William Harrison Ainsworth

This is a historical novel. The story revolves around the Jacobite rising and the invasion of Preston. The book is considered one of the authors Lancashire novels.


Prince Otto

Robert Louis Stevenson

In the historical novel "Prince Otto", the romance of adventure is combined with the exact recreation of local color and historical setting. This novel is about Prince Otto, who is not very concerned about government affairs and problems, and he devotes all the time to hunting and other entertainments. Once during a hunt, he stumbles upon ordinary peasants who did not recognize him and agreed to shelter him for the night. During the evening dinner, the unrecognized prince tries to find out from the peasants what they think about their ruler, and those, as ordinary people, told him everything they think about Prince Otto.


Prince Roman

Joseph Conrad

Prince Roman is a Pole who relinquishes his comfortable position in the aristocracy to fight as an unknown soldier, resisting Russian oppression. In captivity, he has every opportunity to avoid punishment, but he declares his unconditional commitment to the liberation of Poland. As a result, he suffers a quarter century in the imperial equivalent of the Gulag Siberian mines in the ninth century, before returning to live in modest conditions in what should have been his own property, before devoting his life to helping other people.