Gry, zabawy

Matematyczne historyjki

Katarzyna Michalec

Michał i drużyna talentów

Trine Bundsgaard

Minecraft dla bystrzaków

Jacob Cordeiro, Jesse Stay, Thomas Stay

Minecraft. Kreatywna nauka i zabawa

Bartosz Danowski

Minecraft. Memy

Człowiek Sześcian

Minecraft. Tablice craftingu, alchemii i metalurgii

Bartosz Danowski, Jakub Danowski

Moje ciało należy do mnie !

Gudrun Dittrich, Ursula Hagedorn, Martina Neukirch-Seibert

Moodle 2.5 Multimedia. Adding multimedia to Moodle will make it work even harder for you as a teaching tool. Learn the easy way how images, video, audio, and maps can transform your courses. No special technical skills needed. - Second Edition

Joao Pedro Soares Fernandes

Moodle 3 Administration. An administrator’s guide to configuring, securing, customizing, and extending Moodle - Third Edition

Alex Büchner

Moodle 3.x Teaching Techniques. Creative ways to build powerful and effective online courses with Moodle 3.0 - Third Edition

Susan Smith Nash

Moodle for Mobile Learning. Mobile devices are ideal for go-anywhere interactive learning, and using Moodle you can give your students the opportunity to receive your courses on their phone or tablet in a format that's tailor-made for mobile learning

Mark Aberdour

Moodle Gradebook. If you’re already using Moodle for your courses, adding the power of the in-built gradebook can make teaching life a lot easier. This book tells you all about it – from basic concepts to clever customization

Rebecca Barrington

Moodle Theme Development. Click here to enter text

Silvina Paola Hillar

Na dzielenie sposób nowy, samo wchodzi ci do głowy. łatwa nauka dzielenia

Adrian Markowski