Kultura i sztuka


The Life and Death of King John

William Shakespeare

King John Shakespearean chronicles of the reign of such a historical figure as John Landless. John becomes king of England, bypassing his nephew Arthur, who has completely legal rights to the throne. Arthur, supported by his mother Constance, asks for the help of the King of France, Philip. King Philip goes to John by war.


The Life of King Henry the Fifth

William Shakespeare

In Henry V, a small episode of Anglo-Frankish history is described, the Hundred Years War The Battle of Azincourt. The crushing defeat of the French will forever remain in the memory of the losers and in the dreams of the descendants of future kings. Despite the fact that the battle was described, the war was described, it seemed to me that there were a lot of comedic moments here.


The Life of Timon of Athens

William Shakespeare

A very instructive story about not doing good is not getting evil. The main character is a tragic personality. At first he loved people with all his soul, who was eager to help them selflessly and ruined as a result of this, in one day he would know all human ingratitude, self-interest and anger. In anger, Timon of Athens kills one of his insulters, for which he is expelled from Athens.


The Light Shines in Darkness. Drama

Leo Tolstoy

The drama The Light Shines reflects the events of Tolstoys life in the broadest, most typified generalizations. Therefore, it would be a gross mistake to fully identify the content of the drama with the life of Tolstoy, his family and those around him. Nevertheless, there is a close relationship between them. So, the drama of Nikolai Ivanovich Saryntsev is, of course, the drama of Tolstoy himself. In the person of Maria Ivanovna Saryntseva, some characteristic features of S. A. Tolstoy are outlined. The same should be said of the other characters in the play, which are very reminiscent of either Tolstoys family or those who came into close contact with his family. And the drunk Alexander Petrovich who appears in the fourth act is taken from real life. This is Tolstoys scribe, Alexander Petrovich Ivanov, a former officer who became trampless, an inhabitant of Rzhanovs house.


The Live Corpse. A Play in Six Acts

Leo Tolstoy

In the play The Living Corpse, the famous Russian writer L.N. Tolstoy appears as a playwright. It is filled with intense psychological collisions, complex images of heroes, ambiguous and with that vitally revealed throughout the whole story. And, as always, the themes of love, kindness and human destiny are in the foreground. The play is based on real events, it was popular at the beginning of the 20th century, when it was translated into foreign languages, put on stages, filmed.


The Man of Destiny

George Bernard Shaw

“The Man of Destiny” is a play by George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright who became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.   The Man of Destiny is a  play by George Bernard Shaw, set in Italy during the early career of Napoleon. It was published as a part of Plays Pleasant, which also included Arms and the Man, Candida and You Never Can Tell. Shaw titled the volume Plays Pleasant in order to contrast it with his first book of plays, Plays Unpleasant.  


The Man Who Was Afraid

Maxim Gorky

Like Byrons passionate sayings sounding on the tones of a wild and completely unsophisticated melody, this is Gorkys crazy, unbridled, powerful voice when he sings about the madness of the brave, barefoot dreamers who are proud of their idleness, who have nothing and fear nothing who is cheerful in his suffering, but unhappy in his joy.


The Merchant of Venice

William Shakespeare

In this work you can see the obsession with money, vindictiveness and even nationalism. There are two Venetian merchants, Bassanio and Antonio, in an extremely difficult financial situation. Bassanio, as a way out of this situation, decides to go to woo the rich heiress Portia, but he has no money for it. Antonio also has no money, but he borrows a large amount from a Jew Shylock under his honest name.


The Merry Wives of Windsor

William Shakespeare

In The Merry Wives of Windsor, there is everything that we love in Shakespeares comedies. The classic comedy of Shakespeare, except that the acting characters are not as noble as usual, and the jester is not enough. The plot is simple one fat knight Falstaff decided to roll up to two married ladies, and those who decided to teach him a lesson so that he would not allow himself such liberties to himself any more, which he did for life three times. At the same time, a story is being developed about an attempt to marry a young girl Anna for some fools, but the situation is resolved in favor of true love.


The Music Cure

George Bernard Shaw

“The Music Cure” is a play by George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright who became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.   The Music Cure is a short comedy sketch by George Bernard Shaw. Lord Reginald Fitzambey, Under-Secretary of State for War, is in a distressed state. He explains to his doctor that, knowing the British army would soon be put on a vegetarian diet, he bought shares in the Macaroni Trust. Brought before a parliamentary committee for profiteering, Fitzambey had tried to explain that macaroni was a normal investment. Now he is highly sensitised to anything distressing. His doctor prescribes rest and offers him opium pills.  


The Music Producer's Ultimate Guide to FL Studio 21. From beginner to pro: compose, mix, and master music - Second Edition

Joshua Au-Yeung

The Music Producer's Ultimate Guide to FL Studio 21 is the essential handbook for any aspiring or professional music producer looking to take their craft to the next level.This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to make the most of FL Studio 21's powerful tools and features. You will learn the secrets to creating professional-sounding music, from creating chord progressions to tailoring your sounds to perfection with compression, equalization, and stereo width effects.You'll begin by getting up-and-running with FL Studio 21, creating a beat, and composing a melody. Once you're familiar with the piano roll and mixer console you'll learn how to use plugins to create your own instruments, explore audio width effects, and engage in sound design. You'll get insights into mixing and mastering, as well as promoting and selling your music.This new edition covers some of the most popular features and plugins in FL Studio 21, including FLEX, Luxeverb, Vintage Chorus, Vintage Phaser, Distructor, Fruity Newtime, VFX Sequencer, Pitch Shifter, Frequency Shifter, Fruity Granulizer, Multiband Delay, and Frequency Splitter.


The Philanderer

George Bernard Shaw

“The Philanderer” is a play by George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright who became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.   The Philanderer was written in 1893 but the strict British censorship laws at the time meant that it was not produced on stage until 1902. This is one of three plays Shaw published as Plays Unpleasant in 1898. They were termed "unpleasant" because they were intended, not to entertain their audiences – as the traditional Victorian theatre was expected to – but to raise awareness of social problems and to censure exploitation of the labouring class by the unproductive rich. The other plays in the group are Widowers' Houses and Mrs. Warren's Profession.  


The Power of Darkness. A Drama in Five Acts

Leo Tolstoy

The very concept of The Power of Darkness for Tolstoy corresponds to the Gospel, where darkness is identified with the concept of hell and death, and light with hope and paradise. The Power of Darkness expresses not only religious, but also philosophical ideas of the great Russian writer. Darkness is the moral blindness of people who commit a crime in order to satisfy the most base motives. The power of The Power of Darkness for Tolstoy is the tragedy of hopelessness, a heavy chain of sins that entangle a person. But The Power of Darkness is also the path to moral regeneration through repentance.


The Sacred and Film. Darren Aronofsky\'s Transcendent Cinema

Marcin Kępiński

The book about the transcendent cinema of Darren Aronofsky takes the reader on a journey through the selected filmography of this outstanding American director. A monograph devoted entirely to his extraordinary work, which among film experts and film audiences has both a group of devoted admirers and critics. A strong, even anarchist accent falls here on the type of film hero presented, living on the margins of society and consciously rejecting its normative structures. The films, as well as the literature to which the book refers, are an expression of a critical attitude towards symbolic violence and the imposition of creatively limiting cultural norms on the individual, requiring such ordering such and no other understanding and experiencing the surrounding world. An astute observer of Darren Aronofsky's work will notice the existence of metaphysical problems in it, sometimes directly directed towards religious issues. We can call this kind of cinema transcendent. This cinema is only seemingly pessimistic in its meaning. It is worth looking for mythical stories to try to hear and understand what they have to offer us. It is worth turning to transcendence and trying to express the inexpressible, also in the art of film, as does Darren Aronofsky, who wants to be a trustee of great mythical narratives. These features, so characteristic of the director, can be seen, to a greater or lesser extent, in all his films, especially those referred to in this monograph. It will be interesting for the reader who expects from contemporary cinema something more than unsophisticated entertainment and wants to go beyond its ludic dimension.


The Sea-Gull. A Play In Four Acts

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

This is one of the most dramatic works of Chekhov. The conflict between the four main characters. Everyone has their own point of view, but who will be right in the end? Because of their conflict, everything is going to a bad spot, but can the mother really be able to bring her son or husband to the tragic end?


The Second Part of Henry the Fourth

William Shakespeare

The plot of the play is based on the struggle of King Henry IV with former allies. The Earl of Northumberland and his influential relatives, to whom the king owes a great deal to the throne, are not satisfied with their position under the new government and are rebelling. In addition to political troubles, Henry IV is tormented by problems of a personal nature: his heir Henry leads a hectic life, spending time in the company of the dissolute fat man Sir John Falstaff and his drinking companions...