Internet servers

In our digital library you will find books that cover the basics of installing, configuring and managing servers. In addition, they accurately explain such technologies as Azure Cloud, OpenDaylight, Docker and Samba. Thanks to these manuals, web servers will have no secrets from you.

Active Directory w systemach wolnego oprogramowania

Zbigniew Góra

Angielsko-polski słownik IA, UX, UI & SEO

Anna Matysek, Jacek Tomaszczyk

Apache 2. Leksykon kieszonkowy

Andrew Ford

Apache Hive Essentials. Essential techniques to help you process, and get unique insights from, big data - Second Edition

Dayong Du

Apache Karaf Cookbook. Over 60 recipes to help you get the most out of your Apache Karaf deployments

Jamie Goodyear, Johan Edstorm, Achim Nierbeck, Heath J Kesler

Apache Maven Cookbook. Over 90 hands-on recipes to successfully build and automate development life cycle tasks following Maven conventions and best practices

Apache. Receptury. Wydanie II

Augmented Reality for Developers. Build practical augmented reality applications with Unity, ARCore, ARKit, and Vuforia

Jonathan Linowes, Krystian Babilinski