

Adobe AIR dla programistów JavaScript. Leksykon kieszonkowy

Daniel Dura, Mike Chambers, Kevin Hoyt, Dragos Georgita

Poznaj moc nowoczesnej technologii AIR w tworzeniu funkcjonalnych aplikacji internetowych! Jak skonfigurować środowisko programistyczne w AIR? Jak zaimplementować funkcje? Jak utworzyć aplikację AIR, wykorzystując HTML i JavaScript? Adobe AIR to nowe międzyplatformowe środowisko wykonawcze, które pozwala programistom na wykorzystanie znanych technologii, takich jak HTML i JavaScript, do tworzenia rozbudowanych aplikacji internetowych. AIR oferuje bogaty zbiór wywołań API, a także ścisłą integrację z pulpitem, co umożliwia łączenie potęgi zasobów lokalnych z dostępem do internetu. O atrakcyjności Adobe AIR świadczą więc zarówno zasięg i łatwość programowania (najlepsze cechy modelu WWW), jak i funkcjonalność oraz bogactwo modelu pulpitowego. Książka "Adobe AIR dla programistów JavaScript. Leksykon kieszonkowy" stanowi wprowadzenie do tworzenia aplikacji Adobe AIR z wykorzystaniem języków HTML i JavaScript. Leksykon zawiera przegląd mechanizmów wykonawczych HTML i JavaScript w Adobe AIR oraz wyjaśnia, jak uzyskać dostęp do funkcji i interfejsów Adobe AIR z poziomu JavaScript. Znajdziesz tu wszelkie porady i wskazówki niezbędne do tego, by skonfigurować środowisko programistyczne, stworzyć, przetestować i wdrożyć atrakcyjną oraz funkcjonalną aplikację WWW.


Advanced JavaScript. Speed up web development with the powerful features and benefits of JavaScript

Zachary Shute

If you are looking for a programming language to develop flexible and efficient applications, JavaScript is an obvious choice. Advanced JavaScript is a hands-on guide that takes you through JavaScript and its many features, one step at a time. You'll begin by learning how to use the new JavaScript syntax in ES6, and then work through the many other features that modern JavaScript has to offer. As you progress through the chapters, you’ll use asynchronous programming with callbacks and promises, handle browser events, and perform Document Object Model (DOM) manipulation. You'll also explore various methods of testing JavaScript projects. In the concluding chapters, you'll discover functional programming and learn to use it to build your apps. With this book as your guide, you'll also be able to develop APIs using Node.js and Express, create front-ends using React/Redux, and build mobile apps using React/Expo.By the end of Advanced JavaScript, you will have explored the features and benefits of JavaScript to build small applications.


Advanced Node.js Development. Master Node.js by building real-world applications

Andrew Mead

Advanced Node.js Development is a practical, project-based book that provides you with all you need to progress as a Node.js developer. Node is a ubiquitous technology on the modern web, and an essential part of any web developer’s toolkit. If you're looking to create real-world Node applications, or you want to switch careers or launch a side-project to generate some extra income, then you're in the right place. This book was written around a single goal: turning you into a professional Node developer capable of developing, testing, and deploying real-world production applications.There's no better time to dive in. According to the 2018 Stack Overflow Survey, Node is in the top ten for back-end popularity and back-end salary. This book is built from the ground up around the latest version of Node.js (version 9.x.x). You'll be learning all the cutting-edge features available only in the latest software versions.This book delivers advanced skills that you need to become a professional Node developer. Along this journey you'll create your own API, you'll build a full real-time web app and create projects that apply the latest Async and Await technologies. Andrew Mead maps everything out for you in this book so that you can learn how to build powerful Node.js projects in a comprehensive, easy-to-follow package designed to get you up and running quickly.


Advanced TypeScript 3 Programming Projects. Build 9 different apps with TypeScript 3 and JavaScript frameworks such as Angular, React, and Vue

Peter O'Hanlon

With the demand for ever more complex websites, the need to write robust, standard-compliant JavaScript has never been greater. TypeScript is modern JavaScript with the support of a first-class type system, which makes it simpler to write complex web systems. With this book, you’ll explore core concepts and learn by building a series of websites and TypeScript apps.You’ll start with an introduction to TypeScript features that are often overlooked in other books, before moving on to creating a simple markdown parser. You’ll then explore React and get up to speed with creating a client-side contacts manager. Next, the book will help you discover the Angular framework and use the MEAN stack to create a photo gallery. Later sections will assist you in creating a GraphQL Angular Todo app and then writing a Socket.IO chatroom. The book will also lead you through developing your final Angular project which is a mapping app. As you progress, you’ll gain insights into React with Docker and microservices. You’ll even focus on how to build an image classification program with machine learning using TensorFlow. Finally, you’ll learn to combine TypeScript and C# to create an ASP.NET Core-based music library app.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to confidently use TypeScript 3.0 and different JavaScript frameworks to build high-quality apps.


Alfresco One 5.x Developer's Guide. Click here to enter text. - Second Edition

Benjamin Chevallereau, Jeff Potts

Do you want to create more reliable and secure solutions for enterprise apps? Alfresco One 5.x is your gateway to developing the best industry-standard enterprise apps and this book will help you to become a pro with Alfresco One 5.x development. This book will help you create a complete fully featured app for your organization and while you create that perfect app, you will explore and implement the new and intriguing features of Alfresco. The book starts with an introduction to the Alfresco platform and you’ll see how to configure and customize it. You will learn how to work with the content in a content management system and how you can extend it to your own use case. Next, you will find out how to work with Alfresco Share, an all-purpose user interface for general document management, and customize it. Moving on, you write web scripts that create, read, and delete data in the back-end repository. Further on from that, you’ll work with a set of tools that Alfresco provides; to generate a basic AnglularJS application supporting use cases, to name a few authentication, document list, document view. Finally, you’ll learn how to develop your own Alfresco Mobile app and understand how Smart Folders and Search manager work.By the end of the book, you’ll know how to configure Alfresco to authenticate against LDAP, be able to set up Single Sign-On (SSO), and work with Alfresco’s security services.


Angular 2 Cookbook. Discover over 70 recipes that provide the solutions you need to know to face every challenge in Angular 2 head on

Matthew Frisbie

Angular 2 introduces an entirely new way to build applications. It wholly embraces all the newest concepts that are built into the next generation of browsers, and it cuts away all the fat and bloat from Angular 1. This book plunges directly into the heart of all the most important Angular 2 concepts for you to conquer. In addition to covering all the Angular 2 fundamentals, such as components, forms, and services, it demonstrates how the framework embraces a range of new web technologies such as ES6 and TypeScript syntax, Promises, Observables, and Web Workers, among many others.This book covers all the most complicated Angular concepts and at the same time introduces the best practices with which to wield these powerful tools. It also covers in detail all the concepts you'll need to get you building applications faster. Oft-neglected topics such as testing and performance optimization are widely covered as well. A developer that reads through all the content in this book will have a broad and deep understanding of all the major topics in the Angular 2 universe.


Angular Cookbook. Over 80 actionable recipes every Angular developer should know - Second Edition

Muhammad Ahsan Ayaz

Angular has long been the framework of choice for web development projects of various scales, offering much-needed stability and a rich tooling ecosystem for building production-ready web and mobile apps. This recipe-based guide to Angular will help you build up your Angular expertise with a wide range of recipes across key tasks in web development and show you how to build high-performance apps.In this second edition, the recipes have been updated, added, and improved based on developer feedback and new challenges. The first few chapters will show you how to utilize core Angular concepts such as components, directives, and services to get you ready for building frontend web apps. You’ll then develop web components with Angular and go on to learn about advanced concepts such as dynamic components loading and state management with NgRx for achieving real-time performance.Later chapters will focus on recipes for effectively testing your Angular apps to make them fail-safe, before progressing to techniques for optimizing your app’s performance. Finally, you’ll create Progressive Web Apps (PWA) with Angular to provide an intuitive experience for users.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to create full-fledged, professional-looking Angular apps and have the skills you need for frontend development.


Angular Design Patterns and Best Practices. Create scalable and adaptable applications that grow to meet evolving user needs

Alvaro Camillo Neto, William Grasel, Loiane Groner

Single page applications (SPAs) have become the standard for most web experiences. Angular, with its batteries-included approach, has emerged as a powerful framework for simplifying the development of these interfaces by offering a comprehensive toolbox. This book guides you through the Angular ecosystem, uncovering invaluable design patterns and harnessing its essential features.The book begins by laying a strong foundation, helping you understand when and why Angular should be your web development framework of choice. The next set of chapters will help you gain expertise in component design and architecting efficient, flexible, and high-performing communication patterns between components. You’ll then delve into Angular's advanced features to create forms in a productive and secure way with robust data model typing. You'll also learn how to enhance productivity using interceptors to reuse code for common functionalities, such as token management, across various apps. The book also covers micro frontend architecture in depth to effectively apply this architectural approach and concludes by helping you master the art of crafting tests and handling errors effortlessly.By the end of this book, you'll have unlocked the full potential of the Angular framework.


Angular Design Patterns. Implement the Gang of Four patterns in your apps with Angular

Mathieu Nayrolles

This book is an insightful journey through the most valuable design patterns, and it will provide clear guidance on how to use them effectively in Angular. You will explore some of the best ways to work with Angular and how to use it to meet the stability and performance required in today's web development world. You’ll get to know some Angular best practices to improve your productivity and the code base of your application.We will take you on a journey through Angular designs for the real world, using a combination of case studies, design patterns to follow, and anti-patterns to avoid.By the end of the book, you will understand the various features of Angular, and will be able to apply well-known, industry-proven design patterns in your work.


Angular for Enterprise Applications. Build scalable Angular apps using the minimalist Router-first architecture - Third Edition

Doguhan Uluca

If you’re looking to upskill and build sophisticated, minimalist web applications suited for enterprise use, Angular for Enterprise Applications is your guide to the next level of engineering mastery.In its third edition, this Angular book distils hard-earned lessons into a lucid roadmap for success. Adopting a pragmatic approach founded on a robust technical base, you'll utilize both JavaScript and TypeScript fundamentals. You'll also embrace agile engineering coding principles and learn to architect optimally sized enterprise solutions employing the freshest concepts in Angular.You’ll gradually build upon this foundation through insightful recipes, sample apps, and crystal-clear explanations. You’ll master authentication and authorization and achieve optimal performance through reactive programming and lazy loading, build complex yet flexible UIs with Router-first principles, and then integrate with backend systems using REST and GraphQL APIs.You’ll cover modern tools like RxAngular, Qwik, and Signals. You’ll construct master/detail views using data tables and NgRx for state management. You’ll explore DevOps using Docker and build CI/CD pipelines necessary for high-performance teams.By the end of this book, you’ll be proficient in leveraging Angular in enterprise and design robust systems that scale effortlessly.


Angular for Enterprise-Ready Web Applications. Build and deliver production-grade and cloud-scale evergreen web apps with Angular 9 and beyond - Second Edition

Doguhan Uluca

This second edition of Angular for Enterprise-Ready Web Applications is updated with in-depth coverage of the evergreen Angular platform.You’ll start by mastering Angular programming fundamentals. Using the Kanban method and GitHub tools, you’ll build great-looking apps with Angular Material and also leverage reactive programming patterns with RxJS, discover the flux pattern with NgRx, become familiar with automated testing, utilize continuous integration using CircleCI, and deploy your app to the cloud using Vercel Now and GCloud.You will then learn how to design and develop line-of-business apps using router-first architecture with observable data anchors, demonstrated through oft-used recipes like master/detail views, and data tables with pagination and forms. Next, you’ll discover robust authentication and authorization design demonstrated via integration with Firebase, API documentation using Swagger, and API implementation using the MEAN stack.Finally, you will learn about DevOps using Docker, build a highly available cloud infrastructure on AWS, capture user behavior with Google Analytics, and perform load testing. By the end of the book, you’ll be familiar with the entire gamut of modern web development and full-stack architecture, learning patterns and practices to be successful as an individual developer on the web or as a team in the enterprise.


Angular. Profesjonalne techniki programowania. Wydanie II

Adam Freeman

Framework Angular 2 jest dziś uważany za jeden z najwydajniejszych sposobów rozwijania średnich i dużych aplikacji internetowych. Te aplikacje działają bez problemu niezależnie od platformy. Separacja kodu interfejsu od logiki aplikacji, prosta modularyzacja aplikacji, bezproblemowe przetwarzanie danych asynchronicznych, bogaty zestaw narzędzi i ogromne ułatwienia podczas projektowania interfejsu użytkownika - to tylko kilka z wielu zalet Angulara. Nawet jednak tak świetny framework wymaga od programisty wiedzy i umiejętności prawidłowego budowania kodu. Książka rozpoczyna się od przedstawienia wzorca MVC i jego zalet. Ta wiedza następnie przydaje się do budowy własnego projektu za pomocą Angulara. Najpierw będzie to prosta, praktyczna aplikacja, a później zostaną przedstawione coraz bardziej zaawansowane funkcje. Każdy temat jasno i spójnie wyjaśniono, zamieszczając szczegóły konieczne do efektywnej pracy. Przedstawiono sposoby wykorzystywania różnych pożytecznych narzędzi, w tym frameworka Bootstrap, biblioteki Reactive Extensions czy frameworka Jasmine. Nie zabrakło objaśnień najczęściej występujących problemów oraz sposobów ich rozwiązywania. W tej książce między innymi: Solidne podstawy koncepcji MVC Obiektowy model dokumentu (DOM) Usługi i dostawcy usług Routing i animacja w Angularze Testowanie aplikacji Angular 2. Profesjonalne narzędzie dla profesjonalisty.


Angular Router. From Angular core team member and creator of the router

Victor Savkin

Managing state transitions is one of the hardest parts of building applications. This is especially true on the web, where you also need to ensure that the state is reflected in the URL. In addition, you might want to split applications into multiple bundles and load them on demand. Doing this transparently isn’t easy. The Angular router solves these problems. Using the router, you can declaratively specify application states, manage state transitions while taking care of the URL, and load bundles on demand.This book is a complete description of the Angular router written by its designer. It goes far beyond a how-to-get-started guide and talks about the library in depth. The mental model, design constraints, and the subtleties of the API-everything is covered. You’ll learn in detail how to use the router in your own applications. Predominantly, you’ll understand the inner workings of the router and how you can configure it to work with any edge cases you come across in your sites.Throughout the book, you’ll see examples from real-world use in the MailApp application. You can view the full source of this application and see how the router code works to manage the state of the application and define what is visible on screen. Reading this book will give you deep insights into why the router works the way it does and will make you an Angular router expert.


Angular Services

Sohail Salehi

A primary concern with modern day applications is that they need to be dynamic, and for that, data access from the server side, data authentication, and security are very important. Angular leverages its services to create such state-of-the-art dynamic applications.This book will help you create and design customized services, integrate them into your applications, import third-party plugins, and make your apps perform better and faster. This book starts with a basic rundown on how you can create your own Angular development environment compatible with v2 and v4. You will then use Bootstrap and Angular UI components to create pages. You will also understand how to use controllers to collect data and populate them into NG UIs. Later, you will then create a rating service to evaluate entries and assign a score to them. Next, you will create cron jobs in NG. We will then create a crawler service to find all relevant resources regarding a selected headline and generate reports on it. Finally, you will create a service to manage accuracy and provide feedback about troubled areas in the app created.This book is up to date for the 2.4 release and is compatible with the 4.0 release as well, and it does not have any code based on the beta or release candidates.


Angular UI Development with PrimeNG. Build rich UI for Angular applications using PrimeNG

Sudheer Jonna, Oleg Varaksin

PrimeNG is a leading UI component library for Angular applications with 80+ rich UI components. PrimeNG was a huge success in the Angular world and very quickly. It is a rapidly evolving library that is aligned with the last Angular release. In comparison with competitors, PrimeNG was created with enterprise applications in mind. This book provides a head-start to help readers develop real–world, single-page applications using the popular development stack.This book consists of 10 chapters and starts with a short introduction to single-page applications. TypeScript and Angular fundamentals are important first steps for subsequent PrimeNG topics. Later we discuss how to set up and configure a PrimeNG application in different ways as a kick-start. Once the environment is ready then it is time to learn PrimeNG development, starting from theming concepts and responsive layouts. Readers will learn enhanced input, select, button components followed by the various panels, data iteration, overlays, messages and menu components. The validation of form elements will be covered too. An extra chapter demonstrates how to create map and chart components for real-world applications. Apart from built-in UI components and their features, the readers will learn how to customize components to meet their requirements.Miscellaneous use cases are discussed in a separate chapter, including: file uploading, drag and drop, blocking page pieces during AJAX calls, CRUD sample implementations, and more. This chapter goes beyond common topics, implements a custom component, and discusses a popular state management with @ngrx/store. The final chapter describes unit and end-to-end testing. To make sure Angular and PrimeNG development are flawless, we explain full-fledged testing frameworks with systematic examples. Tips for speeding up unit testing and debugging Angular applications end this book.The book is also focused on how to avoid some common pitfalls, and shows best practices with tips and tricks for efficient Angular and PrimeNG development. At the end of this book, the readers will know the ins and outs of how to use PrimeNG in Angular applications and will be ready to create real- world Angular applications using rich PrimeNG components.