

Front-End Development Projects with Vue.js. Learn to build scalable web applications and dynamic user interfaces with Vue 2

Raymond Camden, Hugo Di Francesco, Clifford Gurney, Philip Kirkbride, ...

Are you looking to use Vue 2 for web applications, but don't know where to begin? Front-End Development Projects with Vue.js will help build your development toolkit and get ready to tackle real-world web projects. You'll get to grips with the core concepts of this JavaScript framework with practical examples and activities.Through the use-cases in this book, you'll discover how to handle data in Vue components, define communication interfaces between components, and handle static and dynamic routing to control application flow. You'll get to grips with Vue CLI and Vue DevTools, and learn how to handle transition and animation effects to create an engaging user experience. In chapters on testing and deploying to the web, you'll gain the skills to start working like an experienced Vue developer and build professional apps that can be used by other people.You'll work on realistic projects that are presented as bitesize exercises and activities, allowing you to challenge yourself in an enjoyable and attainable way. These mini projects include a chat interface, a shopping cart and price calculator, a to-do app, and a profile card generator for storing contact details.By the end of this book, you'll have the confidence to handle any web development project and tackle real-world front-end development problems.


Full Stack Development with Angular and GraphQL. Learn to build scalable monorepo and a complete Angular app using Apollo, Lerna, and GraphQL

Ahmed Bouchefra

GraphQL is an alternative to traditional REST technology for querying Web APIs. Together with Angular and TypeScript, it provides a tech stack option for building future-proof web applications that are robust and maintainable at any scale.This book leverages the potential of cutting-edge technologies like GraphQL and Apollo and helps Angular developers add it to their stack. Starting with introducing full-stack development, you will learn to create a monorepo project with Lerna and NPM Workspaces. You will then learn to configure Node.js-based backend using GraphQL, Express, and Apollo Server. The book will demonstrate how to build professional-looking UIs with Angular Material. It will then show you how to create Web APIs for your frontend with GraphQL. All this in a step-by-step manner. The book covers advanced topics such as local state management, reactive variables, and generating TypeScript types using the GraphQL scheme to develop a scalable codebase.By the end of this book, you'll have the skills you need to be able to build your full-stack application.


Full Stack Development with JHipster. Build full stack applications and microservices with Spring Boot and modern JavaScript frameworks - Second Edition

Deepu K Sasidharan, Sendil Kumar Nellaiyapen, Matt Raible

JHipster is an open source development platform that allows you to easily create web apps and microservices from scratch without spending time on wiring and integrating different technologies. Updated to include JHipster 6, Java 11, Spring Boot 2.1, Vue.js, and Istio, this second edition of Full Stack Development with JHipster will help you build full stack applications and microservices seamlessly.You'll start by understanding JHipster and its associated tools, along with the essentials of full stack development, before building a monolithic web app. You'll then learn the JHipster Domain Language (JDL) with entity modeling using JDL-Studio. With this book, you'll create production-ready web apps using Spring Boot, Spring Framework, Angular, and Bootstrap, and run tests and set up continuous integration pipelines with Jenkins. As you advance, you'll learn how to convert your monoliths to microservices and how to package your application for production with various deployment options, including Heroku and Google Cloud. You'll also learn about Docker and Kubernetes, along with an introduction to the Istio service mesh. Finally, you'll build your client-side with React and Vue.js and discover JHipster's best practices.By the end of the book, you'll be able to leverage the best tools available to build modern web apps.


Full Stack Development with JHipster. Build modern web applications and microservices with Spring and Angular

Deepu K Sasidharan, Sendil Kumar Nellaiyapen

JHipster is a development platform to generate, develop, and deploy Spring Boot and Angular/React applications and Spring microservices. It provides you with a variety of tools that will help you quickly build modern web applications. This book will be your guide to building full stack applications with Spring and Angular using the JHipster tool set.You will begin by understanding what JHipster is and the various tools and technologies associated with it. You will learn the essentials of a full stack developer before getting hands-on and building a monolithic web application with JHipster. From here you will learn the JHipster Domain Language with entity modeling and entity creation using JDL and JDL studio. Moving on, you will be introduced to client side technologies such as Angular and Bootstrap and will delve into technologies such as Spring Security, Spring MVC, and Spring Data. You will learn to build and package apps for production with various deployment options such as Heroku and more. During the course of the book, you will be introduced to microservice server-side technologies and how to break your monolithic application with a database of your choice. Next, the book takes you through cloud deployment with microservices on Docker and Kubernetes. Going forward, you will learn to build your client side with React and master JHipster best practices.By the end of the book, you will be able to leverage the power of the best tools available to build modern web applications.


Full Stack Development with Spring Boot and React. Build modern and scalable web applications using the power of Java and React - Third Edition

Juha Hinkula

Getting started with full stack development can be daunting. Even developers who are familiar with the best tools, such as Spring Boot and React, can struggle to nail the basics, let alone master the more advanced elements. If you’re one of these developers, this comprehensive guide covers everything you need!This updated edition of the Full Stack Development with Spring Boot 2 and React book will take you from novice to proficient in this expansive domain. Taking a practical approach, this book will first walk you through the latest Spring Boot features for creating a robust backend, covering everything from setting up the environment and dependency injection to security and testing.Once this has been covered, you’ll advance to React frontend programming. If you’ve ever wondered about custom Hooks, third-party components, and MUI, this book will demystify all that and much more. You’ll explore everything that goes into developing, testing, securing, and deploying your applications using all the latest tools from Spring Boot, React, and other cutting-edge technologies.By the end of this book, you'll not only have learned the theory of building modern full stack applications but also have developed valuable skills that add value in any setting.


Full Stack Web Development with Raspberry Pi 3. Build complex web applications with a portable computer

Soham Kamani

Modern web technology and portable computing together have enabled huge advances in the Internet of Things (IoT) space,as well as in areas such as machine learning and big data. The Raspberry Pi is a very popular portable computer for running full stack web applications. This book will empower you to master this rapidly evolving technology to develop complex web applications and interfaces.This book starts by familiarizing you with the various components that make up the webdevelopment stack and that will integrate into your Raspberry Pi-powered web applications. It also introduces the Raspberry Pi computer and teach you how to get upand running with a brand new one. Next, this book introduces you to the different kinds ofsensor you’ll use to make your applications; using these skills, you will be able to createfull stack web applications and make them available to users via a web interface. Later,this book will also teach you how to build interactive web applications using JavaScriptand HTML5 for the visual representation of sensor data. Finally, this book will teach youhow to use a SQLite database to store and retrieve sensor data from multiple RaspberryPi computers.By the end of this book you will be able to create complex full stack web applicationson the Raspberry Pi 3 and will have improved your application’s performance and usability.


Full Stack Web Development with Remix. Enhance the user experience and build better React apps by utilizing the web platform

Andre Landgraf, Dor Solomon

We’re in an exciting era of web development marked by the rapid evolution of the JavaScript ecosystem. Remix offers the necessary abstractions to take advantage of the latest advancements in React and beyond. With this Remix book, you can elevate your skills from React development to full stack web development, unlocking the full potential of the latest technologies, such as edge functions, streaming, and the full stack of the web platform.This book guides you through Remix’s thoughtfully designed conventions, levers, and primitives to sharpen your web development skills. In this book, you’ll develop a personal finance management application—a dashboard that mimics both personal and enterprise use cases. Each chapter introduces new concepts, such as routing, data fetching, mutations, error handling, and state management, as well as advanced topics, such as real-time communication, edge deploys, and caching strategies to create a great user experience from end to end. As you apply each concept to the finance dashboard, you’ll discover how you can supercharge your React app with Remix. The final section of this book covers migration strategies, guiding you on how to transition an existing application to Remix.By the end of this book, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of Remix and the experience of building a full stack web app from start to finish.


Full-Stack React Projects. Learn MERN stack development by building modern web apps using MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js - Second Edition

Shama Hoque

Facebook's React combined with industry-tested, server-side technologies, such as Node, Express, and MongoDB, enables you to develop and deploy robust real-world full-stack web apps. This updated second edition focuses on the latest versions and conventions of the technologies in this stack, along with their new features such as Hooks in React and async/await in JavaScript. The book also explores advanced topics such as implementing real-time bidding, a web-based classroom app, and data visualization in an expense tracking app.Full-Stack React Projects will take you through the process of preparing the development environment for MERN stack-based web development, creating a basic skeleton app, and extending it to build six different web apps. You’ll build apps for social media, classrooms, media streaming, online marketplaces with real-time bidding, and web-based games with virtual reality features. Throughout the book, you’ll learn how MERN stack web development works, extend its capabilities for complex features, and gain actionable insights into creating MERN-based apps, along with exploring industry best practices to meet the ever-increasing demands of the real world.By the end of this React book, you’ll be able to build production-ready MERN full-stack apps using advanced tools and techniques in modern web development.


Full-Stack React Projects. Modern web development using React 16, Node, Express, and MongoDB

Shama Hoque

The benefits of using a full JavaScript stack for web development are undeniable, especially when robust and widely adopted technologies such as React, Node, and Express and are available. Combining the power of React with industry-tested, server-side technologies, such as Node, Express, and MongoDB, creates a diverse array of possibilities when developing real-world web applications.This book guides you through preparing the development environment for MERN stack-based web development, to creating a basic skeleton application and extending it to build four different web applications. These applications include a social media, an online marketplace, a media streaming, and a web-based game application with virtual reality features. While learning to set up the stack and developing a diverse range of applications with this book, you will grasp the inner workings of the MERN stack, extend its capabilities for complex features, and gain actionable knowledge of how to prepare MERN-based applications to meet the growing demands of real-world web applications.


Full-Stack React, TypeScript, and Node. Build cloud-ready web applications using React 17 with Hooks and GraphQL

David Choi

React sets the standard for building high-performance client-side web apps. Node.js is a scalable application server that is used in thousands of websites, while GraphQL is becoming the standard way for large websites to provide data and services to their users. Together, these technologies, when reinforced with the capabilities of TypeScript, provide a cutting-edge stack for complete web application development.This book takes a hands-on approach to implementing modern web technologies and the associated methodologies for building full-stack apps. You’ll begin by gaining a strong understanding of TypeScript and how to use it to build high-quality web apps. The chapters that follow delve into client-side development with React using the new Hooks API and Redux. Next, you’ll get to grips with server-side development with Express, including authentication with Redis-based sessions and accessing databases with TypeORM. The book will then show you how to use Apollo GraphQL to build web services for your full-stack app. Later, you’ll learn how to build GraphQL schemas and integrate them with React using Hooks. Finally, you’ll focus on how to deploy your application onto an NGINX server using the AWS cloud.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to build and deploy complete high-performance web applications using React, Node, and GraphQL.


Full-Stack Vue.js 2 and Laravel 5. Bring the frontend and backend together with Vue, Vuex, and Laravel

Anthony Gore

Vue is a JavaScript framework that can be used for anything from simple data display to sophisticated front-end applications and Laravel is a PHP framework used for developing fast and secure web-sites. This book gives you practical knowledge of building modern full-stack web apps from scratch using Vue with a Laravel back end.In this book, you will build a room-booking website named Vuebnb. This project will show you the core features of Vue, Laravel and other state-of-the-art web development tools and techniques.The book begins with a thorough introduction to Vue.js and its core concepts like data binding, directives and computed properties, with each concept being explained first, then put into practice in the case-study project.You will then use Laravel to set up a web service and integrate the front end into a full-stack app. You will be shown a best-practice development workflow using tools like Webpack and Laravel Mix.With the basics covered, you will learn how sophisticated UI features can be added using ES+ syntax and a component-based architecture. You will use Vue Router to make the app multi-page and Vuex to manage application state.Finally, you will learn how to use Laravel Passport for authenticated AJAX requests between Vue and the API, completing the full-stack architecture. Vuebnb will then be prepared for production and deployed to a free Heroku cloud server.


Full-Stack Web Development with Vue.js and Node. Build scalable and powerful web apps with modern web stack: MongoDB, Vue, Node.js, and Express

Aneeta Sharma

Isomorphic JavaScript was the buzzword of the year 2017, allowing developers to utilize a single language throughout their web development stack and build cost-effective and scalable applications. MEVN is a one such modern web development stack consisting of web applications such as MongoDB, Express.js, Vue.js, and Node.js. Hands-On Full-Stack Web Development with Vue.js 2 and Node.js leverages the harmony of these technologies to help you create full-stack web applications.Starting with the core frameworks, this example-based guide explains all the key concepts of frameworks, how to set them up properly, and how to use popular modules to connect them together and make them work cohesively. You will learn all this with the help of real-world examples. In addition to this, you will be able to scaffold web application architecture, add an authentication layer, and develop the MVC structure to support the development of your application. You'll explore how to create data models for your applications and then write REST APIs by exposing your data model to your application. Solely orientated towards building a full, end-to-end application using the MEVN stack, this book will help you understand how your application development grows.


Getting Started with Angular. Click here to enter text. - Second Edition

Minko Gechev

Want to build quick and robust web applications with Angular? This book is the quickest way to get to grips with Angular and take advantage of all its new features.


Getting Started with Gulp. Automating web development workflows - Second Edition

Travis Maynard

This book is a hands-on guide to get you up to speed with gulp. You will quickly learn how to install, configure, and run your own build system. It will instill you with the ability to automate several common development tasks to vastly improve your development workflow. This book first demonstrates various Gulp use cases before running through the steps of configuring, running, and customizing Gulp, providing you with core concepts of gulp, node.js, and npm. Diving a bit deeper into the gulp ecosystem, we will discuss when and why to use a node module instead of a gulp plugin. We will also go over a few issues that we can run into while using gulp and learn about ways to work around them to improve your gulp experience.By the end of this book, you will be able to create your very own gulp build from scratch, create and maintain tasks and project builds, and automate your workflow with plugins and custom tasks.


Getting Started with React VR. Build immersive Virtual Reality apps for the web with React

John Gwinner

This book takes you on a journey to create intuitive and interactive Virtual Reality experiences by creating your first VR application using React VR 2.0.0.It starts by getting you up to speed with Virtual Reality (VR) and React VR components.It teaches you what Virtual Reality (VR) really is, why it works, how to describe 3D objects, the installation of Node.js (version 9.2.0) and WebVR browser. You will learn 3D polygon modeling, texturing, animating virtual objects and adding sound to your VR world. You will also discover ways to extend React VR with new features and native Three.js. You will learn how to include existing high-performance web code into your VR app. This book will also take you through upgrading and publishing your app. By the end of this book, you'll have a deep knowledge of Virtual Reality and a full-fledged working VR app to add to your profile!


Hands-On Chatbot Development with Alexa Skills and Amazon Lex. Create custom conversational and voice interfaces for your Amazon Echo devices and web platforms

Sam Williams

Have you ever wondered how Alexa apps are made, how voice-enabled technologies work, or how chatbots function? And why tech giants such as Amazon and Google are investing in voice technologies? A better question is: why should I start developing on these platforms? Hands-On Chatbot Development with Alexa Skills and Amazon Lex covers all features of the Alexa Skills kit with real-world examples that help you develop skills to integrate Echo and chatbots into Facebook, Slack, and Twilio with the Amazon Lex platform.The book starts with teaching you how to set up your local environment and AWS CLI so that you can automate the process of uploading AWS Lambda from your local machine. You will then learn to develop Alexa Skills and Lex chatbots using Lambda functions to control functionality. Once you’ve come to grips with this, you will learn to create increasingly complex chatbots, integrate Amazon S3, and change the way Alexa talks to the user. In the concluding chapters, we shift our focus to Amazon Lex and messaging chatbots. We will explore Alexa, learn about DynamoDB databases, and add cards to user conversations.By the end of this book, you will have explored a full set of technologies that will enable you to create your own voice and messaging chatbots using Amazon.


Hands-On Chatbots and Conversational UI Development. Build chatbots and voice user interfaces with Chatfuel, Dialogflow, Microsoft Bot Framework, Twilio, and Alexa Skills

Srini Janarthanam

Conversation as an interface is the best way for machines to interact with us using the universally accepted human tool that is language. Chatbots and voice user interfaces are two flavors of conversational UIs. Chatbots are real-time, data-driven answer engines that talk in natural language and are context-aware. Voice user interfaces are driven by voice and can understand and respond to users using speech. This book covers both types of conversational UIs by leveraging APIs from multiple platforms. We'll take a project-based approach to understand how these UIs are built and the best use cases for deploying them. We'll start by building a simple messaging bot from the Facebook Messenger API to understand the basics of bot building. Then we move on to creating a Task model that can perform complex tasks such as ordering and planning events with the newly-acquired-by-Google Dialogflow and Microsoft Bot framework. We then turn to voice-enabled UIs that are capable of interacting with users using speech with Amazon Alexa and Google Home. By the end of the book, you will have created your own line of chatbots and voice UIs for multiple leading platforms.


Hands-On Data Structures and Algorithms with JavaScript. Write efficient code that is highly performant, scalable, and easily testable using JavaScript

Kashyap Mukkamala

Data structures and algorithms are the fundamental building blocks of computer programming. They are critical to any problem, provide a complete solution, and act like reusable code. Using appropriate data structures and having a good understanding of algorithm analysis are key in JavaScript to solving crises and ensuring your application is less prone to errors.Do you want to build applications that are high-performing and fast? Are you looking for complete solutions to implement complex data structures and algorithms in a practical way? If either of these questions rings a bell, then this book is for you!You'll start by building stacks and understanding performance and memory implications. You will learn how to pick the right type of queue for the application. You will then use sets, maps, trees, and graphs to simplify complex applications. You will learn to implement different types of sorting algorithm before gradually calculating and analyzing space and time complexity. Finally, you'll increase the performance of your application using micro optimizations and memory management.By the end of the book you will have gained the skills and expertise necessary to create and employ various data structures in a way that is demanded by your project or use case.


Hands-On Design Patterns with React Native. Proven techniques and patterns for efficient native mobile development with JavaScript

Mateusz Grzesiukiewicz

React Native helps developers reuse code across different mobile platforms like iOS and Android.This book will show you effective design patterns in the React Native world and will make you ready for professional development in big teams.The book will focus only on the patterns that are relevant to JavaScript, ECMAScript, React and React Native. However, you can successfully transfer a lot of the skills and techniques to other languages. I call them “Idea patterns”.This book will start with the most standard development patterns in React like component building patterns, styling patterns in React Native and then extend these patterns to your mobile application using real world practical examples. Each chapter comes with full, separate source code of applications that you can build and run on your phone.The book is also diving into architectural patterns. Especially how to adapt MVC to React environment. You will learn Flux architecture and how Redux is implementing it. Each approach will be presented with its pros and cons. You will learn how to work with external data sources using libraries like Redux thunk and Redux Saga.The end goal is the ability to recognize the best solution for a given problem for your next mobile application.


Hands-On Full Stack Development with Spring Boot 2 and React. Build modern and scalable full stack applications using Spring Framework 5 and React with Hooks - Second Edition

Juha Hinkula

React Hooks have changed the way React components are coded. They enable you to write components in a more intuitive way without using classes, which makes your code easier to read and maintain. Building on from the previous edition, this book is updated with React Hooks and the latest changes introduced in create-react-app and Spring Boot 2.1.This book starts with a brief introduction to Spring Boot. You’ll understand how to use dependency injection and work with the data access layer of Spring using Hibernate as the ORM tool. You’ll then learn how to build your own RESTful API endpoints for web applications. As you advance, the book introduces you to other Spring components, such as Spring Security to help you secure the backend. Moving on, you’ll explore React and its app development environment and components for building your frontend. Finally, you’ll create a Docker container for your application by implementing the best practices that underpin professional full stack web development.By the end of this book, you’ll be equipped with all the knowledge you need to build modern full stack applications with Spring Boot for the backend and React for the frontend.


Hands-On Full Stack Web Development with Angular 6 and Laravel 5. Become fluent in both frontend and backend web development with Docker, Angular and Laravel

Fernando Monteiro

Angular, considered as one of the most popular and powerful frontend frameworks, has undergone a major overhaul to embrace emerging web technologies so that developers can build cutting-edge web applications.This book gives you practical knowledge of building modern full-stack web apps from scratch using Angular with a Laravel Restful back end.The book begins with a thorough introduction to Laravel and Angular and its core concepts like custom errors messages, components, routers, and Angular-cli, with each concept being explained first, and then put into practice in the case-study project.With the basics covered, you will learn how sophisticated UI features can be added using NgBootstrao and a component-based architecture. You will learn to extend and customize variables from Bootstrap CSS framework.You will learn how to create secure web application with Angular and Laravel using token based authentication. Finally, you will learn all about progressive web applications and build and deploy a complete fullstack application using Docker and Docker-compose.By the end of this book, you'll gain a solid understanding of Angular 6 and how it interacts with a Laravel 5.x backend


Hands-On Full Stack Web Development with Aurelia. Develop modern and real-time web applications with Aurelia and Node.js

Diego Argüelles Rojas, Erikson Haziz Murrugarra Sifuentes

Hands-On Full Stack Web Development with Aurelia begins with a review of basic JavaScript concepts and the structure of an Aurelia application generated with the Aurelia-CLI tool. You will learn how to create interesting and intuitive application using the Aurelia-Materialize plugin, which implements the material design approach. Once you fully configure a FIFA World Cup 2018 app, you'll start creating the initial components through TDD practices and then develop backend services to process and store all the user data.This book lets you explore the NoSQL model and implement it using one of the most popular NoSQL databases, MongoDB, with some exciting libraries to make the experience effortless. You'll also be able to add some advanced behavior to your components, from managing the lifecycle properly to using dynamic binding, field validations, and the custom service layer.You will integrate your application with Google OAuth Service and learn best practices to secure your applications. Furthermore, you'll write UI Testing scripts to create high-quality Aurelia Apps and explore the most used tools to run end-to-end tests. In the concluding chapters, you'll be able to deploy your application to the Cloud and Docker containers.By the end of this book, you will have learned how to create rich applications using best practices and modern approaches.