
Hands-On Full Stack Web Development with Angular 6 and Laravel 5. Become fluent in both frontend and backend web development with Docker, Angular and Laravel

Fernando Monteiro

Hands-On Full Stack Web Development with Aurelia. Develop modern and real-time web applications with Aurelia and Node.js

Diego Argüelles Rojas, Erikson Haziz Murrugarra Sifuentes

Hands-on Full-Stack Web Development with GraphQL and React. Build scalable full-stack applications while learning to solve complex problems with GraphQL

Sebastian Grebe

Hands-On Functional Programming with TypeScript. Explore functional and reactive programming to create robust and testable TypeScript applications

Remo H. Jansen

Hands-On Game Development with WebAssembly. Learn WebAssembly C++ programming by building a retro space game

Rick Battagline

Hands-on JavaScript for Python Developers. Leverage your Python knowledge to quickly learn JavaScript and advance your web development career

Sonyl Nagale

Hands-On JavaScript High Performance. Build faster web apps using Node.js, Svelte.js, and WebAssembly

Justin Scherer

Hands-on Kubernetes on Azure. Use Azure Kubernetes Service to automate management, scaling, and deployment of containerized applications - Third Edition

Nills Franssens, Shivakumar Gopalakrishnan, Gunther Lenz

Hands-On Microservices with JavaScript. Build scalable web applications with JavaScript, Node.js, and Docker

Tural Suleymani

Hands-on Nuxt.js Web Development. Build universal and static-generated Vue.js applications using Nuxt.js

Lau Tiam Kok

Hands-On TypeScript for C# and .NET Core Developers. Transition from C# to TypeScript 3.1 and build applications with ASP.NET Core 2

Francesco Abbruzzese

Head First JavaScript. Edycja polska

Michael Morrison

HTML5 Canvas. Receptury

Eric Rowell

HTML5. Programowanie aplikacji

Zachary Kessin

HTML,CSS i JavaScript dla każdego. Wydanie VII

Rafe Colburn, Laura Lemay, Jennifer Kyrnin

Hybrid Mobile Development with Ionic. Building highly interactive mobile apps

Gaurav Saini

Instant Adobe Edge Inspect Starter. Step-by-step, hands-on recipes to debug, test, and preview web applications on multiple mobile devices with Adobe Edge Inspect

Joseph Khan

Instant Audio Processing with Web Audio. Learn how to use the Web Audio API to implement audio effects such as loop stitching, audio ducking, and audio equalization through practical, hands-on recipes

Chris Khoo, Chris Keat Khoo

Instant Fancybox. Enhance the look of your web pages using the lightweight and highly customizable jQuery plugin Fancybox

Kyle Diedrick

Instant Galleria How-to. Recipes to make you an expert user of the Galleria JavaScript framework

Nathan Van Gheem

Instant Highcharts. Learn to create dynamic and customized charts instantly using Highcharts

Cyril Grandjean

Instant IntroJs. Learn how to work with the IntroJs library to create useful, step-by-step help and introductions for websites and applications

Ehsan Arasteh, Afshin Mehrabani

Instant jQuery 2.0 Table Manipulation How-to. Enhance and add functionality with interactivity to your HTML tables with jQuery

Charlie Griefer