
ECMAScript Cookbook. Over 70 recipes to help you learn the new ECMAScript (ES6/ES8) features and solve common JavaScript problems

Ross Harrison

Efektywny JavaScript. 68 sposobów wykorzystania potęgi języka

David Herman

Effortless App Development with Oracle Visual Builder. Boost productivity by building web and mobile applications efficiently using the drag-and-drop approach

Ankur Jain, Shay Shmeltzer

Electron Projects. Build over 9 cross-platform desktop applications from scratch

Denys Vuika

Ember.js dla webdeveloperów

Jesse Cravens

End-to-End Web Testing with Cypress. Explore techniques for automated frontend web testing with Cypress and JavaScript

Waweru Mwaura

Expert Data Visualization. Advanced information visualization with D3.js 4.x

Jos Dirksen

Frameworki JavaScript. Projektowanie interaktywnych i dynamicznych stron WWW

Wojciech Majkowski