

A Diversity of Creatures

Rudyard Kipling

Despite the fact that, as the name implies, they are diverse in nature, most of these stories are affectionate satires with the participation of the social strata into which he belonged and who knew best of all a class of officers from a public school. The Honor of the War was a funny story of hooliganism in which Kipling seemed to fully endorse this practice; Regulus removes the lid from the can; while the Marines were a carefully crafted soldiers practical joke involving a horse and some fireworks


A Double Barrelled Detective Story

Mark Twain

A wealthy young woman is abused, humiliated, and abandoned by her new husband, Jacob Fuller, whom she married against her fathers will. Young Fuller takes offense at the fact that her father rejects and rejects him as deliberate, and decides to take revenge on him by mistreating his new bride. After leaving her, she gives birth to a son whom she calls Archie Stillman. When the child gets older, the mother discovers that he has an incredible sense of smell, like bloodhound.


A Duet. With an Occasional Chorus

Arthur Conan Doyle

A Duet, with an Occasional Chorus is a novel by British author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, published in 1899. The novel features the story of a happily married couple which is threatened by a previous lover of the husband. Also, the novel tells the adventures of a young couple, starting from their wedding preparation and ending with the birth of their first child. They are funny and cute, love each other, passionate and want always to be together. They make rules for family life, travel, keep the house and just live. The novel, set in Conan Doyles own time, written partly in the epistolary form he sought to revive after a century of disuse and which was also related to the self-conscious textuality of the late-Victorian urban Gothic.


A Fatal Dose

Fred M. White

Fred M. White shows the difficult times of Israel. The streets were quiet, but it was the hunger. People tried to work with all their strength, but they were powerless and tried to show it with a soldier. The reader can not only learn the history of Israel, but also feel all this horror.


A Fight for Fortune. Or, The Tiger of Batol

T.C. Bridges

A pair of seventeen-year-old boys leaves the house to make their way to fate in the Far Eastern seas. It must be my hands that are at fault, then, replied Clive. Ive been trying everywhere for the past three weeks, and cant get taken on. I came down here to look up Captain Brereton, an old friend of my fathers. Hes skipper and part owner of a tramp steamer, the Sphinx. I hoped to cadge a passage to Australia, where I thought I might find a job.


A Friend of Caesar. A Tale of the Fall of the Roman Republic

William Stearns Davis

Although it is a work of fiction and the story, dialogue and structure are perfect, the historical facts and perspective are very reliable as the author was a university professor specializing in this period. You will see how the pagan religions of that time influenced men and women. This book will appeal to fans of historical novels about the Roman Empire.


A Front of Brass

Fred M. White

Another of the greatest works written by Fred M. White. In this book, the protagonist Eleanor Marsh is at the top of social circles. She is not a very good person, and in this book she is described as adventurers. She is always looking for an opportunity to make some money no matter who it hurts.


A gdy komunizm zapanuje. Powieść przyszłości

Edmund Jezierski

Alternatywna wersja historii, która prezentuje jak mógłby wyglądać świat, gdyby komuniści objęli stery trzech potęg światowej gospodarki - Niemiec, Rosji i Chin. Agresywne przejmowanie terenu, wszechobecne walki to codzienność tego świata, przez którą jedyne na co czekano to koniec, dzień ostateczny, dzień decydującego boju... Nawet jeśli miałby oznaczać śmierć. Powieść została wydana po raz pierwszy w 1927 roku. Język, postacie i poglądy zawarte w tej publikacji nie odzwierciedlają poglądów ani opinii wydawcy. Utwór ma charakter publikacji historycznej, ukazującej postawy i tendencje charakterystyczne dla czasów z których pochodzi. W niniejszej publikacji zachowano oryginalną pisownię. Edmund Jezierski, a właściwie Edmund Krüger - publicysta i powieściopisarz. Już jako nastolatek odnosił pierwsze sukcesy w branży, ukazując swój talent czytelnikom za pośrednictwem tygodnika Bluszcz. Nawiązał także współpracę z Kurierem Porannym oraz Przyjacielem Dzieci. Nie osiadł jednak na laurach. W swojej karierze opublikował kilkadziesiąt tytułów.