
Online-Bücher in der Kategorie Elektronik führen Sie in Themen wie künstliche Intelligenz, elektronische Schaltpläne, Löten und Drohnen ein. Hier finden Sie auch Anleitungen mit praktischem Wissen, mit denen Sie Roboter entwerfen, Mikrocontroller programmieren und in die Welt von Arduino einsteigen können. Wenn Sie sich für solche Themen begeistern, helfen Ihnen diese Veröffentlichungen bei der Entwicklung Ihres Hobbys.

Alexa Skills Projects. Build exciting projects with Amazon Alexa and integrate it with Internet of Things

Madhur Bhargava

Algorytmy sztucznej inteligencji. Ilustrowany przewodnik

Rishal Hurbans

Android Things Projects. Efficiently build IoT projects with Android Things

Francesco Azzola

Android Things Quick Start Guide. Build your own smart devices using the Android Things platform

Raul Portales

Architectural Patterns and Techniques for Developing IoT Solutions. Build IoT applications using digital twins, gateways, rule engines, AI/ML integration, and related patterns

Jasbir Singh Dhaliwal, Grady Booch

Arduino. Automatyka domowa dla każdego

Marco Schwartz

Arduino Data Communications. Learn how to configure databases, MQTT, REST APIs, and store data over LoRaWAN, HC-12, and GSM

Robert Thas John

Arduino Development Cookbook. Over 50 hands-on recipes to quickly build and understand Arduino projects, from the simplest to the most extraordinary

Cornel M Amariei

Arduino dla zaawansowanych

Rick Anderson, Dan Cervo

Arduino Electronics Blueprints. Make common electronic devices interact with an Arduino board to build amazing out-of-the-box projects

Donald Wilcher, Don Wilcher

Arduino Essentials. Enter the world of Arduino and its peripherals and start creating interesting projects

Thomas P.McDunn, Francisco J Perea Reyes, Francis Perea

Arduino for Kids. A cool guide to help kids develop robots and electronics

Priya Kuber, Rishi Gaurav Bhatnagar, Vijay Varada

Arduino Home Automation Projects. Automate your home using the powerful Arduino platform

Marco Schwartz

Arduino i projekty LEGO. Zadziwiające projekty LEGO sterowane przez Arduino

Jon Lazar

Arduino IoT Cloud for Developers. Implement best practices to design and deploy simple-to-complex projects at reduced costs

Muhammad Afzal

Arduino od podstaw

Witold Wrotek