

Hands-On Reinforcement Learning with Python. Master reinforcement and deep reinforcement learning using OpenAI Gym and TensorFlow

Sudharsan Ravichandiran

Reinforcement Learning (RL) is the trending and most promising branch of artificial intelligence. Hands-On Reinforcement learning with Python will help you master not only the basic reinforcement learning algorithms but also the advanced deep reinforcement learning algorithms.The book starts with an introduction to Reinforcement Learning followed by OpenAI Gym, and TensorFlow. You will then explore various RL algorithms and concepts, such as Markov Decision Process, Monte Carlo methods, and dynamic programming, including value and policy iteration. This example-rich guide will introduce you to deep reinforcement learning algorithms, such as Dueling DQN, DRQN, A3C, PPO, and TRPO. You will also learn about imagination-augmented agents, learning from human preference, DQfD, HER, and many more of the recent advancements in reinforcement learning.By the end of the book, you will have all the knowledge and experience needed to implement reinforcement learning and deep reinforcement learning in your projects, and you will be all set to enter the world of artificial intelligence.


Hands-On RESTful API Design Patterns and Best Practices. Design, develop, and deploy highly adaptable, scalable, and secure RESTful web APIs

Harihara Subramanian J, Pethuru Raj

This book deals with the Representational State Transfer (REST) paradigm, which is an architectural style that allows networked devices to communicate with each other over the internet. With the help of this book, you’ll explore the concepts of service-oriented architecture (SOA), event-driven architecture (EDA), and resource-oriented architecture (ROA). This book covers why there is an insistence for high-quality APIs toward enterprise integration.It also covers how to optimize and explore endpoints for microservices with API gateways and touches upon integrated platforms and Hubs for RESTful APIs. You’ll also understand how application delivery and deployments can be simplified and streamlined in the REST world. The book will help you dig deeper into the distinct contributions of RESTful services for IoT analytics and applications.Besides detailing the API design and development aspects, this book will assist you in designing and developing production-ready, testable, sustainable, and enterprise-grade APIs. By the end of the book, you’ll be empowered with all that you need to create highly flexible APIs for next-generation RESTful services and applications.


Hands-On RESTful Python Web Services. Develop RESTful web services or APIs with modern Python 3.7 - Second Edition

Gaston C. Hillar

Python is the language of choice for millions of developers worldwide that builds great web services in RESTful architecture. This second edition of Hands-On RESTful Python Web Services will cover the best tools you can use to build engaging web services.This book shows you how to develop RESTful APIs using the most popular Python frameworks and all the necessary stacks with Python, combined with related libraries and tools. You’ll learn to incorporate all new features of Python 3.7, Flask 1.0.2, Django 2.1, Tornado 5.1, and also a new framework, Pyramid. As you advance through the chapters, you will get to grips with each of these frameworks to build various web services, and be shown use cases and best practices covering when to use a particular framework.You’ll then successfully develop RESTful APIs with all frameworks and understand how each framework processes HTTP requests and routes URLs. You’ll also discover best practices for validation, serialization, and deserialization. In the concluding chapters, you will take advantage of specific features available in certain frameworks such as integrated ORMs, built-in authorization and authentication, and work with asynchronous code. At the end of each framework, you will write tests for RESTful APIs and improve code coverage.By the end of the book, you will have gained a deep understanding of the stacks needed to build RESTful web services.


Hands-On Simulation Modeling with Python. Develop simulation models to get accurate results and enhance decision-making processes

Giuseppe Ciaburro

Simulation modeling helps you to create digital prototypes of physical models to analyze how they work and predict their performance in the real world. With this comprehensive guide, you'll understand various computational statistical simulations using Python.Starting with the fundamentals of simulation modeling, you'll understand concepts such as randomness and explore data generating processes, resampling methods, and bootstrapping techniques. You'll then cover key algorithms such as Monte Carlo simulations and Markov decision processes, which are used to develop numerical simulation models, and discover how they can be used to solve real-world problems. As you advance, you'll develop simulation models to help you get accurate results and enhance decision-making processes. Using optimization techniques, you'll learn to modify the performance of a model to improve results and make optimal use of resources. The book will guide you in creating a digital prototype using practical use cases for financial engineering, prototyping project management to improve planning, and simulating physical phenomena using neural networks.By the end of this book, you'll have learned how to construct and deploy simulation models of your own to overcome real-world challenges.


Hands-On Software Engineering with Python. Move beyond basic programming and construct reliable and efficient software with complex code

Brian Allbee

Software Engineering is about more than just writing code—it includes a host of soft skills that apply to almost any development effort, no matter what the language, development methodology, or scope of the project. Being a senior developer all but requires awareness of how those skills, along with their expected technical counterparts, mesh together through a project's life cycle. This book walks you through that discovery by going over the entire life cycle of a multi-tier system and its related software projects. You'll see what happens before any development takes place, and what impact the decisions and designs made at each step have on the development process. The development of the entire project, over the course of several iterations based on real-world Agile iterations, will be executed, sometimes starting from nothing, in one of the fastest growing languages in the world—Python. Application of practices in Python will be laid out, along with a number of Python-specific capabilities that are often overlooked. Finally, the book will implement a high-performance computing solution, from first principles through complete foundation.


Hands-On Unsupervised Learning with Python. Implement machine learning and deep learning models using Scikit-Learn, TensorFlow, and more

Giuseppe Bonaccorso

Unsupervised learning is about making use of raw, untagged data and applying learning algorithms to it to help a machine predict its outcome. With this book, you will explore the concept of unsupervised learning to cluster large sets of data and analyze them repeatedly until the desired outcome is found using Python.This book starts with the key differences between supervised, unsupervised, and semi-supervised learning. You will be introduced to the best-used libraries and frameworks from the Python ecosystem and address unsupervised learning in both the machine learning and deep learning domains. You will explore various algorithms, techniques that are used to implement unsupervised learning in real-world use cases. You will learn a variety of unsupervised learning approaches, including randomized optimization, clustering, feature selection and transformation, and information theory. You will get hands-on experience with how neural networks can be employed in unsupervised scenarios. You will also explore the steps involved in building and training a GAN in order to process images.By the end of this book, you will have learned the art of unsupervised learning for different real-world challenges.


Hands-On Vision and Behavior for Self-Driving Cars. Explore visual perception, lane detection, and object classification with Python 3 and OpenCV 4

Luca Venturi, Krishtof Korda

The visual perception capabilities of a self-driving car are powered by computer vision. The work relating to self-driving cars can be broadly classified into three components - robotics, computer vision, and machine learning. This book provides existing computer vision engineers and developers with the unique opportunity to be associated with this booming field.You will learn about computer vision, deep learning, and depth perception applied to driverless cars. The book provides a structured and thorough introduction, as making a real self-driving car is a huge cross-functional effort. As you progress, you will cover relevant cases with working code, before going on to understand how to use OpenCV, TensorFlow and Keras to analyze video streaming from car cameras. Later, you will learn how to interpret and make the most of lidars (light detection and ranging) to identify obstacles and localize your position. You’ll even be able to tackle core challenges in self-driving cars such as finding lanes, detecting pedestrian and crossing lights, performing semantic segmentation, and writing a PID controller.By the end of this book, you’ll be equipped with the skills you need to write code for a self-driving car running in a driverless car simulator, and be able to tackle various challenges faced by autonomous car engineers.


Hands-On Web Penetration Testing with Metasploit. The subtle art of using Metasploit 5.0 for web application exploitation

Harpreet Singh, Himanshu Sharma

Metasploit has been a crucial security tool for many years. However, there are only a few modules that Metasploit has made available to the public for pentesting web applications. In this book, you'll explore another aspect of the framework – web applications – which is not commonly used. You'll also discover how Metasploit, when used with its inbuilt GUI, simplifies web application penetration testing. The book starts by focusing on the Metasploit setup, along with covering the life cycle of the penetration testing process. Then, you will explore Metasploit terminology and the web GUI, which is available in the Metasploit Community Edition. Next, the book will take you through pentesting popular content management systems such as Drupal, WordPress, and Joomla, which will also include studying the latest CVEs and understanding the root cause of vulnerability in detail. Later, you'll gain insights into the vulnerability assessment and exploitation of technological platforms such as JBoss, Jenkins, and Tomcat. Finally, you'll learn how to fuzz web applications to find logical security vulnerabilities using third-party tools. By the end of this book, you'll have a solid understanding of how to exploit and validate vulnerabilities by working with various tools and techniques.


Hands-On Web Scraping with Python. Perform advanced scraping operations using various Python libraries and tools such as Selenium, Regex, and others

Anish Chapagain

Web scraping is an essential technique used in many organizations to gather valuable data from web pages. This book will enable you to delve into web scraping techniques and methodologies.The book will introduce you to the fundamental concepts of web scraping techniques and how they can be applied to multiple sets of web pages. You'll use powerful libraries from the Python ecosystem such as Scrapy, lxml, pyquery, and bs4 to carry out web scraping operations. You will then get up to speed with simple to intermediate scraping operations such as identifying information from web pages and using patterns or attributes to retrieve information. This book adopts a practical approach to web scraping concepts and tools, guiding you through a series of use cases and showing you how to use the best tools and techniques to efficiently scrape web pages. You'll even cover the use of other popular web scraping tools, such as Selenium, Regex, and web-based APIs.By the end of this book, you will have learned how to efficiently scrape the web using different techniques with Python and other popular tools.


Hello World! Przygoda z programowaniem dla dzieci i absolutnie początkujących. Wydanie II

Warren Sande, Carter Sande

Nauka programowania to świetny pomysł, ale musimy Cię ostrzec: programowanie wciąga! Jeśli nauczysz się porozumiewać z komputerem w jego języku, szybko zorientujesz się, że napisanie własnej gry, skryptu do złożonych obliczeń czy funkcjonalnej aplikacji do codziennego użytku daje wielką satysfakcję i sprawia mnóstwo radości. Co więcej, programowania można nauczyć się niemal w każdym wieku. Wystarczy odrobina cierpliwości i konsekwencji! Trzymasz w ręce chyba najlepszy podręcznik do nauki programowania dla osób absolutnie początkujących — nawet takich, które komputera używają wyłącznie do przeglądania stron i obsługi poczty. W sposób szczególny nadaje się on dla dzieci, ale skorzystają z niego również dorośli, którzy chcą poznać podstawy programowania. Jasno i klarownie przedstawiono tu wszystkie niezbędne informacje, a liczne (bardzo zabawne) przykłady pozwalają na głębsze zrozumienie prezentowanych treści. Nauka odbywa się w języku Python. Jest to język łatwy w nauce, a przy tym bardzo popularny i wciąż rozwijany. Co więcej, przyswojenie sobie Pythona pozwala na szybką naukę innych języków! W tym podręczniku znajdziesz informacje o tym: jak przygotować się do pracy: zainstalować Pythona i napisać pierwsze linie kodu czym są i do czego służą zmienne, typy danych, operatory czym jest GUI i jak go napisać jakie są rodzaje pętli, co to są funkcje i na czym polega obsługa zdarzeń jak przygotować symulacje komputerowe Witaj w niezwykłym świecie programowania! Warren Sande — jest inżynierem systemów elektronicznych. Na co dzień korzysta z Pythona zarówno do nauczania programowania, jak i do pisania w pełni profesjonalnych skryptów. Carter Sande — jest uczniem o wielkiej pasji do technologii. Troszczy się o szkolną sieć informatyczną, chętnie pomaga kolegom w rozwiązywaniu problemów z komputerami, a ponadto uwielbia jeździć na rowerze i grać w stare gry wideo.


Implementing GitOps with Kubernetes. Automate, manage, scale, and secure infrastructure and cloud-native applications on AWS and Azure

Pietro Libro, Artem Lajko

This book covers actionable GitOps practices for automated, secure Kubernetes deployments with industry-tested scenarios. You’ll be able to leverage GitOps to tackle cloud-native software delivery challenges, such as preventing data drifts between systems and Git repositories, and ensuring rapid, error-free deployments.The book introduces GitOps core concepts and principles and then delves into integrating version control and GitOps tools such as Argo CD, Flux CD, Helm, and Kustomize with Kubernetes. You’ll learn about scaling GitOps across multiple clusters, architectural designs for efficient cloud-native operations, and the cultural transformation needed to support GitOps adoption within an organization. As you progress, you’ll be able to automate infrastructure and implement CI/CD processes on OpenShift, MS Azure, and AWS platforms using GitOps, Terraform, OpenTofu, and Argo CD. You’ll also explore examples and best practices for integrating observability, enhancing security, managing financial operations (FinOps), and future trends such as AI and sustainability in GitOps.By the end of this book, you’ll have gained the skills you need to apply GitOps strategies for robust Kubernetes and cloud deployments, thereby boosting your productivity and efficiency.


Implementowanie Czystej Architektury w Pythonie

Sebastian Buczyński

Zaawansowane programowanie zaczyna się tam, gdzie kończy się framework Praca programisty wydaje się dziś znacznie prostsza niż kilkanaście lat temu. Wydaje się taka, ponieważ ma on dostęp do niezliczonych bibliotek przypisanych do języków programowania. Gdy pojawia się problem, sięga do biblioteki ― i po sprawie. Problem rozwiązany, zgadza się? I tak, i nie. Owszem, w wypadku prostych projektów wystarczy bazowa znajomość zasad programowania, podstawowa znajomość danego języka i wiedza na temat tego, co zawiera konkretna biblioteka. Tak jednak działa to jedynie przy nieskomplikowanych aplikacjach. Bez wątpienia dziś łatwiej zacząć programować i szybciej można uzyskać mierzalne efekty, ale... ...prawdziwe programowanie zaczyna się poziom wyżej. Na etapie większych projektów. Bo duże systemy, niezależnie od języka, w jakim zostały napisane, zawsze są trudne ― zarówno w rozwijaniu, jak i w utrzymaniu. Książka, którą trzymasz w ręku, została napisana ze świadomością tej programistycznej prawdy. Adresowana do średnio zaawansowanych programistów zajmujących się rozwojem aplikacji internetowych, stanowi kompletny przewodnik po implementacji czystej architektury. Znajdziesz tu także opisy wielu technik, które pomogą Ci zapanować nad projektami rozwijanymi od dłuższego czasu, takich jak strategia testowania czy modularyzacja. Dzięki ich opanowaniu będzie Ci o wiele łatwiej dbać o poprawność funkcjonowania systemów, nad którymi sprawujesz programistyczną pieczę.


In-Memory Analytics with Apache Arrow. Accelerate data analytics for efficient processing of flat and hierarchical data structures - Second Edition

Matthew Topol, Wes McKinney

Apache Arrow is an open source, columnar in-memory data format designed for efficient data processing and analytics. This book harnesses the author’s 15 years of experience to show you a standardized way to work with tabular data across various programming languages and environments, enabling high-performance data processing and exchange.This updated second edition gives you an overview of the Arrow format, highlighting its versatility and benefits through real-world use cases. It guides you through enhancing data science workflows, optimizing performance with Apache Parquet and Spark, and ensuring seamless data translation. You’ll explore data interchange and storage formats, and Arrow's relationships with Parquet, Protocol Buffers, FlatBuffers, JSON, and CSV. You’ll also discover Apache Arrow subprojects, including Flight, SQL, Database Connectivity, and nanoarrow. You’ll learn to streamline machine learning workflows, use Arrow Dataset APIs, and integrate with popular analytical data systems such as Snowflake, Dremio, and DuckDB. The latter chapters provide real-world examples and case studies of products powered by Apache Arrow, providing practical insights into its applications.By the end of this book, you’ll have all the building blocks to create efficient and powerful analytical services and utilities with Apache Arrow.


Inteligentna sieć. Algorytmy przyszłości. Wydanie II

Douglas McIlwraith, Haralambos Marmanis, Dmitry Babenko

Określenie „inteligentna sieć” może przywodzić na myśl futurystyczną wizję maszyn przejmujących kontrolę nad światem i niszczących ludzkość, jednak w rzeczywistości jest związane z rozwojem technologii. Związane jest z powstawaniem oprogramowania, które potrafi się uczyć i reagować na zachowania użytkowników. Oznacza też projektowanie i implementację inteligencji maszynowej. Inteligentna sieć rozwija się tu i teraz — znajomość zagadnień uczenia maszynowego i budowy inteligentnych algorytmów staje się bardzo potrzebna inżynierom oprogramowania! Niniejsza książka jest przeznaczona dla osób, które chcą projektować inteligentne algorytmy, a przy tym mają podstawy z zakresu programowania, matematyki i statystyki. Przedstawiono tu schematy projektowe i praktyczne przykłady rozwiązań. Opisano algorytmy, które przetwarzają strumienie danych pochodzące z internetu, a także systemy rekomendacji i klasyfikowania danych za pomocą algorytmów statystycznych, sieci neuronowych i uczenia głębokiego. Mimo że przyswojenie tych zagadnień wymaga wysiłku, bardzo ułatwi implementację nowoczesnych, inteligentnych aplikacji! W tej książce między innymi: wprowadzenie do problemów algorytmów inteligentnych systemy rekomendacji i filtrowanie kolaboratywne wykorzystanie regresji logistycznej do wykrywania oszustw uczenie głębokie, uczenie na żywo i renesans sieci neuronowych podejmowanie decyzji perspektywy inteligentnej sieci Inteligentny algorytm wyławia perły w strumieniach danych! Dr Douglas McIlwraith jest ekspertem w dziedzinie uczenia maszynowego. Zajmuje się analizą danych w londyńskiej agencji reklamowej. Prowadził badania w dziedzinach systemów rozproszonych, robotyki i zabezpieczeń. Dr Haralambos Marmanis jest pionierem w obszarze technik uczenia maszynowego w rozwiązaniach przemysłowych. Od 25 lat rozwija profesjonalne oprogramowanie. Dmitry Babenko projektuje złożone systemy dla firm z takich branż, jak bankowość, ubezpieczenia, zarządzanie łańcuchem dostaw i analityka biznesowa.


Interactive Data Visualization with Python. Present your data as an effective and compelling story - Second Edition

Abha Belorkar, Sharath Chandra Guntuku, Shubhangi Hora, Anshu Kumar

With so much data being continuously generated, developers, who can present data as impactful and interesting visualizations, are always in demand. Interactive Data Visualization with Python sharpens your data exploration skills, tells you everything there is to know about interactive data visualization in Python.You'll begin by learning how to draw various plots with Matplotlib and Seaborn, the non-interactive data visualization libraries. You'll study different types of visualizations, compare them, and find out how to select a particular type of visualization to suit your requirements. After you get a hang of the various non-interactive visualization libraries, you'll learn the principles of intuitive and persuasive data visualization, and use Bokeh and Plotly to transform your visuals into strong stories. You'll also gain insight into how interactive data and model visualization can optimize the performance of a regression model.By the end of the course, you'll have a new skill set that'll make you the go-to person for transforming data visualizations into engaging and interesting stories.


Internet of Things Programming Projects. Build exciting IoT projects using Raspberry Pi 5, Raspberry Pi Pico, and Python - Second Edition

Colin Dow

Renowned for its versatility, affordability, and active community support, Raspberry Pi is at the forefront of IoT development. Unlock the vast potential of Raspberry Pi and Raspberry Pi Pico by learning how to develop practical projects with this updated edition of Internet of Things Programming Projects.Written by an expert programmer who’s worked for some of Canada’s largest companies, this book starts with foundational concepts and practical exercises such as building a basic weather indicator, and gradually progressed toward more complex projects. You’ll get to grips with coding nuances and web service integrations that will help you create a sophisticated IoT robot car equipped with motor control, wireless communication, and sensor amalgamation. The book also explores LoRa technology, a game-changer for long-range, low-power communication in your projects, and delves into robot car development by implementing the Robot Operating System (ROS) for advanced control and coordination.Through clear, step-by-step instructions and insightful explanations, you’ll gain the skills and confidence to develop innovative IoT solutions for real-world applications. By the end of the book, you’ll have mastered the intricacies of IoT programming, from harnessing Raspberry Pi's capabilities to seamlessly integrating external components.