
Eлектронна книга

Codeless Deep Learning with KNIME. Build, train, and deploy various deep neural network architectures using KNIME Analytics Platform

KNIME AG, Kathrin Melcher, Rosaria Silipo

KNIME Analytics Platform is an open source software used to create and design data science workflows. This book is a comprehensive guide to the KNIME GUI and KNIME deep learning integration, helping you build neural network models without writing any code. It’ll guide you in building simple and complex neural networks through practical and creative solutions for solving real-world data problems.Starting with an introduction to KNIME Analytics Platform, you’ll get an overview of simple feed-forward networks for solving simple classification problems on relatively small datasets. You’ll then move on to build, train, test, and deploy more complex networks, such as autoencoders, recurrent neural networks (RNNs), long short-term memory (LSTM), and convolutional neural networks (CNNs). In each chapter, depending on the network and use case, you’ll learn how to prepare data, encode incoming data, and apply best practices.By the end of this book, you’ll have learned how to design a variety of different neural architectures and will be able to train, test, and deploy the final network.

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Crafting Test-Driven Software with Python. Write test suites that scale with your applications' needs and complexity using Python and PyTest

Alessandro Molina

Test-driven development (TDD) is a set of best practices that helps developers to build more scalable software and is used to increase the robustness of software by using automatic tests. This book shows you how to apply TDD practices effectively in Python projects.You’ll begin by learning about built-in unit tests and Mocks before covering rich frameworks like PyTest and web-based libraries such as WebTest and Robot Framework, discovering how Python allows you to embrace all modern testing practices with ease. Moving on, you’ll find out how to design tests and balance them with new feature development and learn how to create a complete test suite with PyTest. The book helps you adopt a hands-on approach to implementing TDD and associated methodologies that will have you up and running and make you more productive in no time. With the help of step-by-step explanations of essential concepts and practical examples, you’ll explore automatic tests and TDD best practices and get to grips with the methodologies and tools available in Python for creating effective and robust applications.By the end of this Python book, you will be able to write reliable test suites in Python to ensure the long-term resilience of your application using the range of libraries offered by Python for testing and development.

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Creating Actionable Insights Using CRM Analytics. Learn how to build insightful and actionable data analytics dashboards

Mark Tossell

CRM Analytics, formerly known as Tableau CRM and Einstein Analytics, is a powerful and versatile data analytics platform that enables organizations to extract, combine, transform, and visualize their data to create valuable business insights.Creating Actionable Insights Using CRM Analytics provides a hands-on approach to CRM Analytics implementation and associated methodologies that will have you up and running and productive in no time. The book provides you with detailed explanations of essential concepts to help you to gain confidence and become competent in using the CRM Analytics platform for data extraction, combination, transformation, visualization, and action. As you make progress, you'll understand what CRM Analytics is and where it provides business value. You'll also learn how to bring your data together in CRM Analytics, build datasets and lenses for data analysis, create effective analytics dashboards for visualization and consumption by end users, and build dashboard actions that take the user from data to insight to action with ease.By the end of this book, you'll be able to solve business problems using CRM Analytics and design, build, test, and deploy analytics dashboards efficiently.

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Cryptography Algorithms. A guide to algorithms in blockchain, quantum cryptography, zero-knowledge protocols, and homomorphic encryption

Massimo Bertaccini

Cryptography Algorithms is designed to help you get up and running with modern cryptography algorithms. You'll not only explore old and modern security practices but also discover practical examples of implementing them effectively.The book starts with an overview of cryptography, exploring key concepts including popular classical symmetric and asymmetric algorithms, protocol standards, and more. You'll also cover everything from building crypto codes to breaking them. In addition to this, the book will help you to understand the difference between various types of digital signatures. As you advance, you will become well-versed with the new-age cryptography algorithms and protocols such as public and private key cryptography, zero-knowledge protocols, elliptic curves, quantum cryptography, and homomorphic encryption. Finally, you'll be able to apply the knowledge you've gained with the help of practical examples and use cases.By the end of this cryptography book, you will be well-versed with modern cryptography and be able to effectively apply it to security applications.

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Cyber Minds. Insights on cybersecurity across the cloud, data, artificial intelligence, blockchain, and IoT to keep you cyber safe

Shira Rubinoff

Shira Rubinoff's Cyber Minds brings together the top authorities in cybersecurity to discuss the emergent threats that face industries, societies, militaries, and governments today.With new technology threats, rising international tensions, and state-sponsored cyber attacks, cybersecurity is more important than ever. Cyber Minds serves as a strategic briefing on cybersecurity and data safety, collecting expert insights from sector security leaders, including:General Gregory Touhill, former Federal Chief Information Security Officer of the United StatesKevin L. Jackson, CEO and Founder, GovCloudMark Lynd, Digital Business Leader, NETSYNCJoseph Steinberg, Internet Security advisor and thought leaderJim Reavis, Co-Founder and CEO, Cloud Security AllianceDr. Tom Kellerman, Chief Cybersecurity Officer for Carbon Black Inc and Vice Chair of Strategic Cyber Ventures BoardMary Ann Davidson, Chief Security Officer, OracleDr. Sally Eaves, Emergent Technology CTO, Global Strategy Advisor – Blockchain AI FinTech, Social Impact award winner, keynote speaker and authorDr. Guenther Dobrauz, Partner with PwC in Zurich and Leader of PwC Legal SwitzerlandBarmak Meftah, President, AT&T CybersecurityCleve Adams, CEO, Site 1001 (AI and big data based smart building company)Ann Johnson, Corporate Vice President – Cybersecurity Solutions Group, MicrosoftBarbara Humpton, CEO, Siemens USABusinesses and states depend on effective cybersecurity. This book will help you to arm and inform yourself on what you need to know to keep your business – or your country – safe.

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Cybersecurity - Attack and Defense Strategies. Counter modern threats and employ state-of-the-art tools and techniques to protect your organization against cybercriminals - Second Edition

Yuri Diogenes, Dr. Erdal Ozkaya

Cybersecurity – Attack and Defense Strategies, Second Edition is a completely revised new edition of the bestselling book, covering the very latest security threats and defense mechanisms including a detailed overview of Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) and an assessment of the current threat landscape, with additional focus on new IoT threats and cryptomining.Cybersecurity starts with the basics that organizations need to know to maintain a secure posture against outside threat and design a robust cybersecurity program. It takes you into the mindset of a Threat Actor to help you better understand the motivation and the steps of performing an actual attack – the Cybersecurity kill chain. You will gain hands-on experience in implementing cybersecurity using new techniques in reconnaissance and chasing a user’s identity that will enable you to discover how a system is compromised, and identify and then exploit the vulnerabilities in your own system.This book also focuses on defense strategies to enhance the security of a system. You will also discover in-depth tools, including Azure Sentinel, to ensure there are security controls in each network layer, and how to carry out the recovery process of a compromised system.

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Czysty kod w Pythonie. Twórz wydajny i łatwy w utrzymaniu kod. Wydanie II

Mariano Anaya

Popularność Pythona, ulubionego języka programistów i naukowców, stale rośnie. Jest on bowiem łatwy do nauczenia się: nawet początkujący programista może napisać działający kod. W efekcie, mimo że Python pozwala na pisanie kodu przejrzystego i prostego w konserwacji, zdarzają się przypadki kodu źle zorganizowanego, nieczytelnego i praktycznie nietestowalnego. Jedną z przyczyn tego stanu rzeczy jest tendencja niektórych programistów do pisania kodu bez czytelnej struktury. Zidentyfikowanie takich problemów i ich rozwiązywanie nie jest łatwym zadaniem. Dzięki tej książce nauczysz się korzystać z kilku narzędzi służących do zarządzania projektami napisanymi w Pythonie. Dowiesz się, czym się charakteryzuje czysty kod i jakie techniki umożliwiają tworzenie czytelnego i wydajnego kodu. Przekonasz się, że do tego celu wystarczą standardowa biblioteka Pythona i zestaw najlepszych praktyk programistycznych. Opisano tu szczegóły programowania obiektowego w Pythonie wraz z zastosowaniem deskryptorów i generatorów. Zaprezentowano również zasady testowania oprogramowania i sposoby rozwiązywania problemów poprzez implementację wzorców projektowych w kodzie. Pokazano też, jak można podzielić monolityczną aplikację na mikrousługi, by otrzymać solidną architekturę aplikacji. W książce między innymi: konfiguracja wydajnego środowiska programistycznego tworzenie zaawansowanych projektów obiektowych techniki eliminacji zdublowanego kodu i tworzenie rozbudowanych abstrakcji zastosowanie dekoratorów i deskryptorów skuteczna refaktoryzacja kodu budowa solidnej architektury opartej na czystym kodzie Pythona Czysty kod w Pythonie. Tylko taki warto pisać!

Eлектронна книга

Czyszczenie danych w Pythonie. Receptury. Nowoczesne techniki i narzędzia Pythona do wykrywania i eliminacji zanieczyszczeń oraz wydobywania kluczowych cech z danych

Michael Walker

Przetwarzanie dużych ilości danych daje wiedzę, która leży u podstaw istotnych decyzji podejmowanych przez organizację. Pozwala to na uzyskiwanie znakomitych efektów: techniki wydobywania wiedzy z danych stają się coraz bardziej wyrafinowane. Podstawowym warunkiem sukcesu jest uzyskanie odpowiedniej jakości danych. Wykorzystanie niespójnych i niepełnych informacji prowadzi do podejmowania błędnych decyzji. Konsekwencją mogą być straty finansowe, stwarzanie konkretnych zagrożeń czy uszczerbek na wizerunku. A zatem oczyszczanie jest wyjątkowo ważną częścią analizy danych. Ta książka jest praktycznym zbiorem gotowych do użycia receptur, podanych tak, aby maksymalnie ułatwić proces przygotowania danych do analizy. Omówiono tu takie kwestie dotyczące danych jak importowanie, ocena ich jakości, uzupełnianie braków, porządkowanie i agregacja, a także przekształcanie. Poza zwięzłym omówieniem tych zadań zaprezentowano najskuteczniejsze techniki ich wykonywania za pomocą różnych narzędzi: Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib czy SciPy. W ramach każdej receptury wyjaśniono skutki podjętych działań. Cennym uzupełnieniem jest zestaw funkcji i klas zdefiniowanych przez użytkownika, które służą do automatyzacji oczyszczania danych. Umożliwiają one też dostrojenie procesu do konkretnych potrzeb. W książce znajdziesz receptury, dzięki którym: wczytasz i przeanalizujesz dane z różnych źródeł uporządkujesz dane, poprawisz ich błędy i uzupełnisz braki efektywnie skorzystasz z bibliotek Pythona zastosujesz wizualizacje do analizy danych napiszesz własne funkcje i klasy do automatyzacji procesu oczyszczania danych Prawdziwą wartość mają tylko oczyszczone i spójne dane!

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Dancing with Python. Learn to code with Python and Quantum Computing

Robert S. Sutor

Dancing with Python helps you learn Python and quantum computing in a practical way. It will help you explore how to work with numbers, strings, collections, iterators, and files.The book goes beyond functions and classes and teaches you to use Python and Qiskit to create gates and circuits for classical and quantum computing. Learn how quantum extends traditional techniques using the Grover Search Algorithm and the code that implements it. Dive into some advanced and widely used applications of Python and revisit strings with more sophisticated tools, such as regular expressions and basic natural language processing (NLP). The final chapters introduce you to data analysis, visualizations, and supervised and unsupervised machine learning.By the end of the book, you will be proficient in programming the latest and most powerful quantum computers, the Pythonic way.

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Daniel Arbuckle's Mastering Python. Build powerful Python applications

Daniel Arbuckle

Daniel Arbuckle's Mastering Python covers the basics of operating in a Python development environment, before moving on to more advanced topics. Daniel presents you with real-world solutions to Python 3.6 and advanced-level concepts, such as reactive programming, microservices, ctypes, and Cython tools.You don't need to be familiar with the Python language to use this book, as Daniel starts with a Python primer. Throughout, Daniel highlights the major aspects of managing your Python development environment, shows you how to handle parallel computation, and helps you to master asynchronous I/O with Python 3.6 to improve performance. Finally, Daniel will teach you the secrets of metaprogramming and unit testing in Python, helping you acquire the perfect skillset to be a Python expert. Daniel will get you up to speed on everything from basic programming practices to high-end tools and techniques, things that will help set you apart as a successful Python programmer.

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Data Analysis Foundations with Python. Master Data Analysis with Python: From Basics to Advanced Techniques

Cuantum Technologies LLC

Embark on a comprehensive journey through data analysis with Python. Begin with an introduction to data analysis and Python, setting a strong foundation before delving into Python programming basics. Learn to set up your data analysis environment, ensuring you have the necessary tools and libraries at your fingertips. As you progress, gain proficiency in NumPy for numerical operations and Pandas for data manipulation, mastering the skills to handle and transform data efficiently.Proceed to data visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn, where you'll create insightful visualizations to uncover patterns and trends. Understand the core principles of exploratory data analysis (EDA) and data preprocessing, preparing your data for robust analysis. Explore probability theory and hypothesis testing to make data-driven conclusions and get introduced to the fundamentals of machine learning. Delve into supervised and unsupervised learning techniques, laying the groundwork for predictive modeling.To solidify your knowledge, engage with two practical case studies: sales data analysis and social media sentiment analysis. These real-world applications will demonstrate best practices and provide valuable tips for your data analysis projects.

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Data Analysis with Python. A Modern Approach

David Taieb

Data Analysis with Python offers a modern approach to data analysis so that you can work with the latest and most powerful Python tools, AI techniques, and open source libraries. Industry expert David Taieb shows you how to bridge data science with the power of programming and algorithms in Python. You'll be working with complex algorithms, and cutting-edge AI in your data analysis. Learn how to analyze data with hands-on examples using Python-based tools and Jupyter Notebook. You'll find the right balance of theory and practice, with extensive code files that you can integrate right into your own data projects.Explore the power of this approach to data analysis by then working with it across key industry case studies. Four fascinating and full projects connect you to the most critical data analysis challenges you’re likely to meet in today. The first of these is an image recognition application with TensorFlow – embracing the importance today of AI in your data analysis. The second industry project analyses social media trends, exploring big data issues and AI approaches to natural language processing. The third case study is a financial portfolio analysis application that engages you with time series analysis - pivotal to many data science applications today. The fourth industry use case dives you into graph algorithms and the power of programming in modern data science. You'll wrap up with a thoughtful look at the future of data science and how it will harness the power of algorithms and artificial intelligence.

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Data Engineering with AWS. Learn how to design and build cloud-based data transformation pipelines using AWS

Gareth Eagar

Written by a Senior Data Architect with over twenty-five years of experience in the business, Data Engineering for AWS is a book whose sole aim is to make you proficient in using the AWS ecosystem. Using a thorough and hands-on approach to data, this book will give aspiring and new data engineers a solid theoretical and practical foundation to succeed with AWS.As you progress, you’ll be taken through the services and the skills you need to architect and implement data pipelines on AWS. You'll begin by reviewing important data engineering concepts and some of the core AWS services that form a part of the data engineer's toolkit. You'll then architect a data pipeline, review raw data sources, transform the data, and learn how the transformed data is used by various data consumers. You’ll also learn about populating data marts and data warehouses along with how a data lakehouse fits into the picture. Later, you'll be introduced to AWS tools for analyzing data, including those for ad-hoc SQL queries and creating visualizations. In the final chapters, you'll understand how the power of machine learning and artificial intelligence can be used to draw new insights from data.By the end of this AWS book, you'll be able to carry out data engineering tasks and implement a data pipeline on AWS independently.

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Data Engineering with Google Cloud Platform. A practical guide to operationalizing scalable data analytics systems on GCP

Adi Wijaya

With this book, you'll understand how the highly scalable Google Cloud Platform (GCP) enables data engineers to create end-to-end data pipelines right from storing and processing data and workflow orchestration to presenting data through visualization dashboards.Starting with a quick overview of the fundamental concepts of data engineering, you'll learn the various responsibilities of a data engineer and how GCP plays a vital role in fulfilling those responsibilities. As you progress through the chapters, you'll be able to leverage GCP products to build a sample data warehouse using Cloud Storage and BigQuery and a data lake using Dataproc. The book gradually takes you through operations such as data ingestion, data cleansing, transformation, and integrating data with other sources. You'll learn how to design IAM for data governance, deploy ML pipelines with the Vertex AI, leverage pre-built GCP models as a service, and visualize data with Google Data Studio to build compelling reports. Finally, you'll find tips on how to boost your career as a data engineer, take the Professional Data Engineer certification exam, and get ready to become an expert in data engineering with GCP.By the end of this data engineering book, you'll have developed the skills to perform core data engineering tasks and build efficient ETL data pipelines with GCP.

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Data Engineering with Python. Work with massive datasets to design data models and automate data pipelines using Python

Paul Crickard

Data engineering provides the foundation for data science and analytics, and forms an important part of all businesses. This book will help you to explore various tools and methods that are used for understanding the data engineering process using Python.The book will show you how to tackle challenges commonly faced in different aspects of data engineering. You’ll start with an introduction to the basics of data engineering, along with the technologies and frameworks required to build data pipelines to work with large datasets. You’ll learn how to transform and clean data and perform analytics to get the most out of your data. As you advance, you'll discover how to work with big data of varying complexity and production databases, and build data pipelines. Using real-world examples, you’ll build architectures on which you’ll learn how to deploy data pipelines.By the end of this Python book, you’ll have gained a clear understanding of data modeling techniques, and will be able to confidently build data engineering pipelines for tracking data, running quality checks, and making necessary changes in production.

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Data Lakehouse in Action. Architecting a modern and scalable data analytics platform

Pradeep Menon

The Data Lakehouse architecture is a new paradigm that enables large-scale analytics. This book will guide you in developing data architecture in the right way to ensure your organization's success.The first part of the book discusses the different data architectural patterns used in the past and the need for a new architectural paradigm, as well as the drivers that have caused this change. It covers the principles that govern the target architecture, the components that form the Data Lakehouse architecture, and the rationale and need for those components. The second part deep dives into the different layers of Data Lakehouse. It covers various scenarios and components for data ingestion, storage, data processing, data serving, analytics, governance, and data security. The book's third part focuses on the practical implementation of the Data Lakehouse architecture in a cloud computing platform. It focuses on various ways to combine the Data Lakehouse pattern to realize macro-patterns, such as Data Mesh and Data Hub-Spoke, based on the organization's needs and maturity level. The frameworks introduced will be practical and organizations can readily benefit from their application.By the end of this book, you'll clearly understand how to implement the Data Lakehouse architecture pattern in a scalable, agile, and cost-effective manner.