

Essential Mathematics for Quantum Computing. A beginner's guide to just the math you need without needless complexities

Leonard S. Woody III

Quantum computing is an exciting subject that offers hope to solve the world’s most complex problems at a quicker pace. It is being used quite widely in different spheres of technology, including cybersecurity, finance, and many more, but its concepts, such as superposition, are often misunderstood because engineers may not know the math to understand them. This book will teach the requisite math concepts in an intuitive way and connect them to principles in quantum computing.Starting with the most basic of concepts, 2D vectors that are just line segments in space, you'll move on to tackle matrix multiplication using an instinctive method. Linearity is the major theme throughout the book and since quantum mechanics is a linear theory, you'll see how they go hand in hand. As you advance, you'll understand intrinsically what a vector is and how to transform vectors with matrices and operators. You'll also see how complex numbers make their voices heard and understand the probability behind it all.It’s all here, in writing you can understand. This is not a stuffy math book with definitions, axioms, theorems, and so on. This book meets you where you’re at and guides you to where you need to be for quantum computing. Already know some of this stuff? No problem! The book is componentized, so you can learn just the parts you want. And with tons of exercises and their answers, you'll get all the practice you need.


Essential Statistics for Non-STEM Data Analysts. Get to grips with the statistics and math knowledge needed to enter the world of data science with Python

Rongpeng Li

Statistics remain the backbone of modern analysis tasks, helping you to interpret the results produced by data science pipelines. This book is a detailed guide covering the math and various statistical methods required for undertaking data science tasks.The book starts by showing you how to preprocess data and inspect distributions and correlations from a statistical perspective. You’ll then get to grips with the fundamentals of statistical analysis and apply its concepts to real-world datasets. As you advance, you’ll find out how statistical concepts emerge from different stages of data science pipelines, understand the summary of datasets in the language of statistics, and use it to build a solid foundation for robust data products such as explanatory models and predictive models. Once you’ve uncovered the working mechanism of data science algorithms, you’ll cover essential concepts for efficient data collection, cleaning, mining, visualization, and analysis. Finally, you’ll implement statistical methods in key machine learning tasks such as classification, regression, tree-based methods, and ensemble learning.By the end of this Essential Statistics for Non-STEM Data Analysts book, you’ll have learned how to build and present a self-contained, statistics-backed data product to meet your business goals.


ETL with Azure Cookbook. Practical recipes for building modern ETL solutions to load and transform data from any source

Christian Cote, Matija Lah, Madina Saitakhmetova

ETL is one of the most common and tedious procedures for moving and processing data from one database to another. With the help of this book, you will be able to speed up the process by designing effective ETL solutions using the Azure services available for handling and transforming any data to suit your requirements.With this cookbook, you’ll become well versed in all the features of SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) to perform data migration and ETL tasks that integrate with Azure. You’ll learn how to transform data in Azure and understand how legacy systems perform ETL on-premises using SSIS. Later chapters will get you up to speed with connecting and retrieving data from SQL Server 2019 Big Data Clusters, and even show you how to extend and customize the SSIS toolbox using custom-developed tasks and transforms. This ETL book also contains practical recipes for moving and transforming data with Azure services, such as Data Factory and Azure Databricks, and lets you explore various options for migrating SSIS packages to Azure. Toward the end, you’ll find out how to profile data in the cloud and automate service creation with Business Intelligence Markup Language (BIML).By the end of this book, you’ll have developed the skills you need to create and automate ETL solutions on-premises as well as in Azure.


Expert Python Programming. Become a master in Python by learning coding best practices and advanced programming concepts in Python 3.7 - Third Edition

Michał Jaworski, Tarek Ziadé

Python is a dynamic programming language that's used in a wide range of domains thanks to its simple yet powerful nature. Although writing Python code is easy, making it readable, reusable, and easy to maintain is challenging. Complete with best practices, useful tools, and standards implemented by professional Python developers, the third edition of Expert Python Programming will help you overcome this challenge.The book will start by taking you through the new features in Python 3.7. You'll then learn the advanced components of Python syntax, in addition to understanding how to apply concepts of various programming paradigms, including object-oriented programming, functional programming, and event-driven programming. This book will also guide you through learning the naming best practices, writing your own distributable Python packages, and getting up to speed with automated ways to deploy your software on remote servers. You’ll discover how to create useful Python extensions with C, C++, Cython, and CFFI. Furthermore, studying about code management tools, writing clear documentation, and exploring test-driven development will help you write clean code.By the end of the book, you will have become an expert in writing efficient and maintainable Python code.


Expert Python Programming. Master Python by learning the best coding practices and advanced programming concepts - Fourth Edition

Michał Jaworski, Tarek Ziadé

This new edition of Expert Python Programming provides you with a thorough understanding of the process of building and maintaining Python apps. Complete with best practices, useful tools, and standards implemented by professional Python developers, this fourth edition has been extensively updated. Throughout this book, you’ll get acquainted with the latest Python improvements, syntax elements, and interesting tools to boost your development efficiency.The initial few chapters will allow experienced programmers coming from different languages to transition to the Python ecosystem. You will explore common software design patterns and various programming methodologies, such as event-driven programming, concurrency, and metaprogramming. You will also go through complex code examples and try to solve meaningful problems by bridging Python with C and C++, writing extensions that benefit from the strengths of multiple languages. Finally, you will understand the complete lifetime of any application after it goes live, including packaging and testing automation.By the end of this book, you will have gained actionable Python programming insights that will help you effectively solve challenging problems.


Exploring GPT-3. An unofficial first look at the general-purpose language processing API from OpenAI

Steve Tingiris, Bret Kinsella

Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3 (GPT-3) is a highly advanced language model from OpenAI that can generate written text that is virtually indistinguishable from text written by humans. Whether you have a technical or non-technical background, this book will help you understand and start working with GPT-3 and the OpenAI API.If you want to get hands-on with leveraging artificial intelligence for natural language processing (NLP) tasks, this easy-to-follow book will help you get started. Beginning with a high-level introduction to NLP and GPT-3, the book takes you through practical examples that show how to leverage the OpenAI API and GPT-3 for text generation, classification, and semantic search. You'll explore the capabilities of the OpenAI API and GPT-3 and find out which NLP use cases GPT-3 is best suited for. You’ll also learn how to use the API and optimize requests for the best possible results. With examples focusing on the OpenAI Playground and easy-to-follow JavaScript and Python code samples, the book illustrates the possible applications of GPT-3 in production.By the end of this book, you'll understand the best use cases for GPT-3 and how to integrate the OpenAI API in your applications for a wide array of NLP tasks.


Extending OpenStack. Leverage extended OpenStack projects to implement containerization, deployment, and architecting robust cloud solutions

Omar Khedher

OpenStack is a very popular cloud computing platform that has enabled several organizations during the last few years to successfully implement their Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) platforms. This book will guide you through new features of the latest OpenStack releases and how to bring them into production straightaway in an agile way.It starts by showing you how to expand your current OpenStack setup and how to approach your next OpenStack Data Center generation deployment. You will discover how to extend your storage and network capacity and also take advantage of containerization technology such as Docker and Kubernetes in OpenStack. Additionally, you'll explore the power of big data as a Service terminology implemented in OpenStack by integrating the Sahara project. This book will teach you how to build Hadoop clusters and launch jobs in a very simple way. Then you'll automate and deploy applications on top of OpenStack. You will discover how to write your own plugin in the Murano project. The final part of the book will go through best practices for security such as identity, access management, and authentication exposed by Keystone in OpenStack. By the end of this book, you will be ready to extend and customize your private cloud based on your requirements.


Extending Power BI with Python and R. Ingest, transform, enrich, and visualize data using the power of analytical languages

Luca Zavarella, Francesca Lazzeri

Python and R allow you to extend Power BI capabilities to simplify ingestion and transformation activities, enhance dashboards, and highlight insights. With this book, you'll be able to make your artifacts far more interesting and rich in insights using analytical languages.You'll start by learning how to configure your Power BI environment to use your Python and R scripts. The book then explores data ingestion and data transformation extensions, and advances to focus on data augmentation and data visualization. You'll understand how to import data from external sources and transform them using complex algorithms. The book helps you implement personal data de-identification methods such as pseudonymization, anonymization, and masking in Power BI. You'll be able to call external APIs to enrich your data much more quickly using Python programming and R programming. Later, you'll learn advanced Python and R techniques to perform in-depth analysis and extract valuable information using statistics and machine learning. You'll also understand the main statistical features of datasets by plotting multiple visual graphs in the process of creating a machine learning model.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to enrich your Power BI data models and visualizations using complex algorithms in Python and R.


Finanse i Python. Łagodne wprowadzenie do teorii finansów

Yves Hilpisch

Finanse i Python. Łagodne wprowadzenie do teorii finansów Rozwój technologii i dostęp do danych finansowych stały się ogromnym ułatwieniem w korzystaniu z globalnych rynków finansowych. Jeśli zechcesz, możesz szybko zacząć przygodę na przykład z handlem algorytmicznym. Wystarczy, że masz niewielkie pojęcie o matematyce, programowaniu i ekonomii. Niestety, nieliczne programy nauczania o finansach integrują ze sobą te trzy dziedziny. Tymczasem koncepcje matematyczne wspaniale ułatwiają zrozumienie pojęć z zakresu inżynierii finansowej, a wczesne włączanie ćwiczeń programistycznych pozwala na znaczne zwiększenie efektywności takiej edukacji. Dzięki tej praktycznej, przystępnie napisanej książce szybko zrozumiesz podstawy teorii finansów, modelowania danych finansowych i zastosowania Pythona w finansach obliczeniowych. Znajdziesz tu systematyczne wprowadzenie do inżynierii finansowej, handlu algorytmicznego czy zarządzania aktywami. Zdobędziesz umiejętności tworzenia w Pythonie programów, które ułatwią Ci rozwiązywanie takich problemów jak ustalanie składu portfeli inwestycyjnych zgodnie z nowoczesną teorią portfela, a także wycena opcji i innych instrumentów pochodnych. Jeśli zajmujesz stanowisko kierownicze w branży finansowej, z pewnością przyda Ci się wiedza o zastosowaniu Pythona w finansach. Jeśli już biegle kodujesz w Pythonie, łatwiej skorzystasz ze swoich umiejętności w tworzeniu przydatnych aplikacji z zakresu inżynierii finansowej. W książce między innymi: matematyczne podstawy teorii finansów i programowania w Pythonie modele ekonomiczne i modelowanie danych finansowych zastosowanie Pythona w obliczeniach związanych z finansami wycena, podejmowanie decyzji, równowaga i alokacja aktywów zastosowanie bibliotek i narzędzi Pythona w modelowaniu finansowym Teoria finansów? Z Pythonem to dziecinnie proste!


Flask Framework Cookbook. Over 80 proven recipes and techniques for Python web development with Flask - Second Edition

Shalabh Aggarwal

Flask, the lightweight Python web framework, is popular thanks to its powerful modular design that lets you build scalable web apps. With this recipe-based guide, you’ll explore modern solutions and best practices for Flask web development.Updated to the latest version of Flask and Python 3, this second edition of Flask Framework Cookbook moves away from some of the old and obsolete libraries and introduces new recipes on cutting-edge technologies. You’ll discover different ways of using Flask to create, deploy, and manage microservices. This Flask Python book starts by covering the different configurations that a Flask application can make use of, and then helps you work with templates and learn about the ORM and view layers. You’ll also be able to write an admin interface and get to grips with debugging and logging errors. Finally, you’ll learn a variety of deployment and post-deployment techniques for platforms such as Apache, Tornado, and Heroku.By the end of this book, you’ll have gained all the knowledge you need to confidently write Flask applications and scale them using standard industry practices.


Flask. Tworzenie aplikacji internetowych w Pythonie. Wydanie II

Miguel Grinberg

Frameworki bardzo ułatwiają życie programistom. Pozwalają na szybkie tworzenie nawet rozbudowanych aplikacji, ale praca z frameworkiem najczęściej oznacza duże ograniczenia w doborze technologii. Wszystko jest w porządku, dopóki deweloper stosuje dokładnie te rozwiązania, które zaplanowali twórcy frameworka. Jeśli jednak zechce użyć innej bazy danych albo wykorzystać własną, autorską metodę uwierzytelniania użytkowników, może napotkać różne nieprzewidziane problemy. Szczęśliwie nie wszystkie mikrośrodowiska zachowują się w ten sposób. Framework napisany w Pythonie Flask, w odróżnieniu od typowych frameworków, umożliwia swobodne dobieranie technologii i komponentów aplikacji, a nawet tworzenie własnych rozwiązań. Oznacza to, że Flask pozwoli Ci zachować pełną kontrolę nad budowanym oprogramowaniem! To książka przeznaczona dla twórców aplikacji internetowych, którzy chcą nauczyć się pisać rozbudowane oprogramowanie we Flasku. W praktyczny sposób przedstawia proces tworzenia kompletnej aplikacji, od programu zawierającego zaledwie kilka linii kodu aż po złożone oprogramowanie z wieloma zaawansowanymi rozwiązaniami technicznymi. Rozpoczyna się gruntownym wprowadzeniem do Flaska i stopniowo przechodzi do nieco trudniejszych zagadnień, również takich jak migracje baz danych i API. Porusza też tematykę usług sieciowych typu REST, obsługi błędów, serializacji zasobów oraz korzystania z takich narzędzi jak Selenium czy Heroku. Przemyślany układ treści, którą zilustrowano praktycznymi przykładami kodu, ułatwia prześledzenie procesu stopniowej rozbudowy aplikacji o nowe funkcjonalności. W książce znajdziesz między innymi: zasady programowania we Flasku opis struktury aplikacji Flasky i etapy jej budowy sposoby korzystania z szablonów strategie planowania testów jednostkowych i analizy wydajności aplikacji opcje wdrażania aplikacji Flask Flask: wolność twórcza programisty!


Forecasting Time Series Data with Facebook Prophet. Build, improve, and optimize time series forecasting models using the advanced forecasting tool

Greg Rafferty

Prophet enables Python and R developers to build scalable time series forecasts. This book will help you to implement Prophet’s cutting-edge forecasting techniques to model future data with higher accuracy and with very few lines of code. You will begin by exploring the evolution of time series forecasting, from the basic early models to the advanced models of the present day. The book will demonstrate how to install and set up Prophet on your machine and build your first model with only a few lines of code. You'll then cover advanced features such as visualizing your forecasts, adding holidays, seasonality, and trend changepoints, handling outliers, and more, along with understanding why and how to modify each of the default parameters. Later chapters will show you how to optimize more complicated models with hyperparameter tuning and by adding additional regressors to the model. Finally, you'll learn how to run diagnostics to evaluate the performance of your models and see some useful features when running Prophet in production environments.By the end of this Prophet book, you will be able to take a raw time series dataset and build advanced and accurate forecast models with concise, understandable, and repeatable code.


Functional Python Programming. Discover the power of functional programming, generator functions, lazy evaluation, the built-in itertools library, and monads - Second Edition

Steven F. Lott

If you’re a Python developer who wants to discover how to take the power of functional programming (FP) and bring it into your own programs, then this book is essential for you, even if you know next to nothing about the paradigm. Starting with a general overview of functional concepts, you’ll explore common functional features such as first-class and higher-order functions, pure functions, and more. You’ll see how these are accomplished in Python 3.6 to give you the core foundations you’ll build upon. After that, you’ll discover common functional optimizations for Python to help your apps reach even higher speeds. You’ll learn FP concepts such as lazy evaluation using Python’s generator functions and expressions. Moving forward, you’ll learn to design and implement decorators to create composite functions. You'll also explore data preparation techniques and data exploration in depth, and see how the Python standard library fits the functional programming model. Finally, to top off your journey into the world of functional Python, you’ll at look at the PyMonad project and some larger examples to put everything into perspective.


Generative Adversarial Networks Projects. Build next-generation generative models using TensorFlow and Keras

Kailash Ahirwar

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have the potential to build next-generation models, as they can mimic any distribution of data. Major research and development work is being undertaken in this field since it is one of the rapidly growing areas of machine learning. This book will test unsupervised techniques for training neural networks as you build seven end-to-end projects in the GAN domain.Generative Adversarial Network Projects begins by covering the concepts, tools, and libraries that you will use to build efficient projects. You will also use a variety of datasets for the different projects covered in the book. The level of complexity of the operations required increases with every chapter, helping you get to grips with using GANs. You will cover popular approaches such as 3D-GAN, DCGAN, StackGAN, and CycleGAN, and you’ll gain an understanding of the architecture and functioning of generative models through their practical implementation.By the end of this book, you will be ready to build, train, and optimize your own end-to-end GAN models at work or in your own projects.