
Eлектронна книга

Matematyka dyskretna dla praktyków. Algorytmy i uczenie maszynowe w Pythonie

Ryan T. White, Archana Tikayat Ray

Mimo że osiągnięcia matematyczne stały się podwalinami algorytmiki, wielu inżynierów nie w pełni rozumie reguły matematyki dyskretnej. Nawet jeśli nie stanowi to szczególnego problemu w codziennej pracy, w końcu okazuje się, że matematyka dyskretna jest niezbędna do osiągnięcia prawdziwej biegłości w operowaniu algorytmami i w pracy na danych. Co więcej, znajomość tej dziedziny bardzo ułatwia rozwiązywanie problemów z zakresu uczenia maszynowego. W ten sposób praktyczna biegłość w matematyce zauważalnie poprawia wyniki pracy inżynierów. Ta książka jest kompleksowym wprowadzeniem do matematyki dyskretnej, przydatnym dla każdego, kto chce pogłębić i ugruntować swoje umiejętności informatyczne. W zrozumiały sposób przedstawiono tu metody matematyki dyskretnej i ich zastosowanie w algorytmach i analizie danych, włączając w to techniki uczenia maszynowego. Zaprezentowano również zasady oceny złożoności obliczeniowej algorytmów i używania wyników tej oceny do zarządzania pracą procesora. Omówiono także sposoby przechowywania struktur grafowych, ich przeszukiwania i znajdywania ścieżek między wierzchołkami. Pokazano też, jak wykorzystać przedstawione informacje podczas posługiwania się bibliotekami Pythona, takimi jak scikit-learn i NumPy. W książce między innymi: terminologia i metody matematyki dyskretnej zastosowanie metod matematyki dyskretnej w algorytmach i analizie danych algebra Boole'a i kombinatoryka w podstawowych strukturach algorytmów rozwiązywanie problemów z dziedziny teorii grafów zadania związane z uczeniem maszynowym a matematyka dyskretna Matematyka dyskretna - poznaj, zrozum, zastosuj!

Eлектронна книга

Matematyka w programowaniu gier i grafice komputerowej. Tworzenie i renderowanie wirtualnych środowisk 3D oraz praca z nimi

Penny de Byl

Matematyka jest niezbędna do zrozumienia reguł rządzących tworzeniem grafiki komputerowej w czasie rzeczywistym, a także zasad manipulowania obiektami i środowiskami 3D. Idealnym narzędziem ułatwiającym uchwycenie tych zależności jest język Python wraz z bibliotekami Pygame i PyOpenGL. Dzięki nim łatwo zrozumiesz, w jaki sposób komputery tworzą i wprowadzają zmiany w środowiskach trójwymiarowych. Ta książka wyjaśni Ci rolę matematyki w tworzeniu, renderowaniu i zmienianiu wirtualnych środowisk 3D, a ponadto pozwoli odkryć tajemnice najpopularniejszych dzisiaj silników gier. Za sprawą licznych praktycznych ćwiczeń zorientujesz się, co się kryje za rysowaniem linii i kształtów graficznych, stosowaniem wektorów i wierzchołków, budowaniem i renderowaniem siatek, jak również przekształcaniem wierzchołków. Nauczysz się używać kodu Pythona, a także bibliotek Pygame i PyOpenGL do budowy własnych silników. Dowiesz się też, jak tworzyć przydatne API i korzystać z nich podczas pisania własnych aplikacji. W książce między innymi: praca w Pythonie z edytorem PyCharm, bibliotekami Pygame i PyOpenGL różne polecenia rysowania z różnych graficznych API najważniejsze zagadnienia trygonometrii w odniesieniu do środowisk 3D wektory i matryce w przenoszeniu, ustawianiu kierunku i skalowaniu obiektów 3D renderowanie obiektów 3D z teksturami, kolorami, cieniami i oświetleniem przekształcanie wierzchołków w celu przyspieszenia renderowania opartego na GPU Matematyka: najlepszy sprzymierzeniec programisty i grafika!

Eлектронна книга

Matplotlib for Python Developers. Effective techniques for data visualization with Python - Second Edition

Aldrin Yim, Claire Chung, Allen Yu

Python is a general-purpose programming language increasingly being used for data analysis and visualization. Matplotlib is a popular data visualization package in Python used to design effective plots and graphs. This is a practical, hands-on resource to help you visualize data with Python using the Matplotlib library. Matplotlib for Python Developers, Second Edition shows you how to create attractive graphs, charts, and plots using Matplotlib. You will also get a quick introduction to third-party packages, Seaborn, Pandas, Basemap, and Geopandas, and learn how to use them with Matplotlib. After that, you’ll embed and customize your plots in third-party tools such as GTK+3, Qt 5, and wxWidgets. You’ll also be able to tweak the look and feel of your visualization with the help of practical examples provided in this book. Further on, you’ll explore Matplotlib 2.1.x on the web, from a cloud-based platform using third-party packages such as Django. Finally, you will integrate interactive, real-time visualization techniques into your current workflow with the help of practical real-world examples.By the end of this book, you’ll be thoroughly comfortable with using the popular Python data visualization library Matplotlib 2.1.x and leveraging its power to build attractive, insightful, and powerful visualizations.

Eлектронна книга

Maximizing Tableau Server. A beginner's guide to accessing, sharing, and managing content on Tableau Server

Patrick Sarsfield, Brandi Locker, Adam Mico

Tableau Server is a business intelligence application that provides a centralized location to store, edit, share, and collaborate on content, such as dashboards and curated data sources. This book gets you up and running with Tableau Server to help you increase end-user engagement for your published work as well as reduce or eliminate redundant tasks.You’ll explore Tableau Server's structure and how to get started by connecting, publishing content, and navigating the software interface. Next, you’ll learn when and how to update the settings of your content at various levels to best utilize Tableau Server’s features. You’ll understand how to interact with the Tableau Server interface to locate, sort, filter, manage and customize content. Later, the book shows you how to leverage other valuable features that enable you and your audience to share, download, and interact with content on Tableau Server. As you progress, you’ll cover principles to increase the performance of your published content. All along, the book shows you how to navigate, interact with, and use Tableau Server with the help of engaging examples and best practices shared by recognized Tableau professionals.By the end of this Tableau book, you’ll have a solid understanding of how to use Tableau Server to manage content, automate tasks, and increase end-user engagement.

Eлектронна книга

MicroPython Cookbook. Over 110 practical recipes for programming embedded systems and microcontrollers with Python

Marwan Alsabbagh

MicroPython is an open source implementation of Python 3 that runs in embedded environments. With MicroPython, you can write clean and simple Python code to control hardware instead of using complex low-level languages such as C and C++. This book guides you through all the major applications of the MicroPython platform to build and program projects that use microcontrollers.This MicroPython book covers recipes that will help you experiment with the programming environment and hardware programmed in MicroPython. You'll find tips and techniques for building a variety of objects and prototypes that can sense and respond to touch, sound, position, heat, and light. This book will take you through the uses of MicroPython with a variety of popular input devices and sensors. You'll learn techniques to handle time delays and sensor readings, and apply advanced coding techniques to create complex projects. As you advance, you'll deal with Internet of Things (IoT) devices and integration with other online web services. In addition to this, you'll use MicroPython to make music with bananas and create portable multiplayer video games that incorporate sound and light animations into the gameplay.By the end of this book, you'll have mastered the tips and tricks to troubleshoot your development problems and take your MicroPython project to the next level.

Eлектронна книга

MicroPython Projects. A do-it-yourself guide for embedded developers to build a range of applications using Python

Jacob Beningo

With the increasing complexity of embedded systems seen over the past few years, developers are looking for ways to manage them easily by solving problems without spending a lot of time on finding supported peripherals. MicroPython is an efficient and lean implementation of the Python 3 programming language, which is optimized to run on microcontrollers. MicroPython Projects will guide you in building and managing your embedded systems with ease.This book is a comprehensive project-based guide that will help you build a wide range of projects and give you the confidence to design complex projects spanning new areas of technology such as electronic applications, automation devices, and IoT applications. While building seven engaging projects, you'll learn how to enable devices to communicate with each other, access and control devices over a TCP/IP socket, and store and retrieve data. The complexity will increase progressively as you work on different projects, covering areas such as driver design, sensor interfacing, and MicroPython kernel customization.By the end of this MicroPython book, you'll be able to develop industry-standard embedded systems and keep up with the evolution of the Internet of Things.

Eлектронна книга

Microsoft Power BI Performance Best Practices. A comprehensive guide to building consistently fast Power BI solutions

Bhavik Merchant, Christopher Webb

This book comprehensively covers every layer of Power BI, from the report canvas to data modeling, transformations, storage, and architecture.Developers and architects working with any area of Power BI will be able to put their knowledge to work with this practical guide to design and implement at every stage of the analytics solution development process. This book is not only a unique collection of best practices and tips, but also provides you with a hands-on approach to identifying and fixing common performance issues.Complete with explanations of essential concepts and practical examples, you’ll learn about common design choices that affect performance and consume more resources and how to avoid these problems. You’ll grasp the general architectural issues and settings that broadly affect most solutions. As you progress, you’ll walk through each layer of a typical Power BI solution, learning how to ensure your designs can handle scale while not sacrificing usability. You’ll focus on the data layer and then work your way up to report design. We will also cover Power BI Premium and load testing.By the end of this Power BI book, you’ll be able to confidently maintain well-performing Power BI solutions with reduced effort and know how to use freely available tools and a systematic process to monitor and diagnose performance problems.

Eлектронна книга

Microsoft Power BI Quick Start Guide. Bring your data to life through data modeling, visualization, digital storytelling, and more - Second Edition

Devin Knight, Mitchell Pearson, Bradley Schacht, Erin Ostrowsky

This revised edition has been fully updated to reflect the latest enhancements to Power BI. It includes a new chapter dedicated to dataflow, and covers all the essential concepts such as installation, designing effective data models, as well as building basic dashboards and visualizations to help you and your organization make better business decisions.You’ll learn how to obtain data from a variety of sources and clean it using Power BI Query Editor. You’ll then find out how you can design your data model to navigate and explore relationships within it and build DAX formulas to make your data easier to work with. Visualizing your data is a key element in this book, and you’ll get to grips rapidly with data visualization styles and enhanced digital storytelling techniques. In addition, you will acquire the skills to build your own dataflows, understand the Common Data Model, and automate data flow refreshes to eradicate data cleansing inefficiency.This guide will help you understand how to administer your organization's Power BI environment so that deployment can be made seamless, data refreshes can run properly, and security can be fully implemented.By the end of this Power BI book, you’ll have a better understanding of how to get the most out of Power BI to perform effective business intelligence.