
Eлектронна книга

The TensorFlow Workshop. A hands-on guide to building deep learning models from scratch using real-world datasets

Matthew Moocarme, Anthony So, Anthony Maddalone

Getting to grips with tensors, deep learning, and neural networks can be intimidating and confusing for anyone, no matter their experience level. The breadth of information out there, often written at a very high level and aimed at advanced practitioners, can make getting started even more challenging.If this sounds familiar to you, The TensorFlow Workshop is here to help. Combining clear explanations, realistic examples, and plenty of hands-on practice, it’ll quickly get you up and running.You’ll start off with the basics – learning how to load data into TensorFlow, perform tensor operations, and utilize common optimizers and activation functions. As you progress, you’ll experiment with different TensorFlow development tools, including TensorBoard, TensorFlow Hub, and Google Colab, before moving on to solve regression and classification problems with sequential models.Building on this solid foundation, you’ll learn how to tune models and work with different types of neural network, getting hands-on with real-world deep learning applications such as text encoding, temperature forecasting, image augmentation, and audio processing.By the end of this deep learning book, you’ll have the skills, knowledge, and confidence to tackle your own ambitious deep learning projects with TensorFlow.

Eлектронна книга

The Unsupervised Learning Workshop. Get started with unsupervised learning algorithms and simplify your unorganized data to help make future predictions

Aaron Jones, Christopher Kruger, Benjamin Johnston

Do you find it difficult to understand how popular companies like WhatsApp and Amazon find valuable insights from large amounts of unorganized data? The Unsupervised Learning Workshop will give you the confidence to deal with cluttered and unlabeled datasets, using unsupervised algorithms in an easy and interactive manner.The book starts by introducing the most popular clustering algorithms of unsupervised learning. You'll find out how hierarchical clustering differs from k-means, along with understanding how to apply DBSCAN to highly complex and noisy data. Moving ahead, you'll use autoencoders for efficient data encoding.As you progress, you’ll use t-SNE models to extract high-dimensional information into a lower dimension for better visualization, in addition to working with topic modeling for implementing natural language processing (NLP). In later chapters, you’ll find key relationships between customers and businesses using Market Basket Analysis, before going on to use Hotspot Analysis for estimating the population density of an area.By the end of this book, you’ll be equipped with the skills you need to apply unsupervised algorithms on cluttered datasets to find useful patterns and insights.

Eлектронна книга

Time Series Analysis with Python Cookbook. Practical recipes for exploratory data analysis, data preparation, forecasting, and model evaluation

Tarek A. Atwan

Time series data is everywhere, available at a high frequency and volume. It is complex and can contain noise, irregularities, and multiple patterns, making it crucial to be well-versed with the techniques covered in this book for data preparation, analysis, and forecasting.This book covers practical techniques for working with time series data, starting with ingesting time series data from various sources and formats, whether in private cloud storage, relational databases, non-relational databases, or specialized time series databases such as InfluxDB. Next, you’ll learn strategies for handling missing data, dealing with time zones and custom business days, and detecting anomalies using intuitive statistical methods, followed by more advanced unsupervised ML models. The book will also explore forecasting using classical statistical models such as Holt-Winters, SARIMA, and VAR. The recipes will present practical techniques for handling non-stationary data, using power transforms, ACF and PACF plots, and decomposing time series data with multiple seasonal patterns. Later, you’ll work with ML and DL models using TensorFlow and PyTorch.Finally, you’ll learn how to evaluate, compare, optimize models, and more using the recipes covered in the book.

Eлектронна книга

Tkinter GUI Application Development Blueprints. Build nine projects by working with widgets, geometry management, event handling, and more - Second Edition

Bhaskar Chaudhary

Tkinter is the built-in GUI package that comes with standard Python distributions. It is a cross-platform package, which means you build once and deploy everywhere. It is simple to use and intuitive in nature, making it suitable for programmers and non-programmers alike.This book will help you master the art of GUI programming. It delivers the bigger picture of GUI programming by building real-world, productive, and fun applications such as a text editor, drum machine, game of chess, audio player, drawing application, piano tutor, chat application, screen saver, port scanner, and much more. In every project, you will build on the skills acquired in the previous project and gain more expertise. You will learn to write multithreaded programs, network programs, database-driven programs, asyncio based programming and more. You will also get to know the modern best practices involved in writing GUI apps. With its rich source of sample code, you can build upon the knowledge gained with this book and use it in your own projects in the discipline of your choice.

Eлектронна книга

Tkinter GUI Application Development Cookbook. A practical solution to your GUI development problems with Python and Tkinter

Alejandro Rodas de Paz

As one of the more versatile programming languages, Python is well-known for its batteries-included philosophy, which includes a rich set of modules in its standard library; Tkinter is the library included for building desktop applications. Due to this, Tkinter is a common choice for rapid GUI development, and more complex applications can benefit from the full capabilities of this library. This book covers all of your Tkinter and Python GUI development problems and solutions.Tkinter GUI Application Development Cookbook starts with an overview of Tkinter classes and at the same time provides recipes for basic topics, such as layout patterns and event handling. Next, we cover how to develop common GUI patterns, such as entering and saving data, navigating through menus and dialogs, and performing long-running actions in the background.You can then make your apps leverage network resources effectively and perform graphical operations on a canvas and related tasks such as detecting collisions between items. Finally, this book covers using themed widgets, an extension of Tk widgets that have a more native look and feel. Finally, this book covers using the canvas and themed widgets.By the end of the book, you will have an in-depth knowledge of Tkinter classes, and will know how to use them to build efficient and rich GUI applications.

Eлектронна книга

Tkinter GUI Programming by Example. Learn to create modern GUIs using Tkinter by building real-world projects in Python

David Love

Tkinter is a modular, cross-platform application development toolkit for Python. When developing GUI-rich applications, the most important choices are which programming language(s) and which GUI framework to use. Python and Tkinter prove to be a great combination. This book will get you familiar with Tkinter by having you create fun and interactive projects. These projects have varying degrees of complexity. We'll start with a simple project, where you'll learn the fundamentals of GUI programming and the basics of working with a Tkinter application. After getting the basics right, we'll move on to creating a project of slightly increased complexity, such as a highly customizable Python editor. In the next project, we'll crank up the complexity level to create an instant messaging app. Toward the end, we'll discuss various ways of packaging our applications so that they can be shared and installed on other machines without the user having to learn how to install and run Python programs.

Eлектронна книга

Training Systems using Python Statistical Modeling. Explore popular techniques for modeling your data in Python

Curtis Miller

Python's ease-of-use and multi-purpose nature has made it one of the most popular tools for data scientists and machine learning developers. Its rich libraries are widely used for data analysis, and more importantly, for building state-of-the-art predictive models. This book is designed to guide you through using these libraries to implement effective statistical models for predictive analytics.You’ll start by delving into classical statistical analysis, where you will learn to compute descriptive statistics using pandas. You will focus on supervised learning, which will help you explore the principles of machine learning and train different machine learning models from scratch. Next, you will work with binary prediction models, such as data classification using k-nearest neighbors, decision trees, and random forests. The book will also cover algorithms for regression analysis, such as ridge and lasso regression, and their implementation in Python. In later chapters, you will learn how neural networks can be trained and deployed for more accurate predictions, and understand which Python libraries can be used to implement them.By the end of this book, you will have the knowledge you need to design, build, and deploy enterprise-grade statistical models for machine learning using Python and its rich ecosystem of libraries for predictive analytics.

Eлектронна книга

Transformers for Natural Language Processing. Build innovative deep neural network architectures for NLP with Python, PyTorch, TensorFlow, BERT, RoBERTa, and more

Denis Rothman

The transformer architecture has proved to be revolutionary in outperforming the classical RNN and CNN models in use today. With an apply-as-you-learn approach, Transformers for Natural Language Processing investigates in vast detail the deep learning for machine translations, speech-to-text, text-to-speech, language modeling, question answering, and many more NLP domains with transformers.The book takes you through NLP with Python and examines various eminent models and datasets within the transformer architecture created by pioneers such as Google, Facebook, Microsoft, OpenAI, and Hugging Face.The book trains you in three stages. The first stage introduces you to transformer architectures, starting with the original transformer, before moving on to RoBERTa, BERT, and DistilBERT models. You will discover training methods for smaller transformers that can outperform GPT-3 in some cases. In the second stage, you will apply transformers for Natural Language Understanding (NLU) and Natural Language Generation (NLG). Finally, the third stage will help you grasp advanced language understanding techniques such as optimizing social network datasets and fake news identification.By the end of this NLP book, you will understand transformers from a cognitive science perspective and be proficient in applying pretrained transformer models by tech giants to various datasets.