

Bazy danych. Pierwsze starcie

Adam Pelikant

Zobacz, jakie to proste -- naucz się tworzyć bazy danych! Jak tworzyć formularze i raporty? Jak modyfikować strukturę tabel? Jak stosować mechanizmy wymiany danych? Współczesny świat wymusza na przedsiębiorstwach gromadzenie oraz przetwarzanie ogromnej ilości informacji. To sprawia, że muszą one dysponować wydajnymi i sprawnymi bazami danych. Aby zbudować taki system zarządzania danymi, niezbędne są odpowiednie narzędzia -- jednym z nich jest program MS Access. Ta aplikacja przede wszystkim pozwala na łatwą kontrolę poprawności tworzonych projektów oraz zapewnia integrację narzędzi służących do tworzenia struktury relacyjnej. Dba także o zgodność tych narzędzi ze standardem języka zapytań SQL, wykorzystywanym do tworzenia i modyfikowania baz danych oraz operowania na zgromadzonych w nich informacjach. Książka "Bazy danych. Pierwsze starcie" stanowi doskonałe wprowadzenie w tematykę tworzenia baz danych. Zawiera wszystkie potrzebne informacje, podane w prosty i przejrzysty sposób. Ten podręcznik przyda się zarówno studentom kierunków informatycznych, jak i wszystkim tym, którzy chcą zdobyć wiedzę o nowoczesnych metodach budowania takich baz. Stąd dowiesz się, jak wykorzystywać język zapytań SQL, w jaki sposób tworzyć tabele, formularze i raporty oraz stosować mechanizmy wymiany danych, a także na czym polega filtrowanie i sortowanie w zapytaniach. Zdobędziesz wiedzę i umiejętności wystarczające do samodzielnego zbudowania wydajnej bazy danych i sprawnego nią zarządzania. Projektowanie bazy danych -- narzędzia wizualne Tworzenie formularzy i raportów Strukturalny język zapytań SQL w wersji MS JetSQL Składnia podstawowa Unia -- koniunkcja zbiorów Grupowanie i funkcje agregujące Zastosowanie języka SQL z poziomu formularzy Mechanizmy wymiany danych Obiekty: DAO, RDO, ADO Zastosowanie mechanizmów wymiany danych przy tworzeniu aplikacji Stwórz własną, niezawodną bazę danych!


Database Design and Modeling with PostgreSQL and MySQL. Build efficient and scalable databases for modern applications using open source databases

Alkin Tezuysal, Ibrar Ahmed, Peter Zaitsev

Database Design and Modeling with PostgreSQL and MySQL will equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to architect, build, and optimize efficient databases using two of the most popular open-source platforms.As you progress through the chapters, you'll gain a deep understanding of data modeling, normalization, and query optimization, supported by hands-on exercises and real-world case studies that will reinforce your learning. You'll explore topics like concurrency control, backup and recovery strategies, and seamless integration with web and mobile applications. These advanced topics will empower you to tackle complex database challenges confidently and effectively. Additionally, you’ll explore emerging trends, such as NoSQL databases and cloud-based solutions, ensuring you're well-versed in the latest developments shaping the database landscape. By embracing these cutting-edge technologies, you'll be prepared to adapt and innovate in today's ever-evolving digital world.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to understand the technologies that exist to design a modern and scalable database for developing web applications using MySQL and PostgreSQL open-source databases.


Developing Modern Database Applications with PostgreSQL. Use the highly available and object-relational PostgreSQL to build scalable and reliable apps

Dr. Quan Ha Le, Marcelo Diaz

PostgreSQL is an open-source object-relational database management system (DBMS) that provides enterprise-level services, including high performance and scalability. This book is a collection of unique projects providing you with a wealth of information relating to administering, monitoring, and testing PostgreSQL. The focus of each project is on both the development and the administrative aspects of PostgreSQL.Starting by exploring development aspects such as database design and its implementation, you’ll then cover PostgreSQL administration by understanding PostgreSQL architecture, PostgreSQL performance, and high-availability clusters. Various PostgreSQL projects are explained through current technologies such as DevOps and cloud platforms using programming languages like Python and Node.js. Later, you’ll get to grips with the well-known database API tool, PostgREST, before learning how to use popular PostgreSQL database testing frameworks. The book is also packed with essential tips and tricks and common patterns for working seamlessly in a production environment. All the chapters will be explained with the help of a real-world case study on a small banking application for managing ATM locations in a city.By the end of this DBMS book, you’ll be proficient in building reliable database solutions as per your organization's needs.


Hurtownie danych. Od przetwarzania analitycznego do raportowania

Adam Pelikant

Spec od hurtowni danych? Zawsze będzie pilnie potrzebny! Jak stworzyć strukturę hurtowni danych i dokonać ich integracji? Jak przeprowadzić analizę danych z wykorzystaniem rozszerzenia MDX SQL? Do czego potrzebne jest raportowanie? Idea hurtowni danych ściśle wiąże się z ich kolosalnymi ilościami, gromadzonymi podczas tysięcy różnych sytuacji — przy dowolnej transakcji, w urzędzie, na lotnisku, w internecie… Nawet nasze połączenia telefoniczne są przechowywane przez operatora. Te wszystkie dane trzeba gdzieś pomieścić, sensownie posegregować i zapewnić sobie możliwość sięgnięcia do wybranego ich zakresu bez długotrwałych poszukiwań. Taką możliwość dają właśnie hurtownie danych — przemyślane, bardzo pojemne bazy, oferujące zarówno integrację wprowadzanych danych, jak i znakomite mechanizmy ich przeszukiwania. Jeśli chcesz poszerzyć swoją wiedzę na temat tworzenia i przeglądania zawartości hurtowni danych, trafiłeś pod właściwy adres! Książka "Hurtownie danych. Od przetwarzania analitycznego do raportowania" zawiera materiał przeznaczony nie tylko dla studentów wydziałów informatycznych, ale także dla pasjonatów tej tematyki oraz specjalistów zainteresowanych poszerzeniem wiedzy. W możliwie najprostszy, praktyczny sposób opisano w niej składnię i postać zapytań analitycznych, strukturę hurtowni danych oraz kwestię ich integracji i wizualnego tworzenia elementów hurtowni. Znajdziesz tu także omówienie analizy danych z wykorzystaniem rozszerzenia MDX SQL oraz zastosowań raportowania. Zapoznanie się z tymi informacjami oraz prześledzenie zgromadzonych tu przykładów pozwoli Ci zrozumieć problemy powstające przy budowie hurtowni danych i wykorzystać tę wiedzę we własnych projektach. Zapytania analityczne Struktura hurtowni danych Integracja danych Wizualne tworzenie elementów hurtowni danych Analiza danych z wykorzystaniem rozszerzenia MDX SQL Raportowanie Od bazy do hurtowni danych… Skocz na głęboką wodę!


Learn PostgreSQL. Build and manage high-performance database solutions using PostgreSQL 12 and 13

Luca Ferrari, Enrico Pirozzi

PostgreSQL is one of the fastest-growing open source object-relational database management systems (DBMS) in the world. As well as being easy to use, it’s scalable and highly efficient. In this book, you’ll explore PostgreSQL 12 and 13 and learn how to build database solutions using it. Complete with hands-on tutorials, this guide will teach you how to achieve the right database design required for a reliable environment.You'll learn how to install and configure a PostgreSQL server and even manage users and connections. The book then progresses to key concepts of relational databases, before taking you through the Data Definition Language (DDL) and commonly used DDL commands. To build on your skills, you’ll understand how to interact with the live cluster, create database objects, and use tools to connect to the live cluster. You’ll then get to grips with creating tables, building indexes, and designing your database schema. Later, you'll explore the Data Manipulation Language (DML) and server-side programming capabilities of PostgreSQL using PL/pgSQL, before learning how to monitor, test, and troubleshoot your database application to ensure high-performance and reliability.By the end of this book, you'll be well-versed with the Postgres database and be able to set up your own PostgreSQL instance and use it to build robust solutions.


Learning PostgreSQL 11. A beginner's guide to building high-performance PostgreSQL database solutions - Third Edition

Salahaldin Juba, Andrey Volkov

PostgreSQL is one of the most popular open source database management systems in the world, and it supports advanced features included in SQL standards. This book will familiarize you with the latest features in PostgreSQL 11, and get you up and running with building efficient PostgreSQL database solutions from scratch.Learning PostgreSQL, 11 begins by covering the concepts of relational databases and their core principles. You’ll explore the Data Definition Language (DDL) and commonly used DDL commands supported by ANSI SQL. You’ll also learn how to create tables, define integrity constraints, build indexes, and set up views and other schema objects. As you advance, you’ll come to understand Data Manipulation Language (DML) and server-side programming capabilities using PL/pgSQL, giving you a robust background to develop, tune, test, and troubleshoot your database application. The book will guide you in exploring NoSQL capabilities and connecting to your database to manipulate data objects. You’ll get to grips with using data warehousing in analytical solutions and reports, and scaling the database for high availability and performance.By the end of this book, you’ll have gained a thorough understanding of PostgreSQL 11 and developed the necessary skills to build efficient database solutions.


Learning PostgreSQL. Create, develop and manage relational databases in real world applications using PostgreSQL

Salahaldin Juba, Andrey Volkov, Salahaldin Juba, Achim Vannahme

PostgreSQL is one of the most powerful and easy to use database management systems. It supports the most advanced features included in SQL standards. The book starts with the introduction of relational databases with PostegreSQL. It then moves on to covering data definition language (DDL) with emphasis on PostgreSQL and common DDL commands supported by ANSI SQL. You will then learn the data manipulation language (DML), and advanced topics like locking and multi version concurrency control (MVCC). This will give you a very robust background to tune and troubleshoot your application. The book then covers the implementation of data models in the database such as creating tables, setting up integrity constraints, building indexes, defining views and other schema objects. Next, it will give you an overview about the NoSQL capabilities of PostgreSQL along with Hstore, XML, Json and arrays. Finally by the end of the book, you'll learn to use the JDBC driver and manipulate data objects in the Hibernate framework.


Mastering PostgreSQL 12. Advanced techniques to build and administer scalable and reliable PostgreSQL database applications - Third Edition

Hans-Jürgen Schönig

Thanks to its reliability, robustness, and high performance, PostgreSQL has become the most advanced open source database on the market. This third edition of Mastering PostgreSQL helps you build dynamic database solutions for enterprise applications using the latest release of PostgreSQL, which enables database analysts to design both physical and technical aspects of system architecture with ease.Starting with an introduction to the newly released features in PostgreSQL 12, this book will help you build efficient and fault-tolerant PostgreSQL applications. You’ll thoroughly examine the advanced features of PostgreSQL, including logical replication, database clusters, performance tuning, monitoring, and user management. You’ll also work with the PostgreSQL optimizer, configure PostgreSQL for high speed, and understand how to move from Oracle to PostgreSQL. As you progress through the chapters, you’ll cover transactions, locking, indexes, and how to optimize queries for improved performance. Additionally, you’ll learn how to manage network security and explore backups and replications while understanding useful PostgreSQL extensions to help you in optimizing the performance of large databases.By the end of this PostgreSQL book, you’ll be able to get the most out of your database by implementing advanced administrative tasks effortlessly.


Mastering PostgreSQL 13. Build, administer, and maintain database applications efficiently with PostgreSQL 13 - Fourth Edition

Hans-Jürgen Schönig

Thanks to its reliability, robustness, and high performance, PostgreSQL has become one of the most advanced open source databases on the market. This updated fourth edition will help you understand PostgreSQL administration and how to build dynamic database solutions for enterprise apps with the latest release of PostgreSQL, including designing both physical and technical aspects of the system architecture with ease.Starting with an introduction to the new features in PostgreSQL 13, this book will guide you in building efficient and fault-tolerant PostgreSQL apps. You’ll explore advanced PostgreSQL features, such as logical replication, database clusters, performance tuning, advanced indexing, monitoring, and user management, to manage and maintain your database. You’ll then work with the PostgreSQL optimizer, configure PostgreSQL for high speed, and move from Oracle to PostgreSQL. The book also covers transactions, locking, and indexes, and shows you how to improve performance with query optimization. You’ll also focus on how to manage network security and work with backups and replication while exploring useful PostgreSQL extensions that optimize the performance of large databases.By the end of this PostgreSQL book, you’ll be able to get the most out of your database by executing advanced administrative tasks.


Mistrzowski SQL. 61 technik pisania wydajnego kodu SQL

John L. Viescas, Douglas J. Steele, Ben G. Clothier

Bazy danych umożliwiają bezpieczne przechowywanie i użytkowanie danych. Dobrze napisana baza danych pracuje szybko i wydajnie. Najlepsze relacyjne bazy danych są nierozłącznie związane z językiem SQL, zatem aby profesjonalnie podejść do tego tematu, trzeba ten język dobrze opanować. SQL może wydawać się trudny i złożony, a co więcej, dla poszczególnych baz istnieją specyficzne dialekty SQL, niemniej jednak wspaniałe zalety najlepszych baz danych dostępne są tylko dla tych, którzy opanują sztukę pisania efektywnego kodu SQL. Niniejsza książka jest świetnym kompendium przeznaczonym dla osób o podstawowej znajomości SQL. Dzięki niej poznasz najlepsze współczesne techniki pisania w tym języku. Każdą z nich poparto realistycznymi (i przydatnymi!) przykładami. Innymi słowy, znajdziesz tu zrozumiale objaśnione sztuczki ekspertów i mnóstwo użytecznego kodu. Poza zagadnieniami składni omówiono również tematykę optymalizacji projektu bazy, a także zarządzania hierarchiami i metadanymi. Wyjątkowość tej książki polega na tym, że zawarty w niej materiał bez trudu zastosujesz do baz: IBM DB2, Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle Database czy PostgreSQL. Spośród 61 zagadnień ujętych w książce warto wspomnieć o: zasadach projektowania modelu danych sposobach na efektywne wykorzystanie indeksów i więzów integralności metodach szybkiego wyszukiwania danych z zastosowaniem algebry relacyjnej stosowaniu podzapytań i złączeń tajnikach tabel kalkulacyjnych zbiorach zagnieżdżonych i domknięciach podległości Przekonaj się, jak szybki i wydajny może być Twój kod SQL! John L. Viescas — zajmuje się bazami danych od ponad 45 lat. Rozwiązywał problemy baz Access i SQL Server w firmach każdej wielkości. W Applied Data Research prowadził zespół rozwijający systemy bazodanowe IBM dla komputerów mainframe. Douglas J. Steele — od ponad 40 specjalizuje się w bazach danych i modelowaniu danych. Przez 17 lat był nagradzany tytułem MVP Microsoftu. Ben G. Clothier — MVP od roku 2009, jest architektem rozwiązań w znanej firmie programistycznej IT Impact. Wszyscy trzej są autorami i współautorami cenionych książek o bazach danych.


PostGIS Cookbook. Store, organize, manipulate, and analyze spatial data - Second Edition

Pedro Wightman, Bborie Park, Stephen Vincent Mather, Thomas Kraft, ...

PostGIS is a spatial database that integrates the advanced storage and analysis of vector and raster data, and is remarkably flexible and powerful. PostGIS provides support for geographic objects to the PostgreSQL object-relational database and is currently the most popular open source spatial databases. If you want to explore the complete range of PostGIS techniques and expose related extensions, then this book is for you. This book is a comprehensive guide to PostGIS tools and concepts which are required to manage, manipulate, and analyze spatial data in PostGIS. It covers key spatial data manipulation tasks, explaining not only how each task is performed, but also why. It provides practical guidance allowing you to safely take advantage of the advanced technology in PostGIS in order to simplify your spatial database administration tasks. Furthermore, you will learn to take advantage of basic and advanced vector, raster, and routing approaches along with the concepts of data maintenance, optimization, and performance, and will help you to integrate these into a large ecosystem of desktop and web tools.By the end, you will be armed with all the tools and instructions you need to both manage the spatial database system and make better decisions as your project's requirements evolve.


PostgreSQL 10 Administration Cookbook. Over 165 effective recipes for database management and maintenance in PostgreSQL 10 - Fourth Edition

Simon Riggs, Gianni Ciolli

PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source database management system with an enviable reputation for high performance and stability. With many new features in its arsenal, PostgreSQL 10 allows users to scale up their PostgreSQL infrastructure. This book takes a step-by-step, recipe-based approach to effective PostgreSQL administration.Throughout this book, you will be introduced to these new features such as logical replication, native table partitioning, additional query parallelism, and much more. You will learn how to tackle a variety of problems that are basically the pain points for any database administrator - from creating tables to managing views, from improving performance to securing your database. More importantly, the book pays special attention to topics such as monitoring roles, backup, and recovery of your PostgreSQL 10 database, ensuring high availability, concurrency, and replication.By the end of this book, you will know everything you need to know to be the go-to PostgreSQL expert in your organization.


PostgreSQL 11 Administration Cookbook. Over 175 recipes for database administrators to manage enterprise databases

Simon Riggs, Gianni Ciolli, Sudheer Kumar Meesala

PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source database management system with an enviable reputation for high performance and stability. With many new features in its arsenal, PostgreSQL 11 allows you to scale up your PostgreSQL infrastructure. This book takes a step-by-step, recipe-based approach to effective PostgreSQL administration.The book will introduce you to new features such as logical replication, native table partitioning, additional query parallelism, and much more to help you to understand and control, crash recovery and plan backups. You will learn how to tackle a variety of problems and pain points for any database administrator such as creating tables, managing views, improving performance, and securing your database. As you make steady progress, the book will draw attention to important topics such as monitoring roles, backup, and recovery of your PostgreSQL 11 database to help you understand roles and produce a summary of log files, ensuring high availability, concurrency, and replication.By the end of this book, you will have the necessary knowledge to manage your PostgreSQL 11 database efficiently.


PostgreSQL 12 High Availability Cookbook. Over 100 recipes to design a highly available server with the advanced features of PostgreSQL 12 - Third Edition

Shaun Thomas

Databases are nothing without the data they store. In the event of an outage or technical catastrophe, immediate recovery is essential. This updated edition ensures that you will learn the important concepts related to node architecture design, as well as techniques such as using repmgr for failover automation. From cluster layout and hardware selection to software stacks and horizontal scalability, this PostgreSQL cookbook will help you build a PostgreSQL cluster that will survive crashes, resist data corruption, and grow smoothly with customer demand.You’ll start by understanding how to plan a PostgreSQL database architecture that is resistant to outages and scalable, as it is the scaffolding on which everything rests. With the bedrock established, you'll cover the topics that PostgreSQL database administrators need to know to manage a highly available cluster. This includes configuration, troubleshooting, monitoring and alerting, backups through proxies, failover automation, and other considerations that are essential for a healthy PostgreSQL cluster. Later, you’ll learn to use multi-master replication to maximize server availability. Later chapters will guide you through managing major version upgrades without downtime.By the end of this book, you’ll have learned how to build an efficient and adaptive PostgreSQL 12 database cluster.


PostgreSQL 13 Cookbook. Over 120 recipes to build high-performance and fault-tolerant PostgreSQL database solutions

Vallarapu Naga Avinash Kumar

PostgreSQL has become the most advanced open source database on the market. This book follows a step-by-step approach, guiding you effectively in deploying PostgreSQL in production environments.The book starts with an introduction to PostgreSQL and its architecture. You’ll cover common and not-so-common challenges faced while designing and managing the database. Next, the book focuses on backup and recovery strategies to ensure your database is steady and achieves optimal performance. Throughout the book, you’ll address key challenges such as maintaining reliability, data integrity, a fault-tolerant environment, a robust feature set, extensibility, consistency, and authentication. Moving ahead, you’ll learn how to manage a PostgreSQL cluster and explore replication features for high availability. Later chapters will assist you in building a secure PostgreSQL server, along with covering recipes for encrypting data in motion and data at rest. Finally, you’ll not only discover how to tune your database for optimal performance but also understand ways to monitor and manage maintenance activities, before learning how to perform PostgreSQL upgrades during downtime.By the end of this book, you’ll be well-versed with the essential PostgreSQL 13 features to build enterprise relational databases.