Data bases

PostgreSQL for Data Architects. Discover how to design, develop, and maintain your database application effectively with PostgreSQL

Jayadevan M

PostgreSQL High Availability Cookbook. Managing a reliable PostgreSQL database - Second Edition

Shaun Thomas

PostgreSQL High Performance Cookbook. Mastering query optimization, database monitoring, and performance-tuning for PostgreSQL

Chitij Chauhan, Dinesh Kumar

PostgreSQL. Receptury dla administratora

Hannu Krosing, Simon Riggs

PostgreSQL Replication. Leverage the power of PostgreSQL replication to make your databases more robust, secure, scalable, and fast

Hans-Jürgen Schönig, Zoltan Boszormenyi, Hans-Jürgen Schönig, Zoltan B?É?íÂ!?sz?É?íÂ!?rmenyi

PostgreSQL Server Programming. Extend PostgreSQL using PostgreSQL server programming to create, test, debug, and optimize a range of user-defined functions in your favorite programming language

Usama Dar, Kirk Roybal, Jim Mlodgenski, Hannu Krosing

PostgreSQL. Wydanie II

Zdzisław Dybikowski

Potoki danych. Leksykon kieszonkowy. Przenoszenie i przetwarzanie danych na potrzeby ich analizy

James Densmore