Бази даних

Bazy danych. Pierwsze starcie

Adam Pelikant

Bazy danych. Podstawy projektowania i języka SQL

Krystyna Czapla

Become a Python Data Analyst. Perform exploratory data analysis and gain insight into scientific computing using Python

Alvaro Fuentes

Beginning Serverless Architectures with Microsoft Azure. Design scalable applications and microservices that effortlessly adapt to the requirements of your customers

Daniel Bass

Big Data Analytics with Hadoop 3. Build highly effective analytics solutions to gain valuable insight into your big data

Sridhar Alla

Big Data. Krótkie Wprowadzenie 30

Dawn E. Holmes

Blockchain across Oracle. Understand the details and implications of the Blockchain for Oracle developers and customers

Robert van Molken

Blockchain Development with Hyperledger. Build decentralized applications with Hyperledger Fabric and Composer

Salman A. Baset, Luc Desrosiers, Nitin Gaur, Petr Novotny, ...