Менеджмент ІТ проектів

Efektywne zarządzanie projektami. Wydanie VII

Robert K. Wysocki

Effective Platform Product Management. An effortless strategy and execution guide for product managers who want to scale their platform business model and grow their customer base

Tabassum Memon

Enhancing Productivity with Notion. Save time on projects by supercharging your productivity with Notion's powerful features and templates

Danny Hatcher

Enterprise Agility. Being Agile in a Changing World

Sunil Mundra

Enterprise DevOps for Architects. Leverage AIOps and DevSecOps for secure digital transformation

Jeroen Mulder

Getting Things Programmed. Droga do efektywności

Michał Bartyzel

Google Analytics od podstaw. Analiza wpływu biznesowego i wyznaczanie trendów

Mark Edmondson

Hands-On Computer Vision with TensorFlow 2. Leverage deep learning to create powerful image processing apps with TensorFlow 2.0 and Keras

Benjamin Planche, Eliot Andres