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Jupyter has garnered a strong interest in the data science community of late, as it makes common data processing and analysis tasks much simpler. This book is for data science professionals who want to master various tasks related to Jupyter to create efficient, easy-to-share, scientific applications.The book starts with recipes on installing and running the Jupyter Notebook system on various platforms and configuring the various packages that can be used with it. You will then see how you can implement different programming languages and frameworks, such as Python, R, Julia, JavaScript, Scala, and Spark on your Jupyter Notebook. This book contains intuitive recipes on building interactive widgets to manipulate and visualize data in real time, sharing your code, creating a multi-user environment, and organizing your notebook. You will then get hands-on experience with Jupyter Labs, microservices, and deploying them on the web. By the end of this book, you will have taken your knowledge of Jupyter to the next level to perform all key tasks associated with it.
Jupyter Notebook is a web-based environment that enables interactive computing in notebook documents. It allows you to create documents that contain live code, equations, and visualizations. This book is a comprehensive guide to getting started with data science using the popular Jupyter notebook. If you are familiar with Jupyter notebook and want to learn how to use its capabilities to perform various data science tasks, this is the book for you! From data exploration to visualization, this book will take you through every step of the way in implementing an effective data science pipeline using Jupyter. You will also see how you can utilize Jupyter's features to share your documents and codes with your colleagues. The book also explains how Python 3, R, and Julia can be integrated with Jupyter for various data science tasks.By the end of this book, you will comfortably leverage the power of Jupyter to perform various tasks in data science successfully.
Kibana 7 Quick Start Guide. Visualize your Elasticsearch data with ease
The Elastic Stack is growing rapidly and, day by day, additional tools are being added to make it more effective. This book endeavors to explain all the important aspects of Kibana, which is essential for utilizing its full potential.This book covers the core concepts of Kibana, with chapters set out in a coherent manner so that readers can advance their learning in a step-by-step manner. The focus is on a practical approach, thereby enabling the reader to apply those examples in real time for a better understanding of the concepts and to provide them with the correct skills in relation to the tool. With its succinct explanations, it is quite easy for a reader to use this book as a reference guide for learning basic to advanced implementations of Kibana. The practical examples, such as the creation of Kibana dashboards from CSV data, application RDBMS data, system metrics data, log file data, APM agents, and search results, can provide readers with a number of different drop-off points from where they can fetch any type of data into Kibana for the purpose of analysis or dashboarding.
Blockchain is a distributed database that enables permanent, transparent, and secure storage of data. Blockchain technology uses cryptography to keep data secure. Learn Bitcoin and Blockchain is the perfect entry point to the world of decentralized databases.This book will take you on a journey through the blockchain database, followed by advanced implementations of the blockchain concept. You will learn about Bitcoin basics and their technical operations. As you make your way through the book, you will gain insight into this leading technology and its implementation in the real world. You will also cover the technical foundation of blockchain and understand the fundamentals of cryptography and how they keep data secure. In the concluding chapters, you’ll get to grips with the mechanisms behind cryptocurrencies.By the end of this book, you will have learned about decentralized digital money, advanced blockchain concepts, and Bitcoin and blockchain security.
IBM Quantum Experience is a platform that enables developers to learn the basics of quantum computing by allowing them to run experiments on a quantum computing simulator and a real quantum computer. This book will explain the basic principles of quantum mechanics, the principles involved in quantum computing, and the implementation of quantum algorithms and experiments on IBM's quantum processors.You will start working with simple programs that illustrate quantum computing principles and slowly work your way up to more complex programs and algorithms that leverage quantum computing. As you build on your knowledge, you’ll understand the functionality of IBM Quantum Experience and the various resources it offers. Furthermore, you’ll not only learn the differences between the various quantum computers but also the various simulators available. Later, you’ll explore the basics of quantum computing, quantum volume, and a few basic algorithms, all while optimally using the resources available on IBM Quantum Experience.By the end of this book, you'll learn how to build quantum programs on your own and have gained practical quantum computing skills that you can apply to your business.
The IBM Quantum Platform was built to enable developers to learn the basics of quantum computing by providing access to high performant quantum computers and provide documentation and courses to help get up to speed with the latest features in quantum computing. Updated with new examples and changes to the platform, this edition begins with an introduction to the IBM Quantum Platform and the Quantum Information Science Kit (Qiskit) SDK. You will become well versed in the IBM Quantum Composer interface as well as running your quantum circuits on a real quantum computer. Along the way, you’ll learn some of the fundamental principles regarding quantum mechanics, qubits, quantum gates, quantum circuits, and the error mitigation techniques that are used to perform operations on qubits. As you build on your knowledge, you’ll understand the functionality of IBM Qiskit and the developer-focused resources so you can create your own quantum algorithms. You’ll learn how to monitor and optimize your quantum circuits. Lastly, you’ll look at the fundamental quantum algorithms and understand how they can be applied effectively. By the end of this quantum computing book, you'll know how to build quantum algorithms and will have gained a practical understanding of quantum computation that you can apply to your research or business.
Alteryx, as a leading data blending and advanced data analytics platform, has taken self-service data analytics to the next level. Companies worldwide often find themselves struggling to prepare and blend massive datasets that are time-consuming for analysts. Alteryx solves these problems with a repeatable workflow designed to quickly clean, prepare, blend, and join your data in a seamless manner. This book will set you on a self-service data analytics journey that will help you create efficient workflows using Alteryx, without any coding involved. It will empower you and your organization to take well-informed decisions with the help of deeper business insights from the data.Starting with the fundamentals of using Alteryx such as data preparation and blending, you will delve into the more advanced concepts such as performing predictive analytics. You will also learn how to use Alteryx’s features to share the insights gained with the relevant decision makers. To ensure consistency, we will be using data from the Healthcare domain throughout this book. The knowledge you gain from this book will guide you to solve real-life problems related to Business Intelligence confidently. Whether you are a novice with Alteryx or an experienced data analyst keen to explore Alteryx’s self-service analytics features, this book will be the perfect companion for you.
Pranav Shukla, Sharath Kumar M N
The Elastic Stack is a powerful combination of tools for distributed search, analytics, logging, and visualization of data from medium to massive data sets. The newly released Elastic Stack 6.0 brings new features and capabilities that empower users to find unique, actionable insights through these techniques. This book will give you a fundamental understanding of what the stack is all about, and how to use it efficiently to build powerful real-time data processing applications.After a quick overview of the newly introduced features in Elastic Stack 6.0, you’ll learn how to set up the stack by installing the tools, and see their basic configurations. Then it shows you how to use Elasticsearch for distributed searching and analytics, along with Logstash for logging, and Kibana for data visualization. It also demonstrates the creation of custom plugins using Kibana and Beats. You’ll find out about Elastic X-Pack, a useful extension for effective security and monitoring. We also provide useful tips on how to use the Elastic Cloud and deploy the Elastic Stack in production environments.On completing this book, you’ll have a solid foundational knowledge of the basic Elastic Stack functionalities. You’ll also have a good understanding of the role of each component in the stack to solve different data processing problems.