Big data


Blockchain Quick Start Guide. A beginner's guide to developing enterprise-grade decentralized applications

Xun (Brian) Wu, Weimin Sun

Blockchain is a technology that powers the development of decentralized applications.This technology allows the construction of a network with no single control that enables participants to make contributions to and receive benefits from the network directly.This book will give you a thorough overview of blockchain and explain how a blockchain works.You will begin by going through various blockchain consensus mechanisms and cryptographic hash functions. You will then learn the fundamentals of programming in Solidity – the defacto language for developing decentralize, applications in Ethereum. After that, you will set up an Ethereum development environment and develop, package, build, and test campaign-decentralized applications.The book also shows you how to set up Hyperledger composer tools, analyze business scenarios, design business models, and write a chain code. Finally, you will get a glimpse of how blockchain is actually used in different real-world domains. By the end of this guide, you will be comfortable working with basic blockchain frameworks, and develop secure, decentralized applications in a hassle-free manner.


Building Data Streaming Applications with Apache Kafka. Design, develop and streamline applications using Apache Kafka, Storm, Heron and Spark

Chanchal Singh, Manish Kumar

Apache Kafka is a popular distributed streaming platform that acts as a messaging queue or an enterprise messaging system. It lets you publish and subscribe to a stream of records, and process them in a fault-tolerant way as they occur.This book is a comprehensive guide to designing and architecting enterprise-grade streaming applications using Apache Kafka and other big data tools. It includes best practices for building such applications, and tackles some common challenges such as how to use Kafka efficiently and handle high data volumes with ease. This book first takes you through understanding the type messaging system and then provides a thorough introduction to Apache Kafka and its internal details. The second part of the book takes you through designing streaming application using various frameworks and tools such as Apache Spark, Apache Storm, and more. Once you grasp the basics, we will take you through more advanced concepts in Apache Kafka such as capacity planning and security.By the end of this book, you will have all the information you need to be comfortable with using Apache Kafka, and to design efficient streaming data applications with it.


Cloud Analytics with Google Cloud Platform. An end-to-end guide to processing and analyzing big data using Google Cloud Platform

Sanket Thodge

With the ongoing data explosion, more and more organizations all over the world are slowly migrating their infrastructure to the cloud. These cloud platforms also provide their distinct analytics services to help you get faster insights from your data. This book will give you an introduction to the concept of analytics on the cloud, and the different cloud services popularly used for processing and analyzing data. If you’re planning to adopt the cloud analytics model for your business, this book will help you understand the design and business considerations to be kept in mind, and choose the best tools and alternatives for analytics, based on your requirements. The chapters in this book will take you through the 70+ services available in Google Cloud Platform and their implementation for practical purposes. From ingestion to processing your data, this book contains best practices on building an end-to-end analytics pipeline on the cloud by leveraging popular concepts such as machine learning and deep learning.By the end of this book, you will have a better understanding of cloud analytics as a concept as well as a practical know-how of its implementation


Cloud Native Development Patterns and Best Practices. Practical architectural patterns for building modern, distributed cloud-native systems

John Gilbert

Build systems that leverage the benefits of the cloud and applications faster than ever before with cloud-native development. This book focuses on architectural patterns for building highly scalable cloud-native systems. You will learn how the combination of cloud, reactive principles, devops, and automation enable teams to continuously deliver innovation with confidence.Begin by learning the core concepts that make these systems unique. You will explore foundational patterns that turn your database inside out to achieve massive scalability with cloud-native databases. You will also learn how to continuously deliver production code with confidence by shifting deployment and testing all the way to the left and implementing continuous observability in production. There's more—you will also learn how to strangle your monolith and design an evolving cloud-native system.By the end of the book, you will have the ability to create modern cloud-native systems.


Computer Vision Projects with OpenCV and Python 3. Six end-to-end projects built using machine learning with OpenCV, Python, and TensorFlow

Matthew Rever

Python is the ideal programming language for rapidly prototyping and developing production-grade codes for image processing and Computer Vision with its robust syntax and wealth of powerful libraries. This book will help you design and develop production-grade Computer Vision projects tackling real-world problems.With the help of this book, you will learn how to set up Anaconda and Python for the major OSes with cutting-edge third-party libraries for Computer Vision. You'll learn state-of-the-art techniques for classifying images, finding and identifying human postures, and detecting faces within videos. You will use powerful machine learning tools such as OpenCV, Dlib, and TensorFlow to build exciting projects such as classifying handwritten digits, detecting facial features,and much more. The book also covers some advanced projects, such as reading text from license plates from real-world images using Google’s Tesseract software, and tracking human body poses using DeeperCut within TensorFlow.By the end of this book, you will have the expertise required to build your own Computer Vision projects using Python and its associated libraries.


Cracking the Data Science Interview. Unlock insider tips from industry experts to master the data science field

Leondra R. Gonzalez, Aaren Stubberfield, Angela Baltes

The data science job market is saturated with professionals of all backgrounds, including academics, researchers, bootcampers, and Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) graduates. This poses a challenge for companies seeking the best person to fill their roles. At the heart of this selection process is the data science interview, a crucial juncture that determines the best fit for both the candidate and the company.Cracking the Data Science Interview provides expert guidance on approaching the interview process with full preparation and confidence. Starting with an introduction to the modern data science landscape, you’ll find tips on job hunting, resume writing, and creating a top-notch portfolio. You’ll then advance to topics such as Python, SQL databases, Git, and productivity with shell scripting and Bash. Building on this foundation, you'll delve into the fundamentals of statistics, laying the groundwork for pre-modeling concepts, machine learning, deep learning, and generative AI. The book concludes by offering insights into how best to prepare for the intensive data science interview.By the end of this interview guide, you’ll have gained the confidence, business acumen, and technical skills required to distinguish yourself within this competitive landscape and land your next data science job.


Dancing with Qubits. From qubits to algorithms, embark on the quantum computing journey shaping our future - Second Edition

Robert S. Sutor

Dancing with Qubits, Second Edition, is a comprehensive quantum computing textbook that starts with an overview of why quantum computing is so different from classical computing and describes several industry use cases where it can have a major impact. A full description of classical computing and the mathematical underpinnings of quantum computing follows, helping you better understand concepts such as superposition, entanglement, and interference. Next up are circuits and algorithms, both basic and sophisticated, as well as a survey of the physics and engineering ideas behind how quantum computing hardware is built. Finally, the book looks to the future and gives you guidance on understanding how further developments may affect you.This new edition is updated throughout with more than 100 new exercises and includes new chapters on NISQ algorithms and quantum machine learning.Understanding quantum computing requires a lot of math, and this book doesn't shy away from the necessary math concepts you'll need. Each topic is explained thoroughly and with helpful examples, leaving you with a solid foundation of knowledge in quantum computing that will help you pursue and leverage quantum-led technologies.


Dancing with Qubits. How quantum computing works and how it can change the world

Robert S. Sutor

Quantum computing is making us change the way we think about computers. Quantum bits, a.k.a. qubits, can make it possible to solve problems that would otherwise be intractable with current computing technology. Dancing with Qubits is a quantum computing textbook that starts with an overview of why quantum computing is so different from classical computing and describes several industry use cases where it can have a major impact. From there it moves on to a fuller description of classical computing and the mathematical underpinnings necessary to understand such concepts as superposition, entanglement, and interference. Next up is circuits and algorithms, both basic and more sophisticated. It then nicely moves on to provide a survey of the physics and engineering ideas behind how quantum computing hardware is built. Finally, the book looks to the future and gives you guidance on understanding how further developments will affect you.Really understanding quantum computing requires a lot of math, and this book doesn't shy away from the necessary math concepts you'll need. Each topic is introduced and explained thoroughly, in clear English with helpful examples.