Big data

Mastering Apache Spark 2.x. Advanced techniques in complex Big Data processing, streaming analytics and machine learning - Second Edition

Romeo Kienzler

Mastering Apache Storm. Real-time big data streaming using Kafka, Hbase and Redis

Ankit Jain

Mastering Geospatial Analysis with Python. Explore GIS processing and learn to work with GeoDjango, CARTOframes and MapboxGL-Jupyter

Silas Toms, Paul Crickard, Eric van Rees

Mastering Hadoop 3. Big data processing at scale to unlock unique business insights

Chanchal Singh, Manish Kumar

Mastering Machine Learning Algorithms. Expert techniques to implement popular machine learning algorithms and fine-tune your models

Giuseppe Bonaccorso

Mastering Machine Learning with scikit-learn. Apply effective learning algorithms to real-world problems using scikit-learn - Second Edition

Gavin Hackeling

Mastering MongoDB 3.x. An expert's guide to building fault-tolerant MongoDB applications

Alex Giamas

Mastering MongoDB 4.x. Expert techniques to run high-volume and fault-tolerant database solutions using MongoDB 4.x - Second Edition

Alex Giamas