Big data (Великі дані)

R Data Analysis Projects. Build end to end analytics systems to get deeper insights from your data

Gopi Subramanian

R Data Mining. Implement data mining techniques through practical use cases and real-world datasets

Andrea Cirillo

R Data Visualization Recipes. A cookbook with 65+ data visualization recipes for smarter decision-making

Vitor Bianchi Lanzetta

R Deep Learning Cookbook. Solve complex neural net problems with TensorFlow, H2O and MXNet

PKS Prakash, Achyutuni Sri Krishna Rao

R Deep Learning Projects. Master the techniques to design and develop neural network models in R

Yuxi (Hayden) Liu, Pablo Maldonado

R for Data Science. Learn and explore the fundamentals of data science with R

Dan Toomey

R Machine Learning Projects. Implement supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning techniques using R 3.5

Dr. Sunil Kumar Chinnamgari

R Programming By Example. Practical, hands-on projects to help you get started with R

Omar Trejo Navarro