Systemy operacyjne

W niniejszej kategorii naszej biblioteki online znajdziesz książki dotyczące systemów operacyjnych. Część z nich stanowi wprowadzenie do takiego oprogramowania jak Windows, Linux, czy Android. Inne wgłębiają się w bardziej techniczne zagadnienia dotyczące konfiguracji tych systemów oraz narzędzi na nich wykorzystywanych jak np. Ansible.


NGINX Cookbook. Over 70 recipes for real-world configuration, deployment, and performance

Tim Butler

NGINX Cookbook covers the basics of configuring NGINX as a web server for use with common web frameworks such as WordPress and Ruby on Rails, through to utilization as a reverse proxy. Designed as a go-to reference guide, this book will give you practical answers based on real-world deployments to get you up and running quickly. Recipes have also been provided for multiple SSL configurations, different logging scenarios, practical rewrites, and multiple load balancing scenarios. Advanced topics include covering bandwidth management, Docker container usage, performance tuning, OpenResty, and the NGINX Plus commercial features.By the time you've read this book, you will be able to adapt and use a wide variety of NGINX implementations to solve any problems you have.


Nginx HTTP Server. Harness the power of Nginx to make the most of your infrastructure and serve pages faster than ever before - Fourth Edition

Martin Bjerretoft Fjordvald, Clement Nedelcu

Nginx is a lightweight HTTP server designed for high-traffic websites, with network scalability as the primary objective. With the advent of high-speed internet access, short loading times and fast transfer rates have become a necessity.This book is a detailed guide to setting up Nginx in ways that correspond to actual production situations: as a standalone server, as a reverse proxy, interacting with applications via FastCGI, and more. In addition, this complete direct reference will be indispensable at all stages of the configuration and maintenance processes. This book mainly targets the most recent version of Nginx (1.13.2) and focuses on all the new additions and improvements, such as support for HTTP/2, improved dynamic modules, security enhancements, and support for multiple SSL certificates. This book is the perfect companion for both Nginx beginners and experienced administrators. For beginners, it will take you through the complete process of setting up this lightweight HTTP server on your system and configuring its various modules so that it does exactly what you need quickly and securely. For more experienced administrators, this book provides different approaches that can help you make the most of your current infrastructure. Nginx can be employed in many situations, whether you are looking to construct an entirely new web-serving architecture or simply want to integrate an efficient tool to optimize your site loading speeds.


Nmap: Network Exploration and Security Auditing Cookbook. Network discovery and security scanning at your fingertips - Second Edition

Paulino Calderon

This is the second edition of ‘Nmap 6: Network Exploration and Security Auditing Cookbook’. A book aimed for anyone who wants to master Nmap and its scripting engine through practical tasks for system administrators and penetration testers. Besides introducing the most powerful features of Nmap and related tools, common security auditing tasks for local and remote networks, web applications, databases, mail servers, Microsoft Windows machines and even ICS SCADA systems are explained step by step with exact commands and argument explanations. The book starts with the basic usage of Nmap and related tools like Ncat, Ncrack, Ndiff and Zenmap. The Nmap Scripting Engine is thoroughly covered through security checks used commonly in real-life scenarios applied for different types of systems. New chapters for Microsoft Windows and ICS SCADA systems were added and every recipe was revised. This edition reflects the latest updates and hottest additions to the Nmap project to date. The book will also introduce you to Lua programming and NSE script development allowing you to extend further the power of Nmap.


Nowoczesny Linux. Przewodnik dla użytkownika natywnej chmury

Michael Hausenblas

Linux cieszy się dużą popularnością wśród administratorów i użytkowników. Znakomicie sprawdza się nawet na bardzo skromnym sprzęcie. Działa na komputerach Raspberry Pi, na maszynach wirtualnych i na komputerach marsjańskich łazików. Niezależnie od tego systemy linuksowe są cały czas rozwijane i dostosowywane do najnowszych trendów i technologii systemów informatycznych. Niezależnie od tego, czy używasz Linuksa do programowania, do tworzenia złożonych projektów, czy też do pracy biurowej, bardzo zyskasz na dokładniejszym poznaniu jego możliwości. To książka przeznaczona dla użytkowników komputerów pracujących pod kontrolą Linuksa. Znalazły się w niej tak ważne kwestie, jak omówienie komponentów o krytycznym znaczeniu i mechanizmów kontroli dostępu czy wyjaśnienie systemu plików w Linuksie. Umieszczono tu również liczne wskazówki i ćwiczenia, dzięki którym nauczysz się obsługiwać nowoczesne terminale i powłoki systemu Linux, a także zarządzać obciążeniami. Ponadto dowiesz się, jak uruchamiać aplikacje Linuksa za pomocą kontenerów, i poznasz systemd, nowoczesne systemy plików i niemodyfikowalne dystrybucje, takie jak Flatcar i Bottlerocket. W książce opisano też bardziej zaawansowane narzędzia, takie jak połączenia typu P2P i mechanizmy synchronizacji chmury. Oto prosta droga, by szybko zacząć korzystać z przebogatych możliwości nowoczesnego Linuksa! Najciekawsze zagadnienia: Linux jako nowoczesne środowisko pracy najważniejsze komponenty Linuksa mechanizmy kontroli dostępu stos sieciowy Linuksa i związane z nim narzędzia mechanizmy obserwacji systemu a zarządzanie obciążeniami komunikacja międzyprocesowa, maszyny wirtualne i zapewnianie bezpieczeństwa Sprawdź, co dziś może Ci zaoferować nowoczesny Linux!


OAuth 2.0 Cookbook. Protect your web applications using Spring Security

Adolfo Eloy Nascimento

OAuth 2.0 is a standard protocol for authorization and focuses on client development simplicity while providing specific authorization flows for web applications, desktop applications, mobile phones, and so on. This book also provides useful recipes for solving real-life problems using Spring Security and creating Android applications.The book starts by presenting you how to interact with some public OAuth 2.0 protected APIs such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Google. You will also be able to implement your own OAuth 2.0 provider with Spring Security OAuth2. Next, the book will cover practical scenarios regarding some important OAuth 2.0 profiles such as Dynamic Client Registration, Token Introspection and how to revoke issued access tokens. You will then be introduced to the usage of JWT, OpenID Connect, and how to safely implement native mobile OAuth 2.0 Clients.By the end of this book, you will be able to ensure that both the server and client are protected against common vulnerabilities.


Od zera do ECeDeeLa BASE z WIN10

Malwina Jarosz, Norbert Kwaśniak, Aleksander Zieliński, Bożena Borowska

Książka Od Zera do ECeDeeLa Base w pierwszej kolejności została napisana z myślą o każdym Europejczyku biorącym udział w kursach kompetencji informatycznych. Jest podręcznikiem, który stanowi podstawowe narzędzie do zdobycia kluczowych informacji w najpopularniejszym z modułów szkoleń, wspomagający uzyskanie międzynarodowego certyfikatu ECDL Base. Jednocześnie jest to książka którą może wziąć do ręki każdy początkujący użytkownik komputera, chcący samodzielnie poszerzyć swoją wiedzę. Wszelkie zagadnienia zostały przedstawione w prostej i przejrzystej formie, tak aby każdy mógł samodzielnie się uczyć obsługi komputera wyposażonego w system Windows 10 oraz pakiet biurowy MS Office 2019. Treść podręcznika została podzielone na cztery funkcjonalne części. W pierwszej znajdziemy wszystko, co związane jest z podstawowymi czynnościami pracy w systemie Windows, czyli zarządzaniem folderami i plikami, konfiguracją i dostosowaniem pulpitu oraz drukowaniem. W części drugiej opisane zostały zasady pracy w sieci oraz działania, z którymi każdy użytkownik komputera spotyka się podczas codziennej pracy w wykorzystaniem Internetu. Część trzecia porusza zagadnienia tworzenia dokumentów tekstowych, a ostatnia skupia się na arkuszach kalkulacyjnych i wizualizacji danych za pośrednictwem wykresów.


Office 365 Essentials. Get up and running with the fundamentals of Office 365

Nuno Arias Silva

Office 365 is suite of advanced collaboration tools used by many well known organizations and their system administrators. This book starts with an introduction to Office 365 and its basic fundamentals. Then we move towards workload management and deployment. You will delve into identities, authentications, and managing office 365. We also cover concepts such as collaboration with Microsoft teams and tools such as Delve and Skype for collaboration. Towards the end of the book, you'll master monitoring and security concepts.By the end of this book, you will have hands-on experience working with Office 365 and its collaboration tools and services


Okta Administration Up and Running. Drive operational excellence with IAM solutions for on-premises and cloud apps - Second Edition

HenkJan de Vries, Lovisa Stenbäcken Stjernlöf

Identity and access management (IAM) is a set of policies and technologies used to ensure an organization’s security, by carefully assigning roles and access to users and devices. This book will get you up and running with Okta, an IAM service that can help you manage both employees and customers.The book begins by helping you understand how Okta can be used as an IAM platform, before teaching you about Universal Directory and how to integrate with other directories and apps, as well as set up groups and policies for Joiner, Mover, and Leaver flows.This updated edition helps you to explore agentless desktop single sign-on (SSO) and multifactor authentication (MFA) solutions, and showing how to utilize Okta to meet NIST requirements. The chapters also walk you through Okta Workflows, low-/no-code automation functionalities, and custom API possibilities used to improve lifecycle management. Finally, you’ll delve into API access auditing and management, where you’ll discover how to leverage Advanced Server Access (ASA) for your cloud servers.By the end of this book, you’ll have learned how to implement Okta to enhance your organization's security and be able to use the book as a reference guide for the Okta certification exam.


OpenDaylight Cookbook. Deploy and operate software-defined networking in your organization

Alexis de Talhouët, Mathieu Lemay, Mohamed Elserngawy, Jamie Goodyear, ...

OpenDaylight is an open source platform to program and build Software-Defined Networks (SDN). Its aim is to accelerate the adoption of SDN and NFV. With above 90 practical recipes, this book will help you to solve day-to-day problems and maintenance tasks surrounding OpenDaylight’s implementation.This book starts with the OpenDaylight fundamentals. In this book, you will gain a sound understanding of the methods and techniques when deploying OpenDaylight in production environment. Later on, you will learn to create a Service Chain using SFC. This book will address common problems and day-to-day maintenance tasks with OpenDaylight. We’ll also will teach you how to interact with OpenDaylight APIs and use the necessary tools to simulate networks. You will also explore how to create your own branded OpenDaylight along with authorising and authenticating users using OpenDaylight Identity Manager.By the end of this book, you will have the necessary skills to operate an OpenDaylight SDN environment.


OpenStack Cloud Computing Cookbook. Over 100 practical recipes to help you build and operate OpenStack cloud computing, storage, networking, and automation - Fourth Edition

Kevin Jackson, Cody Bunch, Egle Sigler, James Denton

This is the fourth edition of the industry-acclaimed OpenStack Cloud Computing Cookbook, created by four recognized OpenStack experts. It has now been updated to work with the latest OpenStack builds, using tools and processes based on their collective and vast OpenStack experience. OpenStack Open Source Cloud software is one of the most used cloud infrastructures to support a wide variety of use cases, from software development to big data analysis. It is developed by a thriving community of individual developers from around the globe and backed by most of the leading players in the cloud space today. We make it simple to implement, massively scalable, and able to store a large pool of data and networking resources. OpenStack has a strong ecosystem that helps you provision your cloud storage needs. Add OpenStack's enterprise features to reduce the cost of your business.This book will begin by showing you the steps to build up an OpenStack private cloud environment using Ansible. You'll then discover the uses of cloud services such as the identity service, image service, and compute service. You'll dive into Neutron, the OpenStack Networking service, and get your hands dirty with configuring networks, routers, load balancers, and more. You’ll then gather more expert knowledge on OpenStack cloud computing by managing your cloud's security and migration. After that, we delve into OpenStack Object storage and you’ll see how to manage servers and work with objects, cluster, and storage functionalities. Finally, you will learn about OpenStack dashboard, Ansible, Keystone, and other interesting topics.


OpenStack for Architects. Design and implement successful private clouds with OpenStack

Michael Solberg, Benjamin Silverman

Over the last five years, hundreds of organizations have successfully implemented Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) platforms based on OpenStack. The huge amount of investment from these organizations, industry giants such as IBM and HP, as well as open source leaders such as Red Hat have led analysts to label OpenStack as the most important open source technology since the Linux operating system. Because of its ambitious scope, OpenStack is a complex and fast-evolving open source project that requires a diverse skill-set to design and implement it.This guide leads you through each of the major decision points that you'll face while architecting an OpenStack private cloud for your organization. At each point, we offer you advice based on the experience we've gained from designing and leading successful OpenStack projects in a wide range of industries. Each chapter also includes lab material that gives you a chance to install and configure the technologies used to build production-quality OpenStack clouds. Most importantly, we focus on ensuring that your OpenStack project meets the needs of your organization, which will guarantee a successful rollout.


OpenVPN Cookbook. Get the most out of OpenVPN by exploring it's advanced features. - Second Edition

Jan Just Keijser

OpenVPN provides an extensible VPN framework that has been designed to ease site-specific customization, such as providing the capability to distribute a customized installation package to clients, and supporting alternative authentication methods via OpenVPN’s plugin module interface. This book provides you with many different recipes to help you set up, monitor, and troubleshoot an OpenVPN network. You will learn to configure a scalable, load-balanced VPN server farm that can handle thousands of dynamic connections from incoming VPN clients. You will also get to grips with the encryption, authentication, security, extensibility, and certifications features of OpenSSL. You will also get an understanding of IPv6 support and will get a demonstration of how to establish a connection via IPv64. This book will explore all the advanced features of OpenVPN and even some undocumented options, covering all the common network setups such as point-to-point networks and multi-client TUN-style and TAP-style networks. Finally, you will learn to manage, secure, and troubleshoot your virtual private networks using OpenVPN 2.4.


Oracle Linux Cookbook. Embrace Oracle Linux and master Linux Server Management

Erik Benner, Erik B. Thomsen, Jonathan Spindel, Robert G. Shimp

Discover the power of Oracle Linux 8, the free and enterprise-grade Linux distribution designed for use in any environment, with this recipe-style book.Starting with instructions on how to obtain Oracle Linux for both X86 and ARM-based platforms, this book walks you through various installation methods, from running it as a Windows service to installing it on a Raspberry Pi. It unravels advanced topics such as system upgrades using Leapp for major version transitions and using a PXE server and kickstart files for more advanced installations. The book then delves into swapping kernels to take advantage of Oracle’s UEK, exploring boot options, managing software with DNF, and achieving high availability. Detailed recipes involving security topics will assist with tasks such as data encryption, both at rest and in motion.For developers, it offers guidance on building RPM files, using Docker and Podman in a containerized environment, working with AppStreams, and more. For large-scale deployments, the book introduces Oracle Linux Automation Manager for enterprise-level Ansible utilization, from setting up the Ansible server to basic playbook writing. Finally, you’ll discover strategies for cloud migration.By the end of this book, you’ll possess a comprehensive toolkit that will elevate your skills as a Linux administrator.


Password Cracking with Kali Linux. Unlock Windows Security with Kali Linux Expertise

Daniel W. Dieterle

Unlock the secrets of Windows password security with Password Cracking with Kali Linux, your essential guide to navigating password-cracking techniques. This book offers a comprehensive introduction to Windows security fundamentals, arming you with the knowledge and tools for effective ethical hacking.The course begins with a foundational understanding of password security, covering prerequisites, lab setup, and an overview of the journey ahead. You'll explore Kerberoasting, tools like Rubeus, Mimikatz, and various attack methods, providing a solid base for understanding password vulnerabilities.The course focuses on practical applications of password cracking, including wordlist generation using tools like Crunch and Hashcat, and exploring various attack strategies. You'll delve into John the Ripper and Hashcat functionalities, learning to identify hash types and crack complex passwords efficiently.The course wraps up with advanced techniques in Linux password cracking and defense strategies. You'll gain insights into creating leaderboards, achievements, and monetizing games, equipping you with skills to not just crack passwords but also secure systems effectively.


Pentesting Industrial Control Systems. An ethical hacker's guide to analyzing, compromising, mitigating, and securing industrial processes

Paul Smith

The industrial cybersecurity domain has grown significantly in recent years. To completely secure critical infrastructure, red teams must be employed to continuously test and exploit the security integrity of a company's people, processes, and products.This is a unique pentesting book, which takes a different approach by helping you gain hands-on experience with equipment that you’ll come across in the field. This will enable you to understand how industrial equipment interacts and operates within an operational environment.You'll start by getting to grips with the basics of industrial processes, and then see how to create and break the process, along with gathering open-source intel to create a threat landscape for your potential customer. As you advance, you'll find out how to install and utilize offensive techniques used by professional hackers. Throughout the book, you'll explore industrial equipment, port and service discovery, pivoting, and much more, before finally launching attacks against systems in an industrial network.By the end of this penetration testing book, you'll not only understand how to analyze and navigate the intricacies of an industrial control system (ICS), but you'll also have developed essential offensive and defensive skills to proactively protect industrial networks from modern cyberattacks.