Systemy operacyjne

W niniejszej kategorii naszej biblioteki online znajdziesz książki dotyczące systemów operacyjnych. Część z nich stanowi wprowadzenie do takiego oprogramowania jak Windows, Linux, czy Android. Inne wgłębiają się w bardziej techniczne zagadnienia dotyczące konfiguracji tych systemów oraz narzędzi na nich wykorzystywanych jak np. Ansible.

Egzamin 70-462 Administrowanie bazami danych Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Training Kit

Orin Thomas, Bob Taylor, Peter Ward

Egzamin 70-687 Konfigurowanie Windows 8

Ballew Joli

Egzamin 70-740: Windows Server 2016 - Instalacja, funkcje magazynowe i obliczeniowe

Craig Zacker

Egzamin 70-741 Windows Server 2016 Praca w sieci

Andrew James Warren

Egzamin 70-742: Tożsamość w Windows Server 2016

Andrew James Warren

Egzamin 70-744 Zabezpieczanie systemu Windows Server 2016

Craig Zacker, Timothy L. Warner

Egzamin MCITP 70-646: Administrowanie Windows Server 2008 R2 Training Kit

Mclean Ian, Orin Thomas

Egzamin MCITP 70-647 Administrowanie systemem Windows Server 2008 w skali przedsiębiorstwa

John Policelli, Ian Mclean, Orin Thomas

Egzamin MCTS 70-642 Konfigurowanie infrastruktury sieciowej Windows Server 2008 R2 Training Kit

Mackin J.c., Tony Northrup

Egzamin MCTS 70-643 Konfigurowanie infrastruktury aplikacji w Windows Server 2008

Anil Desai, J.C. Mackin

Elasticsearch 5.x Cookbook. Distributed Search and Analytics - Third Edition

Alberto Paro

Embedded Linux Development Using Yocto Project Cookbook. Practical recipes to help you leverage the power of Yocto to build exciting Linux-based systems - Second Edition

Alex Gonzalez

Embedded Linux Development using Yocto Projects. Learn to leverage the power of Yocto Project to build efficient Linux-based products - Second Edition

Otavio Salvador, Daiane Angolini

Embedded Linux Development with Yocto Project. Develop fascinating Linux-based projects using the groundbreaking Yocto Project tools

Otavio Salvador, Otavio R Salvador, Daiane Angolini

Embedded Linux Projects Using Yocto Project Cookbook. Over 70 hands-on recipes for professional embedded Linux developers to optimize and boost their Yocto know-how

Alex Gonzalez

Embedded Systems Architecture. Explore architectural concepts, pragmatic design patterns, and best practices to produce robust systems

Daniele Lacamera

Embedded Vision. Mastering Advanced Techniques for Real-Time Image Processing and Analysis

Mercury Learning and Information, S. R. Vijayalakshmi, S. Muruganand

Embracing DevOps Release Management. Strategies and tools for accelerating continuous delivery and ensuring quality software deployment

Helen Beal, Joel Kruger

Embracing Microservices Design. A practical guide to revealing anti-patterns and architectural pitfalls to avoid microservices fallacies

Ovais Mehboob Ahmed Khan, Nabil Siddiqui, Timothy Oleson, Mark Fussell

Enterprise Application Architecture with .NET Core. An architectural journey into the Microsoft .NET open source platform

Ganesan Senthilvel, Ovais Mehboob Ahmed Khan, Habib Qureshi

Enterprise Cloud Security and Governance. Efficiently set data protection and privacy principles

Zeal Vora

Enterprise Internet of Things Handbook. Build end-to-end IoT solutions using popular IoT platforms

Arvind Ravulavaru

Enterprise PowerShell Scripting Bootcamp. The fastest way to learn PowerShell scripting

Brenton J.W. Blawat

ESP8266 Robotics Projects. DIY Wi-Fi controlled robots

Pradeeka Seneviratne