Operational systems

In this category of our online library you will find books on operating systems. Some of them are introductions to software such as Windows, Linux or Android. Others dive into more technical issues regarding the configuration of these systems and the tools used on them, such as Ansible.

Architecting the Industrial Internet. The architect's guide to designing Industrial Internet solutions

Robert Stackowiak, Shyam Varan Nath, Carla Romano

Architectural Patterns. Uncover essential patterns in the most indispensable realm of enterprise architecture

Anupama Murali, Harihara Subramanian J, Pethuru Raj Chelliah

Architecture and Design of the Linux Storage Stack. Gain a deep understanding of the Linux storage landscape and its well-coordinated layers

Muhammad Umer

Archiwizacja i odzyskiwanie danych

W. Curtis Preston

Arduino Data Communications. Learn how to configure databases, MQTT, REST APIs, and store data over LoRaWAN, HC-12, and GSM

Robert Thas John

ASP.NET Core, Angular i Bootstrap. Kompletny przybornik front-end developera

Simone Chiaretta

Augmented Reality for Developers. Build practical augmented reality applications with Unity, ARCore, ARKit, and Vuforia

Jonathan Linowes, Krystian Babilinski

AWS Administration Cookbook. Harness the full capability of AWS

Rowan Udell, Lucas Chan