Operational systems

In this category of our online library you will find books on operating systems. Some of them are introductions to software such as Windows, Linux or Android. Others dive into more technical issues regarding the configuration of these systems and the tools used on them, such as Ansible.

Windows PowerShell 4.0 dla programistów .NET

Sherif Talaat

Windows PowerShell 5.0 Krok po kroku

Ed Wilson

Windows PowerShell. Leksykon kieszonkowy

Lee Holmes

Windows PowerShell. Najlepsze praktyki

Ed Wilson

Windows PowerShell Przewodnik po skryptach

Ed Wilson

Windows PowerShell w miesiąc. Wydanie III

Donald W. Jones, Jeffrey Hicks

Windows Server 2008 Ochrona dostępu do sieci NAP

Davies Joseph, Northrup Tony

Windows Server 2008 PL. Przewodnik encyklopedyczny

Jonathan Hassell