
W tej kategorii znajdziesz książki online dotyczące projektowania i zarządzania stronami internetowymi. Dzięki nim poznasz takie języki jak HTML, JavaScript czy popularne frameworki typu Angular. Dowiedz się także, jak dbać o wysokiej jakości UI oraz UX na witrynach.

Less Web Development Essentials. Use CSS preprocessing to streamline the development and maintenance of your web applications

Liferay Beginner's Guide. Quick and easy techniques to build, deploy, and maintain your own Liferay portal with this book and

Caris Chan, Gaurav Barot, Mahipalsinh Rana, Samir Bhatt, ...

Linux: Embedded Development. Click here to enter text

Alexandru Vaduva, Alex Gonzalez, Chris Simmonds

Lo-Dash Essentials. Implement fast, lean, and readable code effectively with Lo-Dash

Adam Boduch

Lua Quick Start Guide. The easiest way to learn Lua programming

Gabor Szauer

Lumion 3D Best Practices. Explore the best practices to build architectural visualizations efficiently in Lumion 3D

John Brown, Ciro Cardoso, Ciro Cardoso

Magento 2 - Build World-Class online stores. Create rich and compelling solutions for Magento 2 by developing and implementing solutions, themes, and extensions

Fernando J Miguel, Ray Bogman, Vladimir Kerkhoff, Bret Williams, ...