IT business

Online books from the category IT Business will help you tackle such technical issues as data analysis, blockchain, or programming. You will also find here amazing publications about internet advertisement and all kinds of information on how to run business online. Besides, they teach how to analyse marketing data and how to build good relationships with clients.


Apache Superset Quick Start Guide. Develop interactive visualizations by creating user-friendly dashboards

Shashank Shekhar

Apache Superset is a modern, open source, enterprise-ready business intelligence (BI) web application. With the help of this book, you will see how Superset integrates with popular databases like Postgres, Google BigQuery, Snowflake, and MySQL. You will learn to create real time data visualizations and dashboards on modern web browsers for your organization using Superset.First, we look at the fundamentals of Superset, and then get it up and running. You'll go through the requisite installation, configuration, and deployment. Then, we will discuss different columnar data types, analytics, and the visualizations available. You'll also see the security tools available to the administrator to keep your data safe.You will learn how to visualize relationships as graphs instead of coordinates on plain orthogonal axes. This will help you when you upload your own entity relationship dataset and analyze the dataset in new, different ways. You will also see how to analyze geographical regions by working with location data.Finally, we cover a set of tutorials on dashboard designs frequently used by analysts, business intelligence professionals, and developers.


Applied Data Science with Python and Jupyter. Use powerful industry-standard tools to unlock new, actionable insights from your data

Alex Galea

Getting started with data science doesn't have to be an uphill battle. Applied Data Science with Python and Jupyter is a step-by-step guide ideal for beginners who know a little Python and are looking for a quick, fast-paced introduction to these concepts. In this book, you'll learn every aspect of the standard data workflow process, including collecting, cleaning, investigating, visualizing, and modeling data. You'll start with the basics of Jupyter, which will be the backbone of the book. After familiarizing ourselves with its standard features, you'll look at an example of it in practice with our first analysis. In the next lesson, you dive right into predictive analytics, where multiple classification algorithms are implemented. Finally, the book ends by looking at data collection techniques. You'll see how web data can be acquired with scraping techniques and via APIs, and then briefly explore interactive visualizations.


Applied Data Visualization with R and ggplot2. Create useful, elaborate, and visually appealing plots

Dr. Tania Moulik

Applied Data Visualization with R and ggplot2 introduces you to the world of data visualization by taking you through the basic features of ggplot2. To start with, you’ll learn how to set up the R environment, followed by getting insights into the grammar of graphics and geometric objects before you explore the plotting techniques.You’ll discover what layers, scales, coordinates, and themes are, and study how you can use them to transform your data into aesthetical graphs. Once you’ve grasped the basics, you’ll move on to studying simple plots such as histograms and advanced plots such as superimposing and density plots. You’ll also get to grips with plotting trends, correlations, and statistical summaries.By the end of this book, you’ll have created data visualizations that will impress your clients.


Applied Deep Learning and Computer Vision for Self-Driving Cars. Build autonomous vehicles using deep neural networks and behavior-cloning techniques

Sumit Ranjan, Dr. S. Senthamilarasu

Thanks to a number of recent breakthroughs, self-driving car technology is now an emerging subject in the field of artificial intelligence and has shifted data scientists' focus to building autonomous cars that will transform the automotive industry. This book is a comprehensive guide to use deep learning and computer vision techniques to develop autonomous cars. Starting with the basics of self-driving cars (SDCs), this book will take you through the deep neural network techniques required to get up and running with building your autonomous vehicle. Once you are comfortable with the basics, you'll delve into advanced computer vision techniques and learn how to use deep learning methods to perform a variety of computer vision tasks such as finding lane lines, improving image classification, and so on. You will explore the basic structure and working of a semantic segmentation model and get to grips with detecting cars using semantic segmentation. The book also covers advanced applications such as behavior-cloning and vehicle detection using OpenCV, transfer learning, and deep learning methodologies to train SDCs to mimic human driving.By the end of this book, you'll have learned how to implement a variety of neural networks to develop your own autonomous vehicle using modern Python libraries.


Applied Deep Learning with Keras. Solve complex real-life problems with the simplicity of Keras

Ritesh Bhagwat, Mahla Abdolahnejad, Matthew Moocarme

Though designing neural networks is a sought-after skill, it is not easy to master. With Keras, you can apply complex machine learning algorithms with minimum code.Applied Deep Learning with Keras starts by taking you through the basics of machine learning and Python all the way to gaining an in-depth understanding of applying Keras to develop efficient deep learning solutions. To help you grasp the difference between machine and deep learning, the book guides you on how to build a logistic regression model, first with scikit-learn and then with Keras. You will delve into Keras and its many models by creating prediction models for various real-world scenarios, such as disease prediction and customer churning. You’ll gain knowledge on how to evaluate, optimize, and improve your models to achieve maximum information. Next, you’ll learn to evaluate your model by cross-validating it using Keras Wrapper and scikit-learn. Following this, you’ll proceed to understand how to apply L1, L2, and dropout regularization techniques to improve the accuracy of your model. To help maintain accuracy, you’ll get to grips with applying techniques including null accuracy, precision, and AUC-ROC score techniques for fine tuning your model.By the end of this book, you will have the skills you need to use Keras when building high-level deep neural networks.


Applied Geospatial Data Science with Python. Leverage geospatial data analysis and modeling to find unique solutions to environmental problems

David S. Jordan

Data scientists, when presented with a myriad of data, can often lose sight of how to present geospatial analyses in a meaningful way so that it makes sense to everyone. Using Python to visualize data helps stakeholders in less technical roles to understand the problem and seek solutions. The goal of this book is to help data scientists and GIS professionals learn and implement geospatial data science workflows using Python.Throughout this book, you’ll uncover numerous geospatial Python libraries with which you can develop end-to-end spatial data science workflows. You’ll learn how to read, process, and manipulate spatial data effectively. With data in hand, you’ll move on to crafting spatial data visualizations to better understand and tell the story of your data through static and dynamic mapping applications. As you progress through the book, you’ll find yourself developing geospatial AI and ML models focused on clustering, regression, and optimization. The use cases can be leveraged as building blocks for more advanced work in a variety of industries.By the end of the book, you’ll be able to tackle random data, find meaningful correlations, and make geospatial data models.


Applied Unsupervised Learning with R. Uncover hidden relationships and patterns with k-means clustering, hierarchical clustering, and PCA

Alok Malik, Bradford Tuckfield

Starting with the basics, Applied Unsupervised Learning with R explains clustering methods, distribution analysis, data encoders, and features of R that enable you to understand your data better and get answers to your most pressing business questions. This book begins with the most important and commonly used method for unsupervised learning - clustering - and explains the three main clustering algorithms - k-means, divisive, and agglomerative. Following this, you'll study market basket analysis, kernel density estimation, principal component analysis, and anomaly detection. You'll be introduced to these methods using code written in R, with further instructions on how to work with, edit, and improve R code. To help you gain a practical understanding, the book also features useful tips on applying these methods to real business problems, including market segmentation and fraud detection. By working through interesting activities, you'll explore data encoders and latent variable models. By the end of this book, you will have a better understanding of different anomaly detection methods, such as outlier detection, Mahalanobis distances, and contextual and collective anomaly detection.


arc42 by Example. Software architecture documentation in practice

Dr. Gernot Starke, Michael Simons, Stefan Zörner, Ralf D. Müller

When developers document the architecture of their systems, they often invent their own specific ways of articulating structures, designs, concepts, and decisions. What they need is a template that enables simple and efficient software architecture documentation. arc42 by Example shows how it's done through several real-world examples.Each example in the book, whether it is a chess engine, a huge CRM system, or a cool web system, starts with a brief description of the problem domain and the quality requirements. Then, you'll discover the system context with all the external interfaces. You'll dive into an overview of the solution strategy to implement the building blocks and runtime scenarios. The later chapters also explain various cross-cutting concerns and how they affect other aspects of a program.


Architects of Intelligence. The truth about AI from the people building it

Martin Ford

Financial Times Best Books of the Year 2018TechRepublic Top Books Every Techie Should ReadHow will AI evolve and what major innovations are on the horizon? What will its impact be on the job market, economy, and society? What is the path toward human-level machine intelligence? What should we be concerned about as artificial intelligence advances?Architects of Intelligence contains a series of in-depth, one-to-one interviews where New York Times bestselling author, Martin Ford, uncovers the truth behind these questions from some of the brightest minds in the Artificial Intelligence community.Martin has wide-ranging conversations with twenty-three of the world's foremost researchers and entrepreneurs working in AI and robotics: Demis Hassabis (DeepMind), Ray Kurzweil (Google), Geoffrey Hinton (Univ. of Toronto and Google), Rodney Brooks (Rethink Robotics), Yann LeCun (Facebook) , Fei-Fei Li (Stanford and Google), Yoshua Bengio (Univ. of Montreal), Andrew Ng (AI Fund), Daphne Koller (Stanford), Stuart Russell (UC Berkeley), Nick Bostrom (Univ. of Oxford), Barbara Grosz (Harvard), David Ferrucci (Elemental Cognition), James Manyika (McKinsey), Judea Pearl (UCLA), Josh Tenenbaum (MIT), Rana el Kaliouby (Affectiva), Daniela Rus (MIT), Jeff Dean (Google), Cynthia Breazeal (MIT), Oren Etzioni (Allen Institute for AI), Gary Marcus (NYU), and Bryan Johnson (Kernel).Martin Ford is a prominent futurist, and author of Financial Times Business Book of the Year, Rise of the Robots. He speaks at conferences and companies around the world on what AI and automation might mean for the future.Meet the minds behind the AI superpowers as they discuss the science, business and ethics of modern artificial intelligence. Read James Manyika’s thoughts on AI analytics, Geoffrey Hinton’s breakthroughs in AI programming and development, and Rana el Kaliouby’s insights into AI marketing. This AI book collects the opinions of the luminaries of the AI business, such as Stuart Russell (coauthor of the leading AI textbook), Rodney Brooks (a leader in AI robotics), Demis Hassabis (chess prodigy and mind behind AlphaGo), and Yoshua Bengio (leader in deep learning) to complete your AI education and give you an AI advantage in 2019 and the future.


Architektura Lean w projektach Agile

James O. Coplien, Gertrud Bjornvig

Programuj i organizuj kod z metodyką Lean! Tempo rozwoju aplikacji wymusza stosowanie elastycznych sposobów wytwarzania oprogramowania. Książka ta została poświęcona architekturze Lean, która usprawni ten proces dzięki nowatorskiemu podejściu. Wykorzystaj je i przygotuj swoją aplikację na zmiany funkcjonalne, by użytkownicy mogli w pełni wykorzystać jej potencjał! W trakcie lektury zapoznasz się z duchem Agile i Lean oraz przydzielisz najważniejsze role członkom projektu. Po tym niezwykle interesującym wstępie rozpoczniesz pasjonującą podróż po świecie architektury Lean. Dowiesz się, czym jest system, jak podzielić projekt na części i wybrać jego styl. W kolejnych rozdziałach zorganizujesz swój kod i przetestujesz zaprojektowaną architekturę. Znajdziesz tu wiele przykładów, które w najlepszy sposób przedstawiają założenia i intencje architektury Lean, z dużym naciskiem na sam kod. To obowiązkowa lektura dla wszystkich programistów i projektantów systemów informatycznych. Dzięki tej książce: poznasz filozofię Agile i Lean zbudujesz kod odporny na zmiany zrozumiesz paradygmat DCI poznasz współczesne metody wytwarzania oprogramowania! Twój przewodnik po architekturze Lean!


Architektura oprogramowania i podejmowanie decyzji: Wykorzystywanie przywództwa, technologii i zarządzania produktem do budowy świetnych produktów

Srinath Perera

Nadrzędnym celem systemów oprogramowania (a więc i architektury oprogramowania) jest budowanie systemów spełniających standardy jakości i zapewniających najwyższy zwrot z inwestycji (ROI) w dłuższej perspektywie lub w określonym przedziale czasu. Świetny produkt wymaga połączenia technologii, przywództwa i zarządzania produktem (wliczając w to UX). Przywództwo polega przede wszystkim na zarządzaniu niepewnością i dokonywaniu prawidłowej oceny sytuacji. Aby tworzyć świetne produkty, liderzy techniczni muszą łączyć technologię, przywództwo i wiedzę z zakresu zarządzania produktem, a także podejmować właściwe decyzje. Wiele błędów technicznych wynika z luki między wiedzą na temat tych trzech elementów i oceną sytuacji. W książce Architektura oprogramowania i podejmowanie decyzji Srinath Perera wyjaśnia zasady i koncepcje, które architekci oprogramowania muszą dogłębnie zrozumieć, oraz sposoby stosowania tych zasad do zarządzania niepewnością. Pytania i zasady omówione w tej książce pomagają zarządzać niepewnością podczas tworzenia architektury oprogramowania i zapewniają ramy do podejmowania decyzji. Ta książka jest przeznaczona dla wszystkich liderów technicznych w branży oprogramowania, którzy dokonują całościowej oceny budowanych przez siebie systemów, jak również dla przyszłych liderów uczących się tego rzemiosła. Zrozum znaczenie podejmowania zdecydowanych decyzji na przykładach wielkich liderów technicznych, takich jak bracia Wright i Kelly Johnson Wykorzystaj pięć kluczowych pytań i siedem ważnych zasad, aby zrozumieć niepewności podczas projektowania i podjąć strategiczne decyzje architektoniczne Podejdź do projektu systematycznie, najpierw na poziomie makro, a następnie na poziomie indywidualnej usługi Wykorzystaj wiedzę z zakresu przywództwa, aby podejmować lepsze decyzje dotyczące architektury oprogramowania. Myśl głęboko, ale implementuj powoli. Srinath Perera jest głównym architektem w WSO2. Przez ostatnich 20 lat był deweloperem rozwiązań open source Apache. Srinath odegrał znaczącą rolę w projektowaniu Apache Axis2, Apache Airavata, WSO2 CEP (Siddhi) i WSO2 Choreo. Zrecenzował architektury dla ponad 10 projektów i ponad 100 wydań.


Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Fundamentals. Develop real-world applications powered by the latest AI advances

Zsolt Nagy

Machine learning and neural networks are pillars on which you can build intelligent applications. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Fundamentals begins by introducing you to Python and discussing AI search algorithms. You will cover in-depth mathematical topics, such as regression and classification, illustrated by Python examples.As you make your way through the book, you will progress to advanced AI techniques and concepts, and work on real-life datasets to form decision trees and clusters. You will be introduced to neural networks, a powerful tool based on Moore's law.By the end of this book, you will be confident when it comes to building your own AI applications with your newly acquired skills!


Artificial Intelligence By Example. Develop machine intelligence from scratch using real artificial intelligence use cases

Denis Rothman

Artificial intelligence has the potential to replicate humans in every field. Artificial Intelligence By Example serves as a starting point for you to understand how AI is built, with the help of intriguing examples and case studies.Artificial Intelligence By Example will make you an adaptive thinker and help you apply concepts to real-life scenarios. Using some of the most interesting AI examples, right from a simple chess engine to a cognitive chatbot, you will learn how to tackle the machine you are competing with. You will study some of the most advanced machine learning models, understand how to apply AI to blockchain and IoT, and develop emotional quotient in chatbots using neural networks.You will move on to designing AI solutions in a simple manner rather than get confused by complex architectures and techniques. This comprehensive guide will be a starter kit for you to develop AI applications on your own.By the end of this book, you will have understood the fundamentals of AI and worked through a number of case studies that will help you develop your business vision.


Artificial Intelligence for Big Data. Complete guide to automating Big Data solutions using Artificial Intelligence techniques

Anand Deshpande, Manish Kumar

In this age of big data, companies have larger amount of consumer data than ever before, far more than what the current technologies can ever hope to keep up with. However, Artificial Intelligence closes the gap by moving past human limitations in order to analyze data.With the help of Artificial Intelligence for big data, you will learn to use Machine Learning algorithms such as k-means, SVM, RBF, and regression to perform advanced data analysis. You will understand the current status of Machine and Deep Learning techniques to work on Genetic and Neuro-Fuzzy algorithms. In addition, you will explore how to develop Artificial Intelligence algorithms to learn from data, why they are necessary, and how they can help solve real-world problems.By the end of this book, you'll have learned how to implement various Artificial Intelligence algorithms for your big data systems and integrate them into your product offerings such as reinforcement learning, natural language processing, image recognition, genetic algorithms, and fuzzy logic systems.


Artificial Intelligence for Robotics. Build intelligent robots that perform human tasks using AI techniques

Francis X. Govers

Artificial Intelligence for Robotics starts with an introduction to Robot Operating Systems (ROS), Python, robotic fundamentals, and the software and tools that are required to start out with robotics. You will learn robotics concepts that will be useful for making decisions, along with basic navigation skills.As you make your way through the chapters, you will learn about object recognition and genetic algorithms, which will teach your robot to identify and pick up an irregular object. With plenty of use cases throughout, you will explore natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning techniques to further enhance your robot. In the concluding chapters, you will learn about path planning and goal-oriented programming, which will help your robot prioritize tasks.By the end of this book, you will have learned to give your robot an artificial personality using simulated intelligence.


Artificial Intelligence with Power BI. Take your data analytics skills to the next level by leveraging the AI capabilities in Power BI

Mary-Jo Diepeveen

The artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities in Power BI enable organizations to quickly and easily gain more intelligent insights from unstructured and structured data.This book will teach you how to make use of the many AI features available today in Power BI to quickly and easily enrich your data and gain better insights into patterns that can be found in your data.You’ll begin by understanding the benefits of AI and how it can be used in Power BI. Next, you’ll focus on exploring and preparing your data for building AI projects and then progress to using prominent AI features already available in Power BI, such as forecasting, anomaly detection, and Q&A. Later chapters will show you how to apply text analytics and computer vision within Power BI reports. This will help you create your own Q&A functionality in Power BI, which allows you to ask FAQs from another knowledge base and then integrate it with PowerApps. Toward the concluding chapters, you’ll be able to create and deploy AutoML models trained in Azure ML and consume them in Power Query Editor. After your models have been trained, you’ll work through principles such as privacy, fairness, and transparency to use AI responsibly.By the end of this book, you’ll have learned when and how to enrich your data with AI using the out-of-the-box AI capabilities in Power BI.